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‘Defenisi phonology
Memebedakan dan menyebutkan
(sounds, spelling dan symbols)

Phonology is a part of linguistics that discusses the rules of sound / sound rules and how to
produce. Phonology is an important part of the sound or sound in language pronunciation.
The function of phonology
1. To find out the change in sound of a word.
2. Studying the workings of human organs, especially those related to the use of language.
3. Learn about the process of sound formation, delivery / pronunciation.

Differentiate and Mention Sounds

A. 26 Alphabets.

A [èi] B [bi:] C [si:] D [di:] E [i:]

F [èf] G [ d i:] H [èit∫ ] I [ai] J [d èi]
K [k èi] L [èl] M [èm] N [èn] O [зu]
P [p i:] Q [kju:] R [a: ( r )] S [ès] T [thi:]
U [ju:] V [vi:] W [d^bl ju:] X [èks] Y [wai]
Z [zèd] or [zi:]

noted :
1. Sign: that follows the sounds above (example: [si:]) means the sound is
2. Sound (r) is pronounced like a dog fighting over bones and not like sound
(r) in Indonesian or sound (r) in German.
3. English letters in words like pay, say, day and others are stressed and read
like saying the sound ‘a‘ in the alphabet that is [èi]
B. 24 Consontants.

In this section, we will discuss dead sounds or consonants, discuss the suffix -s and
-ies in plural nouns and first-person verbs and correct the suffix-with past / past participle
verbs (second and third forms of verbs).

1. p = produced by pressing both lips together and sounding as follows: pэh pэh pэh
2. b = is also produced in the same way and is sounded as: bэh bэh bэh
3. t = produced by placing the tip of the tongue in the upper gum and sounding as thэh thэh thэh
4. d = produced in the same way and sounds as: dэh dэh dэh
5. k = is produced by arching the tongue at the back of the ceiling and sounding as kh э kh khэh kh
6. g = produced in the same way and sounds as: gэh gэh gэh
7. f = produced by placing the upper teeth on the lips  the bottom and exhale air freely sounded like
эf эf эf
8. v = is produced in the same way but the air is retained with teeth and is pronounced as: vэh vэh
9. θ = produced by placing the tip of the tongue between the upper and lower teeth and then
blowing air through the teeth.
10. ð = produced by placing the tip of the tongue on the teeth the top and then exhale air while
              hold air coming out with teeth.
11. s = close upper and lower teeth and exhale air so it sounds as a hissing snake
12. z = is produced in the same way but air is held by tooth.
13. ∫ = is sounded like someone is chasing away a chicken. syэh syэh syэh
14. zyэ = mouth shape just like people drive out chickens however issued air retained by the sound
of the teeth like yэh yэh yэh
15. t∫ = is produced by rounding up the spoken lips like cэh cэh cэh
16. j = produced in the same way but air issued with hold teeth and sounded as эh эh эh
17. h = produced by blowing air from the throat hэh hэh hэh
18. m = like nasal noise in Indonesian ie with pursed lips and air released through the nose.
19. n = as well as this sound is the same as the sound on Indonesian.
20 ŋ = pronounced like ng in Indonesian
21. l = pronounced like the sound l in Indonesian.
22. r = is pronounced like a dog fighting for food or [rэh].
23. y = pronounced like yэh.
24. w = pronounced like wэh
1. p = paper  ['phèipэ:(r)], lip [lip], pot [ph‫כ‬t], spot [sp‫כ‬t], pulp [ph ^lp],
drop  [dr‫כ‬p], step [stèp], nap [næp].
2. b = bond  [b‫כ‬nd], blend [blènd], lab  [læb],bulb [b^lb], bravo
[ bra:'vэu], lobe [lэub], slab [slæb], crab [kræb].
3. k = book  [buk],  take [thèik],  kite  [khait], clock [kl‫כ‬k], make
[mèik], break  [brèik], keel [khi:l], cone [khэun], arch [a:(r)k].
4. g = dog  [d‫כ‬g],  clog [kl‫כ‬g], gun  [g^n], got [g‫כ‬t], single ['siŋgl],
angle['æŋgl], brag [bræg].
5. t = time [thaim], slit [slit], beat [bi:t],turn [thэ:(r)n], great [grèit], slot
[sl‫כ‬t], tango ['thæŋgэu], trunk [tr^ŋk].
6. d = drink [driŋk], bed [bèd], dream [dri:m], don't [dэunt], cradle
['krèidl],red [rèd], Andy ['ændi], riddle ['ridl].
7. f = file [fail], lift [lift], leaf [li:f],rifle ['raifl], offer ['ofэ(r)], refund
['ri:f^nd], knife [naif].
8. v = vain [vèin], of [эv], veto ['vi:thэu], river['rivэ(r)], move
[mu:v],ever ['èvэ(r)], leaves [li:vz], violin [ ‚vai'эlin].
9. θ = thing [θiŋ], bath [bæθ], breath [brèθ],thin [θin], thought
[θo:t], death [dèθ], thimble [θimbl], oath [эuθ]
10. ð = with [wið ], breathe [bri:ð ], bathe [bèið], those [ðэuz], mother
['m^ðэ(r)], there-their [ðèэ(r)], brother ['br^ðэ( r)].
11. s = kiss [khis], list [list], sap [sæp], lass [læs], fast [fæst], its [its],
sit [sit], rice [rais].
12. z = zoo [zu:], razor ['rèizэ(r)], zeal [zi:l], hazel ['hèizl], maze
[mèiz], zero ['ziэrэu], zink [ziŋk].
13. ∫ = shoe [∫u:], shit [∫it], wash [w‫]∫כ‬, sure [∫uэ], blush [bl^∫ ],
action ['æk∫n], ancient ['èin∫эnt], dictation [dik'tèi∫n].
14. zyэ =Asian ['èizyэn/èi∫эn], vision ['vizyэn], measure ['mèzyэ(r)],
fussion ['fjuzyэn], seizure ['si:zyэ(r)], Asean['æzyèan].

