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Jessica Le

Mr. Mantoani
HSB 1- P1
19 May 2021
Blood Typing Notes

Blood consists of a total four components: plasma, red and whitte blood cells, and platelets

ABO system- the antigens present in the red blood cells determine the blood type an individual has

A antigens → type A blood

B antigens → type B blood
Both A & B antigens → type AB blood
No antigens → type O blood

Antigens- surface proteins on red blood cells (determines blood type)

A surface antigen → anti-B antibodies

B surface antigen → anti-A antibodies
A & B surface antigens → no antibodies

Perform blood tests: observe what sample bloods agglutinate or clump up together
→ blood typing is done with “antiserum”

Rh protein- individuals with are “Rh-positive” , those without are “Rh-negative”

“Rh-negative” being transfused with “Rh-positive” blood can lead to them producing the antibodies
Rh compatibility is determined when the ABO blood type is determined

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