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Tarea 3. Ensayo Capitulo 1 Introduction to GPS

Fabian Reinaldo Bohorquez Lopez


Periodo: 2021 – 16_01

Tutora: Gloria Cecilia Ruales Zambrano


Programa Agronomía

CEAD – Zona Amazonia y Orinoquia

Ciudad Acacias

Some Generalities Of Global Positioning System – GPS

In 1970, the United States Department of State developed a navigation system that used

satellites (global positioning system - GPS). The initial objective that motivated the

development of this was for military purposes, however, as time passed, access to this

system was allowed to society in general. The basic principle of operation of GPS is to

provide information at any moment of positioning and time. The system consists of 24

satellites which orbit the earth elliptically.

As the years have passed, the global positioning system has been improving and evolving,

in order to adapt to current needs. The satellites have been replaced on several occasions,

with the intention of giving way to new models that are more autonomous, have a longer

useful life, among other characteristics.

However, this system could not operate completely correctly without the intervention of a

control system that is constantly verifying its operation, said control system consists of

various monitoring stations equipped with GPS receivers, which collect information that is

useful. to identify if the system is working properly. Within the information collected by

these are atmospheric data, position of the satellites, operating parameters, among others.

The operating logic of this system is based on the knowledge of the distances that exist

between a specific point on the earth with at least three satellites and the location of said

satellites. With this information it is possible, after signal processing, to know the position

of the chosen point.

So far, we have talked about some basic characteristics of the global positioning system,

however, we have not mentioned the importance it has in various areas. In everyday life, on
many occasions we usually use GPS to determine our location or that of a place we want to

go, to have a guide on how to get there, or to give directions to another person of where we

are. In surveying, GPS is widely used since thanks to it is possible to know some basic

characteristics of land of interest, places of difficult access, among other important uses for

this area of knowledge.

Another area where GPS is widely used is in navigation, since thanks to this today it is

possible to follow the route of land, sea and air vehicles or to know which would be the

ideal route to follow to reach a certain point.

Finally, it can be said that future applications of the GPS system will be even greater, since

every day more advances are made in the technology used in it so that it is useful and

compatible with the advances that are made in the various areas of knowledge and

knowledge. daily life.

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