15. t∫ = child [t∫aild], bitch [bit∫], beach [bi:t∫] ,watch [w ‫כ‬t∫], chop
[t∫‫כ‬p], china ['t∫ainэ].
16. j = general ['djènэrэl], manager ['mænijэ:(r)],giant['jaiэnt],
gigolo['jigэlэu], gin[jin], badge [bæj], ridge [rij].
17. h = hot [h‫כ‬t ], hand [hænd], hide [haid],hit [hit], hood [hud],
bee-hive ['bi:haiv].
18. m = mad [mæd], mint [mint], moon [mu:n], rhyme [raim], Rome
[rэum], blame [blèim],home [hэum], him [him].
19. n = nine [nain], naive [na:'iv], clan [klæn],rain [rèin], hand
[hænd], fan [fæn].
20. ŋ = sing [siŋ ], rang [ræŋ], drink [driŋk],cling [kliŋ], fling [fliŋ],
song [s‫כ‬ŋ].
21. l = ball [b‫כ‬l], boil [b‫כ‬il], call [kh‫כ‬l], lock [l‫כ‬k], blur [blэ:(r)],
riddle ['ridl], class [klæs], hail [hèil].
22. r = water ['w‫כ‬:tэ(r)], right [rait], clear[kliэ(r)], better ['bètэ:(r)],
wrangler ['ræŋglэ(r)], return [ri'tэ:(r)n].
23. y = you [ju:], yes [jès], young [j^ŋ], yawn [j‫כ‬:n], yeast [jist].
24. w = wet [wèt], wine [wain], wind [wind],window ['windэu], war

C. 12 Vowels.

The symbol is as below:

1. ^ 2. a: 3. è 4. æ 5. o 6. :o
7. i 8. i: 9. u 10. u: 11. э 12. э:

How to Read :
1. ^ (short) 2. a: (long)
^ ^ ^ a: a: a:
3. è (short) 4. æ (dilated mouth pulled up and sideways)
è èè æ æ æ
5. o (short) 6. o: (long)
ooo o: o: o:
7. i (short) 8. i: (long)
i i i i: i: i:
9. u (short) 10.u: (long)
u u u u: u: u:
11.э (short) 12.э:(long)
э э э э: э: э:
Example :

1. ^ = cup [kh^p], run [r^n], sun [s^ n], lunch [l^nt∫], cut [kh ^ t], gun [g^ n]
2. a: = dark [da:(r)k], park [pha:( r)k], bar [ba:(r)], dart [da:(r)t], heart [ha:(r)t], fart [fa:(r)t]
3. è = ten [thèn], lend [lènd], bend [bènd] men [mèn], den [dèn], pen [p hèn], send [sènd]
4. æ = tan [thæn], land [lænd], band [bænd], man [mæn], Dan [dæn], pan [phæn],sand [sænd]
5. o = bond [b‫כ‬nd], lot [l‫כ‬t], not [n‫כ‬t], cot [kh‫כ‬t], hot [h‫כ‬t], pot [ph‫כ‬t], dot [d‫כ‬t], sot [s‫כ‬t]
6. o: = norm [n‫כ‬:(r)m], form [f‫כ‬:(r)m], saw [s‫כ‬:], law [l‫כ‬:], paw [ph‫כ‬:], straw [str‫כ‬:]
7. i = sit [sit], hit [hit], knit [nit], bid [bid], lit [lit], fit [fit], grid [grid], pit [p hit]
8. i: = see - sea [si:], he [hi:], me [mi:], read - reed [ri:d], greed [gri:d]
9. u = put [phut], book [buk], bull [bul], bully ['buli], full [ful], pull [phul]
10. u: = stew [stu:], new [nu:], few [fju:],drew [dru:], grew [gru:], brew [bru:], true [tru:]
11. э = open ['эupэn], student ['stju:dnt], management ['mænid mэnt], settle ['setl]
12. э: = fur [fэ:(r)], blur [blэ:(r)], dirt [dэ:(r)t], murky [ 'mэ:(r)ki], heard [hэ:(r)d], bird [bэ:(r)d],
burnt [bэ:(r)nt]

D. 8 Diphthongs.
Now practice all the diphthong sounds in English in the form of words.

ai = Hi [hai], by [bai], try [trai], cry [krai], die [dai], imply [im'plai], fry [frai]
oi = toy [th‫כ‬i], decoy ['di:kh‫כ‬i], joy [d ‫כ‬i], employ [im'pl‫כ‬i], loin [l‫כ‬in], troy [tr‫כ‬i]
ei = May [mèi], sleigh [slèi], day [dèi], hey [hèi], state [stèit], date [dèit]
au = clown [klaun], now [nau], crown [kraun], how [hau], trousers ['trauzэ:(r)z],
эu = ago [ э'gэu ], home [hэum], so [sэu], blow [blэu], low [lэu], don't [dэunt]
iэ = beer [biэ(r)], fear [fiэ(r)], deer-dear [diэ(r)] tear [t hiэ(r)], here [hiэ(r)]
eэ = tear [thèэ(r)], hair - hare [hèэ(r)], dare [dèэ(r)], Blair [blèэ(r)], wear [wèэ(r)]
uэ = pure [pjuэ(r)], duel ['dju:эl], truant [truэnt], fuel [fjuэl], truest [truэst], tour [tuэ(r)]

Noted :
1. differentiate :
è is sounded like in the word bed [bèd]
   э sounds like in the word truant [truэnt]
   ei is sounded like in the word day [dèi]

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