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Teaching and Practices of English


What is learning:

1. Human behaviour

2. Accumulation of knowledge and skills and attitudes. (KSA)

3. Medium of learning

4. Continuous, not perioditic

5. Learning is source for ( motivation, satisfaction, stimulation)

6. Meaning-permanent change in bahaviour

7. Passive and active learning

Principles of Learning:

1. Readiness (concentration and eagerness)- Physically, Mentally, and emotionally

2. Exercises (repetitions)

3. Effects (pleasant feelings)

4. Primacy (start correctly)

5. Recency (time after learn)

6. intensity (real thing/concrete rather than abstract)

7. Requirement (fulfill the need)

8. Freedom of learning


Process of Learning:


-Active involvement


-Informal learning

-Direct experience

-Compelling situation
-Continuous feedback

-Fun environment


2.Horne & Pine (1990)

-Learning is an EXPERIENCE which occurs inside the learner and is activated by the learner.

-Learner's effort

-learning (behavioural change is the aftermath of experience

-working together (cooperative and collaborative)


Learning Process

1. Learning readiness

-What need to be learnt

-When they are receptive to learn

-How they learn best

Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs (1943)

-Physiological needs

-Safety needs

-Belongingness and love needs



Aspects of Learning Readiness




Influences towards Learning Readiness


Implications of Learning Readiness to Teaching & Learning

-Acquainted with students

-Suitability of lesson content

-Delivery of lesson content (eg: language adjustment)

-Learning Resources

-Learning activities

-Teaching strategies (cooperative learning & differentiated instruction)

-Lesson content levelling (from easy to challenging)

-Enhancement & intervention programme

-Students management

4. Individual Differences & Learning (Part 1)


- Aspects of individual differences (physical, cognitive, socio emotion, learner’s background, learners
with special needs)

- Intelligence

-Implication of teaching from these


- Slavin


- Physical
o Genetic causes the differences such as body shape and personality traits (Sheldon, 1942)
o Different in terms of gender, appearance & body size , physical skills
- Cognitive
o Different interms of mentality, learning, memory, resoning, analysing abilities &
o Galton, Goddard, Newman & Shieldo had proved that everyone has different level of
intelligence and mental ability in the same age group
o Difference in intelligence can be observed from their academic performance
o Intelligent parents usually will make smart children.
- Socio emotion
- Learner’s background
o Family influence
o Peer group
o Society culture & belief
o Technological resources in urban & rural environment
o Teachers & school
- Learners with special needs

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