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Principles of

Student-Centered & Self-Learning
Include students in planning, implementation, and assessments.
Teachers - leadership style from directive to consultative -- from "Do as I say" to "Based on your
needs, let's co-develop and implement a plan of action."

Allow Students to Share in Decision Making

● requires their collaboration. They need a voice in why, what, and how learning experiences
take shape.

entails individuals taking initiative and responsibility for their own learning. You are free to set
goals and define what is worth learning. Self-directed learning can take place both inside and
outside of formal educational institutions. When teachers are involved, they should be
facilitators of learning, not transmitters.
Knowledge Application & Complex Learning Environment
Learning based on constructivism consist of the existence of knowledge application.
Any knowledge should be clear of its application for students.

Complex learning environment in constructivism means to create an environment that

reflects real life situations. Thus allowing learners to gain meaningful knowledge
through solving problems closely related to that faced in real life.
- Real life situations
- Problem-solving of real life problem
Reality & Social Interaction
Reality is determined by your experiences as a learner. Basically,
learners use their previous knowledge as a foundation and build on it with
new things that they learn.
In Social Interaction as the name says, we ‘interact’ with each other.
While doing this we eventually realize that learning is a collaborative
process, and knowledge develops from individuals' interactions with their
culture and society.


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