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Вариант 1

1. Прочитайте статью. О чем статья? Выберите.

a) The weather in the USA.
b) How they forecast the weather in the USA.
c) How they forecast the weather in the USA in November.

 Many Americans like talking about the weather. They have a lot to talk about. People have always
tried to forecast the weather. In the old times they only guessed or based it on what the weather was
like in the past.
     Today people use radars, satellite (спутниковые) pictures and computers. All these instruments
help them to make weather pictures. Some people try to forecast the weather for a whole (целый)
year or a whole season. Each November, the United States Weather Service forecasts what the
weather will be like. And each year, Americans read a forecast for the whole year in the Old
Farmer’s newspaper.
     Both the Weather Service and the Old Farmer’s newspaper use information about past years.
They combine (соединяют) it with the information from satellites (спутников), balloons, radar
stations and ships at sea. Then a computer gives a report. Such reports are very important for many
     Americans may not like a lot of their weather, but they certainly like to talk about it.

2. В соответствии с текстом отметьте утверждения (a-e) как T, если они верны, и F, если
они не верны.
a) Americans don’t care what the weather will be like. __
b) The Old Farmer’s newspaper gives the information about the weather for the year. __
c) Old weather reports are useful for forecasting the weather. ___
d) Weather reports are very important for people of different professions. ___
e) Americans dislike a lot of their weather. ___

3. Выберите наиболее подходящее слово:

1) Nick always talks during the lessons. He is very __________.
a) happy b) talkative c) honest
2) Mr Gordon is an architect. He ________ comfortable houses and other buildings.
a) does b) builds c) designs
3) It is raining today. The weather is ______________.
a) lovely b) wet c) dry
4) Little Mary had earache and she had to ________ medicine.
a) eat b) take c) drink

4. Раскройте скобки поставив глагол в правильной форме.

Emily Dickinson (0) was (be) one of the three children of Edward Dickinson, a US congressman.
She (1) _____(be) born and (2) ______ (grow up) in Amherst, Massachusetts. She (3)
______(not like) social activities and she (4) (live) a lonely life in Amherst. She (5) (not leave)
her father's house and (6) _____ (have) few visitors. She (7) ______ (write) beautiful poems and
very few people and (8) _____(know) about it. In 1886 her poems (9) _______ (make) her famous
all over the world.

5. Напишите 5 предложений о своих планах на каникулы.

Example: I am going to read a book.

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