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Assignment 3

B10102010 ⾼翊瑛

8. Di erentiate the vowels and transcribe them.

Di erent Same
b. push: [ʊ] / food: [u] a. ban / hand: [æ]
d. ghost: [əʊ] / lock: [ɒ] c. cot / bought: [ɑ]
e. mush: [ʌ] / what: [ɒ] h. nail / whale: [eɪ]
f. seem: [i] / sit: [ɪ] k. plan / hat: [æ]
g. catch: [æ] / watch: [ɒ]
i. line: [aɪ] / take: [eɪ]
j. cloud: [aʊ] / run: [ʌ]
l. lunch: [ʌ] / whoosh: [u]
m. bid: [ɪ] / key: [i]
n. get: [ɛ] / frame: [eɪ]

9. Generalization applying to the groups of sounds.

a) [p t k g]: voiceless stops consonants

b) [u ʊ o]: rounded vowels

c) [i ɛ æ ʊ]: voiced vowels

d) [aj aw oj]: diphthongs

e) [f v θ z h]: fricatives

f) [t d n l r]: alveolar consonants

g) [p t k s f θ tʃ]: voiceless consonants

h) [v ð ʒ æ]: voiced

10. Transcribe the words.

a) rich: [rɪʧ]

b) goes: [gəʊz]

c) things: [θɪŋz]

d) debt: [dɛt]

e) could: [kʊd]

f) jug: [ʤʌg]

g) ridge: [rɪʤ]

h) ghost: [gəʊst]

i) myth: [mɪθ]

j) shock: [ʃɒk]

k) top: [tʰɒp]

l) gem: [ʤɛm]

m) guess: [gɛs]

n) vex: [vɛks]

o) wrong: [rɒŋ]

p) Butch: [bʊʧ]

q) crows: [krəʊz]

r) Scotch: [skɒʧ]

s) yes: [jɛs]

t) should: [ʃʊd]

u) cup: [kʌp]

v) lathe: [leɪð]

w) bu : [bʌf]

x) sham: [ʃæm]

11. Transcribe the words and note the aspiration. ʰ

a) tog: [tʰɒg]

b) kid: [kʰɪd]

c) attain: [əteɪn]

d) despise: [dɪspaɪz]

e) elbow: [ɛlbəʊ]

f) haul: [hɔɫ]

g) juice: [ʤus]

h) thimble: [θɪmbl]
i) peas: [pʰiz]

j) stun: [stʌn]

k) Oscar: [ˈɒskɚ]

l) cooler: [kʰulɚ]

m) sigh: [saɪ]

n) hulk: [hʌlk]

o) explode: [ɪkspləʊd]

p) tube: [tʰjub]

q) spell: [spɛl]

r) cord: [kʰɔrd]

s) accord: [əˈkɔrd]

t) astound: [əsˈtaʊnd]

u) pool: [pʰul]

v) wheeze: [wiz]

w) remove: [rɪˈmuv]

x) clinical: [klɪnɪkəl]

13. Mark primary and secondary stresses.

a) Canada: [ˈkænədə]

b) bookcase: [ˈbʊkˌkeɪs]

c) return: [ɹɪˈtɝn]

d) greenhouse: [ˈɡɹinˌhaʊs]

e) anecdote: [ˈænəkˌdoʊt]

f) (the) record: [ˈɹɛkɝd]

g) (to) record: [ɹɪˈkɔɹd]

h) cinema: [ˈsɪnəmə]

i) attain: [əˈteɪn]

j) aroma: [ɝˈoʊmə]

k) Canadianize: [kəˈnejdɪənˌnaɪz]

l) government: [ˈɡəvɝmənt]

m) governmental: [ˈɡəvɝˌmɛntəɫ]

n) control: [kənˈtɹoʊɫ]

o) Vancouver Canucks: [vænˈkuvɝ kəˈnəks]

F. IPA symbols for the sounds.

a. Voiced bilabial fricative: [v]

b. Mid front rounded vowel: [œ]

c. Voiceless palatal stop: [c]

d. Voiceless uvular stop: [q]

e. Velarized alveolar lateral liquid: [ɬ]

f. Voiceless glottalized alveolar stop: [ʔ]

G. Description of the IPA symbols.

a. [y] close front rounded vowel

b. [ɦ] voiced glottal fricative

c. [sʲ] voiceless palatalized alveolar fricative

d. [ɲ] voiceless retro ex nasal stop

e. [ts] voiceless alveolar fricative

f. [ħ] voiceless pharyngeal fricative


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