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Future continuous and future peńect

t Look at Marie's plans for tomorrow. Then complete the sentences below with tlre future peńect or futrrre
continrrorrs form of ńe verbs in brackpts_

9 aa ąet w. ayud, havl bru",kfast 173a uelt e<ącheL nŁ the B;rh;sh l\^!"(śeu,A/L

q,Ą5 lt łfillp|ńD,ł|^Ł S**'Ć nż.4[5 CunŁ,t,.n wiitni ęnclh,el

1,1, 99-il-Ą5 Tla"Ńls,vitńPhv|l 31--!Ł er,ahirg,włg lł-:"dĘćrl}
123a LuwńwLthwynuśn 22-7.5 rvawarvLvesaLąuńd{a]rd

I3.5: Ł*-: s,:3:-:* i2-3: Ł^i n.!łł,2

Ę' '- {
:&-3i ł}-:a:ł}-n:: "Lił.D-j.Ą --'-: Ą^,ł-1.,! 1: l:{,,::.

a,5-45 Tralw arrlvu aŁ Ówą's Lrass

l By-l\0,,00" sihe b,neakltasL (eat} 6 ,At 1r5-1r5- shre tol lr_ornldonr_ (trave[)

2 ,A,t 1lll"30, she. tennuswrtrłl Fhu[_ 7 At l6-00,5he at Kiirn§s Cnoss

(ptay) station. (arrive)

Ą[ l2.0D" slhre i,łen ganme ffiirrłiislhr) l$ n7,45" sih€ Racł-lel at :llhlre Bnlltjis|hl

,A1| 113"0(0" slhe llruncih widłtr lherr il4l useuunn,, (rlleeQ)

cousin. (have) 9 At 19.00, she and Racheł a film_

5 ,At ll4"00. she the restaurarit"


illea,V,ą lO ,At23"ll5-she |horrne_ (reftjnn)

2 Usethefuturecorrtinuorrsorfutureperfectformoftheveńsinbrack€tsbcomfletethearticle.

Thb lrelr, se ask two r|eadlgns ...

uńat do ynr tbiŃ lih will be lilp in 50IBarśtime?

f,osasays... Andysays...
n thiak -
łit 50 3reas foon now. I thinkwe §- (exflore) space-
we '- (tive} inhouses under the We 6- (make} contact wit}r other

sea. We 2- (ilestroy) the Earth's sp dcies on ot}rer planets within

mrface through pdtŃion and t"he next 20 yeals and thry?-
gtobal warmirq- I hope thd we (visit} us soelal tines I think eeo4ńe
3- (try) to find asolutionto the problem, bŃ E- (discover) howto reduce globatwarming and
pedr4s we *- (fieat) our ndural resources so baĄ Ęthe next centurywe "- (live) in a mudr more
" \xt thelrwodt reo(Fer- mo-.ffiendtyrły-

@ Workinpairs.
StudentA llhiinlł< of a 1ob. li-naglne tt}at tlhriis wiillll he y,ou.urlob On thiis day, inr ten y/ea!-s' tlnnre, l'1lll be weanling shorts
in the ]frutune. lle[[ }loLlr p,artnler vłhat5vo,tl wi[[ b,e doin,g on anrd a ll-shiin[.. t'iLlt be slttirng on a ńaln orn tlnre bleach- ,

t]iłls dav iinr tern yeerś'ttirnne, ll'll|l he peopLle"


§fudent B Listen to Student,Al sentences_ Ca,n you guess

ll tliliirnk yłolu ne golirnrg to he a lliffegu.uand|J

Solutitmcold ffiennetfi# @@ €, Oxford University łess

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