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Q 4. Discuss how Coca Cola expanded its teen customer base again?

The first thing is that Coca Cola run a campaign that is duped Share a Coke. This is a
strategy that meant that the teens can share Coke among themselves. This is how the
teen's demand for Coca Cola products increased as they are attracted to share Coke
The second strategy is by using a social media and the mobile phones. The company use
the #sharecoke hashtag. This strategy draws that the teens attention towards using their
products. This is an element that increased the ability of the firm to realize as high 7 percent
sales growth in the market. 
Step-by-step explanation
Q 5. How will Coca Cola prove that they are catering to teen responsibility?
The Coca Cola can prove this producing millions of Coke products that are less sugar or
sugar free for the teens. This is an approach that will ensure that the teens are taking the
Coca Cola products that are not affecting their health.
Another strategy is by giving instructions on the recommended quantity that the teens are
allowed to take. This is one way that will show that the company is concerned with the
health of the teens. In the end, it will increase the success of the firm in the market.
The Coca Cola can run the share coke campaigns but the firm can also include a disclaimer
on the excessive consumption of the coke products because of the sugar content. This is a
critical element that will help in taking responsibility of the teens.
Donoghue, B. (2015). Sharing Coke and Happiness Around the World: An Analysis of the
"Share a Coke" Campaign Globally.
Grimes, T. (2013). What the Share a Coke campaign can teach other
brands. Luettavissa: http://www. theguardian. com/media-network/media-
networkblog/2013/jul/24/share-coke-teach-brands. Luettu, 3, 2013.

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