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University of Karachi

Department of Computer Science

BSSE Fall Semester (Evening)
Subject: CSSE-512: Network Security & Cryptography
Lab # 6
Saiyid Sarmed Hasan Rizvi 1850108
Note: Suppose your EP-1850255, the last 3-Digit of your roll number is (255)10 convert into Binary (1111 1111)2 then convert
into Hex (FF)16 the value of XX is (FF)16 EP = (108)10 = (6C)16

Question # 1: Calculate the sub word W4, W5, W6 and W7 using the W0 =28AED2A6,W1 =ABF71588
W2 =09CF4F3C,W3 =2B7E15XX in AES-128-bits key?
W4 = DAF7 8257 W6 = 78CF D8E3
W5 = 7100 97DF W7 = 53B1 CD8F

Question # 2: Calculate the sub word W36, W37, W38 and W39 using the W32 =C810F3XX,
W33 = DA0E6452, W34 =809079XX,W35 =62F8EAD2 in AES-128-bits key?
W36 = 929746C6 W38 = C809 5BF8
W37 = 4899 2294 W39 = AAF1 B12A

Question # 3: Calculate the sub word W36, W37, W38, W39, W40 and W41 using the W30 =8090F3XX, W31 =
D1A26451, W32 =102099XX,W33 =XX20F0D0, W34 =D10A0422, W35 =71070772 in AES-192-bits key?
W36 = 6555 B3CF W39 = C8F7 BE22
W37 = B4F7 D79E W40 = 19FD BA00
W38 = A4D7 4EF2 W41 = 68FA BD72

Question # 3: Calculate the sub word W36, W37, W38, W39, W40 and W41 using the W30 =8A9EF3XX, W31
=D1A26B5C, W32 =1A2B99XX,W33 =XX2FF0DF, W34 =D1EAE422, W35 =71A8277B in AES-192-bits
W36 = 6852 D2CF W39 = CFF4 D020
W37 = B9F0 B993 W40 = 1E1E 3402
W38 = A3DB 20FF W41 = 6FB6 1379

Question # 4: Calculate the sub word W48, W49, W50, W51, W52, W53, W54 and W55 using the
W40 =2B7E15XX, W41 =D1A26451, W42 =102099XX,W43 =62F8EAD2, W44 =XX21F1D1, W45
=09CF4F3C, W46 =71070772, W47 =28AED2A6 in AES-256-bits key?
W48 = EFCB 3158 W52 = 45E9 0678
W49 = 3E69 5509 W53 = 4C26 4944
W50 = 2E49 CC65 W54 = 3D21 4E36
W51 = 4CB1 26B7 W55 = 158F 9C90

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