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Didactic Unit Template

Teacher: Miguel Andrés Rojas

Title of the Unit: Verb to be

Contextualization: This teaching unit is designed for 6th grade students. Students in
this grade show a great interest in learning the English language and I believe that this
unit will be fundamental in that teaching process.

Justification: The Verb to be is a tense in the English language, the verb tobe means (to
be or to be) is used to indicate that you are somewhere, to say someone's profession and
answer basic questions such as: What is your name?, How are you? When is your

It is essential to work on this topic because it is one of the main verb tenses in English
since some tenses that are used in high school are derived from it.

This unit is composed of complementary themes such as: personal pronouns, professions,
and places in the city, the verb to be in the past and present and in each of its question
forms, affirmative and negative.

Organization of the Didactic Unit: This didactic unit will be used for a month (5 hours
per week) and the main reason is because it will be a broad unit and it is essential to work
on all the topics that cover it.

General Objective Seek that the student has a constructive, regulated,

interactive and technological learning.

Specific Objectives - The student will recognize personal pronouns as a

fundamental part of the verb tense.
- The student will know how to differentiate between the
present and the past of the verb to be.
- The student will be able to ask and answer questions
related to the verb to be in English.
- The student will relate personal pronouns with professions.
- The student will make sentences with the verb to be in the
present and past.
- The student will understand the grammatical structures to
make affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences.
Subject Content Personal pronouns, professions, places in the city, the verb
to be in the past and present and in each of its question
forms, affirmative and negative.
Places of the city
Language Bakery – Panadería
Content Bank – Banco
/ Bar / Snack bar – Bar
Communi Boarding house – Pensión, casa de huéspedes
cation Bookstall – Kiosco
Building site – Obra
Cinema – Cine
Circus – Circo
Consulate – Consulado
Department stores – Grandes almacenes
Vocabulary Emergency services – Servicios de urgencia
Fire brigade – Cuerpo de bomberos
Hairdresser’s – Peluquería
Hospital – Hospital
Hotel – Hotel
Information office – Oficina de información
Tourist information office – Oficina de turismo
Library – Biblioteca
Museum – Museo
Newspaper stand – Quiosco de periódicos
Night club – Club nocturno
Pharmacy / Chemist’s (UK) / Drugstore (US) – Farmacia
Pillar box / Post Box (UK) / Mail Box (US) – Buzón de
Police station – Comisaría de policía
Post and Telegraph Office – Correos y Telégrafos
Post office – Oficina de correos
Public toilet– Aseos públicos
Restaurant – Restaurante
Store / shop – Tienda

Accountant: Contable.
Actor / Actress: Actor / Actriz.
Air hostess: Azafata (avión).
Archaeologist: Arqueólogo.
Architect: Arquitecto.
Astronaut: Astronauta.
Baker: Panadero.
Biologist: Biólogo/a.
Bricklayer: Albañil.
Bus driver: Conductor/a de autobús.
Businessman: Empresario, hombre de negocios.
Businesswoman: Empresaria, mujer de negocios.
Butcher: Carnicero/a.
Caretaker: Portero, conserje.
Carpenter: Carpintero/a.
Cashier: Cajero/a.
Cleaner: Limpiador, mujer de la limpieza.
Clown: Payaso.
Cobbler: Zapatero.
Consultant: Consultor.
Cook: Cocinero.
Counselor: Asesor, consultor.
Chef: Cocinero (profesional).
Chemist: Químico, farmaceútico.
Dancer: Bailarín.
Decorator: Decorador.
Dentist: Dentista.
Designer: Diseñador.
To build the Verb to be in English, the following structure
must be taken into account.

Presente (verbo to be)

Afirmativa : Sujeto + Verbo to be (presente) +

Ex: I am a student
Negative: subject + Verb to be (present) + Neg +
Ex: He is in the park
Structures Interrogativa: Verbo to be (presente) + Sujeto +
Complemento + ?
Ex: Is it a tree?

Pasado (verbo to be)

Afirmativa : Sujeto + Verbo to be (pasado) + Complemento

Ex: I was a student
Negative: subject + Verb to be (past) + Neg + Complement
Ex: He were in the park
Interrogativa: Verbo to be (pasado) + Sujeto +
Complemento + ?
Ex: Were it a tree?
Language skills Listening, Writing and Reading will be some of the
/ communicative skills that will be worked on in this unit since
Discourse type the activities will be structured so that the students can
produce as much knowledge as possible.

Activities As an exploration of the topic to be worked on, each student

will be asked to enter the following link

After this, the student must be attentive to the explanation of

the video and then must carry out the first activity.
1. After having observed the video in detail, the student
should look for another video about the VERB TO BE to
strengthen their knowledge. The student must write down
the characteristics and examples of the video that he has
searched for.

2. The student must enter the following link.
Here you must complete each sentence, when you have
finished the same page it will show if something needs to be
corrected or the activity is good.

3. The student will enter the link
Develop the four points where you must: complete, translate
and ask questions.

4. Enter the following link to have an example of the

activity. Then
in a group of 3 students organize a dialogue with the verb to

Organization and class In this unit we will use technological resources, for which
distribution / timing we will have available in the multimedia room where each
subject will be taught. Internet activities such as: (match
columns, complete sentences, repeat pronunciation) will be
used to develop the main English skills. (Grammar, listen,
read, speak and write)

Timing: This unit will be developed in a month and will be

divided into 5 theoretical-practical sessions and each session
will have a maximum of 2 hours.
Methodological guidelines: It will be evaluative in each
finished session, in this way it will be seen how much the
student has learned. The students develop the activities in
the classroom and in the multimedia room; These activities
will be aimed at:
- That the student has an active attitude in the classroom and
in the multimedia room.
- Students will collaborate with each other to carry out
group activities.
- Facilitate the knowledge of each student.

- Description of the exercises: Presentation of the tasks,

problems and / or questions that will be used to check the
progress of the students.
Resources / Materials For the development of this unit, TICS tools and some You
Tube videos that will be referenced below were used.

¨Verb to be – Exercises¨, Aula Facil. Recuperado de

¨Verbo TO BE¨: Ejercicios de gramática. Estudiar inglés.

Online. Recuperado de

Wilvari. 2013. ¨El verb to be¨, Propofs Quizzes. Recuperado

Evaluation (criteria and It will be done through the following link

It will be an online evaluation that will consist of 20

exercises of the verb to be where they will have to choose a
punic answer.
Pérez Torres, I. 2009. "Apuntes sobre los principios y características de la metodología
CLIL" en V. Pavón, J. Ávila (eds.), Aplicaciones didácticas para la enseñanza
integrada de lengua y contenidos. Sevilla: Consejería de Educación de la Junta de
AndalucíaUniversidad de Córdoba.171-180.

Saenz, S. (2012). Didactic Unit.

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