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English Phonetics & Phonology

Phonetics- sound all/any language (articulatory, acoustic, auditory)

Phonology- specific to one language (sound pattern)

Phone - any individual speech

Phoneme - smallest unit of sound, distinguish betwwen words


Place of articulation




-Clef lip (ankyloglossia)

Manner of articulation


-Slow released


-Narrow opening/friction/turbulence


-minimal friction









-aspiration (p,t,k)


Helping learners learn sounds they are not familiar with

1.Raise awareness (Listening)

2.Modelling (mirrors, immitation)

3.Explicit explanations, including compare and contrast with mother tongue


Sounds and spelling

-Not connected

-Rules and pattern and not simple

-Consonant clusters

A blockage in the airstream is created when the two lips are touching (bilabial).

This creates a buildup of air pressure behind the lips. When the air is released suddenly

(plosive), the sound is produced. The vocal cords are quite close together and the glottis

is quite narrow, which causes a stronger vibration of the airstream (voiced).

5. Vowel vs Consonants

Things that separate

- Lip shape
- Position of the tongue in oral cavity
- State of the tongue?

Modeling can’t be used in vowel teaching

- There are three mouth shape

o Rounded
o Neutral
o Spread
- Tongue height
o Close
o Mid
o Open
- Tongue place
o Front
o Center
o Back
- Cardinal vowels vs rp vowels
- Clusters/dipthongs/
o Dipthong must glide

6. Sonority

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