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Evidence: Speak your mind


In a knowledge society, the States no longer face a formless mass of ignorant people, but rather a
distributed intelligence, a more demanding citizenry and an observant humanity.

1. A political system is optimal not because it produces the policies that you prefer. It
produces the policies that much smarter people prefer.

Answer: I do not agree with these statements, because an optimal political system should
be constructed in such a way that it is always focused towards the truth; not that it
pretends to have the truth, but that its internal mechanisms are constituted in such a way
as to facilitate its discovery as much as possible. There is no doubt that our political
systems need to equip themselves with greater cognitive resources to deal with the
problems they have to manage. The question is whether this is best achieved by relying on
lofty figures or ordinary people.

2. The ideal system depends on the cultural attributes of the population.

Answer: I also do not agree with this statement, because culture is not constituted, at
least exclusively, as a series of contents external to the subjects, much less as a series of
recipes that are reproduced mechanically, but as something much more dynamic and,
therefore, in constant creation and manipulation by individuals.

3. Individuals should be admitted to schools and hired for jobs based on their ability.

Answer: In this sense, each institution must ensure that its teachers correspond with the
policies of each educational institution, so it is the discretion of each institution to link the
people or professionals that are required according to the academic profile or work they
4. Unlike the private sector, the government is motivated by public interest.

Answer: In my opinion, the public function differs from the private function because of its
social character, that is, because of the public interest as the essence and nature of what
is done and for what it is done.
Thus, one is a servant of the State when it has been decided to get rid of the economic
rationality that business deals imply, and ignore profit as a fundamental incentive for
private economic activity. In this way, the values that are assumed lead to the creation of
an ethics in management, which builds a culture of public service that, when practiced in a
generalized way, is valued by citizens for their State and, therefore, to the government

5. Taxes allow the government to create jobs and provide welfare programs for people in

Answer: there is no doubt that in theory this may be true. However, in practice this is not
reflected in the population. However, in few opportunities investment is appreciated by
the state that create jobs for people with a high intellectual or academic level.

6. Governmental programs encourage people to become dependent and lazy instead of

inspiring them to become hard-working and independent.

Answer: With the creation by the government of all these programs such as families in
action, aid to the elderly and others created by social prosperity, they make people
abandon their jobs to be aware of said aid. A classic example is the workers in family
homes, who when this help arrives, they leave their work while the money they receive

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