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A. Write a correct transcription from the errors in the transcriptions of the vowel sounds in the following
words. In each word, there is one vowel error, indicating an impossible pronunciation of that word.

1. Tiptoe [ ˈtɪp.toʊ ] should be […………………]

2. Umbrella [ umˈbrel.ə ] should be [ …….…………..]
3. Trouser [ ˈtroʊ.zər ] should be […….............…….]
4. Giraffe [ dʒɪˈreːf ] should be […………………]
5. Animal [ æn.i:.məl ] should be […………………]
6. Dessert [ deˈzəːt ] should be […………………]
7. Unplug [ unˈplʌɡ ] should be [ …….…………..]
8. Bracelet [ braislit ] should be [……...………….]
9. Giraffe [ dʒɪˈreːf ] should be […………………]
10. Animal [ æn.i:.məl ] should be […………………]
11. Handcuff [ han(d)kef ] should be [............................]
12. Automotive [ ˌɔːtoˈməʊtɪv ] should be [............................]
13. Island [ ʌɪland ] should be [............................]
14. Windmill [ wain(d)mɪl ] should be [ ...........................]
15. Bullet [ bʌlɪt ] should be [ ...........................]

B. Complete the consonants box by giving the example of words below.

No. Letter Examples

 1. h [h]
 2. c [k]
 3. q [kw]

 4. s [s]

 5. g [g] 
 6.   x [ks]

 7. kn, gn, pn [n] 

 8.   z [z]

 9. gh [g]
 10. sc [s]
Scare house scandal comb catch agency
cinema trauser bus antique unique science
honest design scene exam exist campaign
foreign xena relax exersice xerox waltz
quiz pizza ghost puzzle tough weight
ghastly through hammer hour quality equal
mouse egg good general manage enough

C. Read the following statemnets carefully, write ‘ T’ if they are true or ‘ F’ if they are false.
1. Both English and Indonesian have the same short vowels.
2. Under, up, ugly are examples from vowel / u/
3. There are four kinds of part of speech in both English and Indonesian.
4. Both English and Indonesian affixation is very important for enrichment of vocabulary
5. English words are mostly polysyllabic and Indonesian words are mostly monosyllabic
6. To show plurality, Indonesian used reduplication in words.
7. In English not only nouns but also adjectives and verbs can be plural.
8. Vowels ia a speech sound produced by human when the breath flows out through the mouth
without being blocked by the teeth, tongue, or lips.
9. Lamb, Climb, Bomb and Palm are examples of consonant [ b ]
10. Contrastive linguistics is a study that seek the differences and similarities between a pair of

D. Answer these Question briefly and correctly.

1. Learning Contrastive Linguistics and Error Analysis ( CLEA ) we learn how to contrasting
between first language ( L1 ) with second language ( L2 ). Not only the differences but also
the similarities between L1 and L2.
Please mention 5 points of differences and 5 points of similarities between Indonesian and
English !

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