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Senior Project Reflection

Honestly, I feel that the Senior Project was an overall waste of time. I will say, I

hated this project, even though my project was doing something I normally love. I think

that this project has absolutely no real-world application, and that it won't help anyone at

all with college. The thing about seniors is that they are all just trying to get through the

year. Unless the person doing the project is an overachiever, the project is going to be

subpar and uninspired. Overall, the project was frustrating more than anything. The work

logs were just an additional way to add busy work into everyone’s lives and the website

is just a hassle to use and annoying to add to. The only enjoyable parts of the project

were the research paper and the project itself. Everything else was just unnecessary.

The paper gave students an insight into what writing papers in college will be like, and

the project was a way for the student to learn something new or make something on their

own. However, I wouldn’t repeat this project unless I was offered a significant sum of

money or was coerced into doing so. I don’t think this project changed anything about

anyone other than the way that people feel about Northgate high school as a whole.

Come to think of it, most Seniors have a plague known as senioritis, and it is especially

strong at the end of the school year. I know a lot of people who were just attempting to

stay afloat at the end of the year, and bea able to graduate so they can leave high

school behind. I feel that this “senior project” should instead be either moved to the

beginning of the year, or the end of junior year. In conclusion, the senior project (at least

this year) was a poorly organized waste of time that was for some reason necessary for

graduation, even though every other class other than english has their own final, and

english does too. The senior project is just an unnecessarily convoluted additional hurdle

for people to graduate from Northgate.

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