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BRAC University

School of Law

LAW 205: Business Law

Spring 2019

Take Home Open Book Assignment

Deadline for Submission 10th April, 2019 Positively.

[Note: For assignment, students are required to form groups of not more then 4-5 students and submit a
comprehensive answer of the following. Providing citations and footnotes are obligatory.]

[Answer any one]

Mankind’s one of the fondest dreams is to be able to be in more than one place at the same
time; obviously a physical impossibility. However, law has found a way for men to do
legally what cannot be done physically and be in more than one place simultaneously.

Assess the above proposition by writing a ‘legal note’ depicting its benefits and
potential problems of being so.


It is conceived by many legal scholars that Law of Bankruptcy/Insolvency is an endeavor

to salvage the ‘debtor-bankrupt out of his economic and financial handicapped/inability
and establish him in the society to continue his life afresh with dignity and without
humiliation and pity from others.’

In the light of the above findings, write a ‘legal note’ in support of your

K Shamsuddin Mahmood
Course Instructor

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