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To my fellow governors, mayors, local officials and functionalities

A pleasant good afternoon to one and all.
Allow me to acknowledge our partners to this endeavor, development academy of
the Philippines, led by its dynamic president and managing direct Imelda caluen,
To our esteem resource speaker _____________, a warm welcome.
We have reach the final segment of four part webinar series on smart governance.
As the cliché goes, this maybe the last session but definitely not the least. In fact,
taking all the earlier topics in contexts on what is smart governance and what make
a smart city and community? What are the elements of a dynamic local governance
adopting a smart community? And Rule of collection and management of big data
in ensuring a more effective health care delivery system, our topic today is
expected to tie it all up. As local government leaders, planners and functionaries,
we all know that resources especially financial and human are necessary in order to
actualize and see into portion our programs, plans and activities. In short without
resources government will simply to a halt. This afternoon we will once more be
join, by the chairman by the ASEAN smart cities network, the very eminent
______________, whom I know shall give us a brief and comprehensive overview
of smart partition, enhancing local fiscal policies for optimize resources, this topic
will especially interesting to all of us in preparing for the year 2022, when the
national government finally implements the decision of the supreme court in the
landmark cases of Mandanas vs. ochoa, and Garcia vs. ochoa, were local
government units will finally receive their just share in national taxes as a shrine in
the 1997 constitution, the year 2020 is specially officious in local governance
because with the increase in our share from the national tax allocations , we shall
finally be empowered to implement meaningful devolution; developing and
implementing sound and prudent fiscal policies, our especially important to
LGUs , especially us we start to revive our respective economies from the rubbiges
of the deadly covid-19 virus, which has resulted to lower incomes for businesses
from our respective jurisdictions, and consequently has reduce our revenues,
certainly resources will always remain scours but innovation and forward thinking
development oriented governance certainly can open up otherwise on top resources
that we can maximize to achieve our development goals, as __________ discusses
with us, the various innovative practices of ASEAN member countries in revenue
generation ,i would like to invite you all to share with him, our own ideas and
innovations for a more dynamic exchange and discourse.

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