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Scene 14:

Axel is asleep in bed, still tied up. Blair enters.

Axel: Hey, how was work?

Blair: Surprisingly good today.

Axel: Did that creepy guy ever come back in?

Blair: Thank god, no.

Axel: Super weird.

Blair: He was super weird. And look at this!

Blair holds up an envelope.

Axel: Pay day already?

Blair: Yes, which means…?

Axel: Takeout?

Blair: Takeout!

Axel: What are you in the mood for?

Blair: I don’t know...what about Thai?

Axel: I could really go for some Thai.

A knock at the door. They freeze in confusion.

Blair: Beat. Hello?

Lights up on a small hallway just outside the apartment door. Rhett is standing there with an envelope in

his hand.

Rhett: Hey, B! I think you took my check by accident. I have yours right here.
Axel: Oh my god.

Blair: Oh shit.

Blair takes the check back out and realizes her mistake.


Blair looks at Axel.

Axel: Untie me.

Blair: What?

Axel: Untie me! I’ll hide in the bathroom.

Another knock.

Rhett: Blair?

Blair: Hang on!

Axel: Come on, untie me!

Blair: You’re gonna run!

Axel: I’m not gonna run. Beat. I promise.

Blair: Axel–

Axel: Trust me!

Rhett: Blair I gotta get home!

Blair: Fine.

Blair runs over to the bed and unties Axel’s feet. She stops.

Axel: You can trust me.

Blair unties his hands and Axel gets off the bed. He struggles to walk as he hasn’t used his legs in weeks.

Finally, he makes it to the bathroom and closes the door. Blair runs to the front door and opens it.

Blair: Hi! Sorry about that.

Rhett: It’s alright...what were you doing?

Blair: Huh?

Rhett: In here.

Blair: When?

Rhett: Just now.

Blair: Nothing.

Rhett: Nothing?

Rhett: I was putting my clothes back on because I was going to take a shower right before you

Rhett: Why didn’t you just answer in a towel?

Blair: Beat. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.

Rhett: Oh.

Blair: Yeah.

Rhett: Well, thank you. I appreciate that.

Blair: Of course.

Rhett: I could’ve sworn I heard a guy’s voice.

Blair: Nope.

Rhett: You sure?

Rhett takes a step inside the apartment past Blair.

Blair: I mean, you might’ve heard the show I was watching, but no guys here. I’ve been taking some

time off from men after that whole thing with that guy with the fiance?

Rhett: Oh yeah!

Blair: Yeah.

Rhett: She came by again.

Blair: Beat. She did?

Rhett: I told her we haven’t seen him since that night.

Blair: Did you tell her he went home with me?

Rhett: Of course not.

Rhett begins to glance around the apartment, slowly.

Blair: Thank you.


Rhett: It is interesting that you may have been the last person to see him alive.

Blair: Beat. It is?

Rhett: Don’t you think?

Blair: Just one of those crazy things I guess–

He walks towards the bathroom.

Rhett: You remember what I had for lunch the day we first met?

Blair: Beat. No...should I?

Rhett: A peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Beat. You know how I know that?
Blair: Because I told you I was allergic to peanut butter.

Rhett: Because you told me you were allergic to peanut butter. Not anaphylaxis, but still allergic –

you swell up and shit. I never brought in another peanut butter and jelly sandwich again.

Blair: What does this have to do with anything?

Rhett: I went to take out the trash yesterday and what do I find? Beat. A couple jars of peanut butter

and a familiar suit I knew I’d seen before–

Blair: You went through my trash?

Rhett: I knew it was his.

Blair: Fuck.

Rhett: Just like I knew who all the other jackets belonged to.


Blair: You don’t know anything.

Rhett: Where is he?

Blair glances over to the bathroom. Her voice begins to shake.

Blair: Are you going to turn me in?

Rhett: Shhhhh, no. I would never do something like that, as long as we can come up with an


Blair: Beat. What do you want?

Rhett looks at the door and then moves to a hushed tone.

Rhett: After you’re done– Beat. I want the body before you dismantle it.

Blair: What?
Rhett: I want the body.

Blair: Why do you want the body?

Rhett: Paying the guy at the morgue is getting a little too expensive for my liking.

Blair: Oh my god...what do you do with the–

Rhett: Do we have a deal?

Blair: Beat. Deal.


Rhett: The check…?

Blair: Here.

Blair grabs the envelope. They hand off.

Rhett: Thank you.

More silence. I’ll see you tomorrow?

Blair: See you tomorrow.

Rhett: You have a good night.

Blair: Goodnight.

Rhett exits the apartment and Blair closes the door. She breathes for a moment before walking over to the

bathroom and knocking. Axel exits the bathroom.

Axel: That was a close one.

Blair: Too close.

Axel: I told you you could trust me.

Blair: I don’t understand.

Axel: Understand, what?

Blair: Why didn't you run?

Axel: I don’t know...I mean I thought about it.

Blair: What changes your mind?

Axel: Beat. You.

Blair: Me?

Axel: I don’t want to send you to jail or anything. Besides, we’re still waiting to take the next test.

What if it turns out you’re pregnant?

Blair: So you want to stay here?

Axel: Yeah.

Axel walks over to Blair.

But, now that I’ve proven I won’t leave, do you think you could not strap me to the bed

anymore? I have a real diaper rash.

Blair laughs.

Blair: Yes.

Axel: That was good thinking by the way.

Blair: What?

Axel: The shower thing.

Blair: Thank you, but I wasn’t lying.

Axel: Hm?
Blair: I want to take a shower, I feel disgusting.

Axel: Oh, okay.

Blair: Do you want to join me?

Blair takes Axel’s hand and leads him towards the bathroom.


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