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Male external genital organs

Male external genital organs

1. Primary sex organs: the two testes .
2. Accessory sex organs:
 Two epididymes
 Two vasa deferentia..
 Two seminal vesicles.
 Two ejaculatory ducts.
 One prostate gland.
 Male urethra .

 It is the primary male sex organ. It is a mixed endocrine and exocrine
gland. Its endocrine secretion is testosterone and oestrogen hormones
while its exocrine secretion is the sperms.
 Site:
 The two testes are found in the scrotum, one on each side of the
median septum, where the temperature is less than 37oC ( around
35.5oC )
 It is suspended by the spermatic cords which are attached to their
posterior aspects.
 The level of the left testis is slightly lower than that of the right one.
 Shape, size and weight:
 The testis is oval in shape .
 It is 2 X 1 X 1 inch .

Male external genital organs

 The weight of the testis is 10 – 15 gm.

 External features: it has
1. Two poles: upper and lower poles ( related to head & tail of
epididymis respectively ) .
2. Two borders:
 Anterior border: covered with the tunica vaginalis .
 Posterior border: partially covered with the tunica vaginalis. It is
related to:
a) Epididymis laterally. It is partially separated from the testis
by the sinus of the epididymis.
b) Vas deferens, medially.
3. Two surfaces: medial and lateral surfaces , covered by tunica
vaginalis .
 Coverings of the testis:
I. The testis has 3 special direct coverings:
A) Tunica vaginalis: it is a serous sac, the outer covering of the
 It represents the persistent lower part of the processus vaginalis.
 The testis is invaginated into it from behind, so it has:
 Two layers:
1) Visceral layer: covers the testis except its posterior
2)Parietal layer: lines the scrotum
 Cavity: contains capillary fluid between the visceral and
parietal layers.
 Sinus of the epididymis which is a lateral recess found
between the testis and the epididymis.

Male external genital organs

External oblique Testis
Internal oblique
Gubernaculum testis
Transversalis fascia
Peritoneum Fascia iliaca
External oblique
Pubic bone
Labio-scrotal swelling

(Saggital section)

Processus vaginalis testes Testicular vessels and

vas deferens

External spermatic fascia Testis

Cremasteric muscle
and fascia
Internal spermatic fascia Development of the inguinal
canal and spermatic cord.
Camper's fascia
Scarpa's fascia
External oblique
Internal oblique

Fascia transversalis Funicular

Extra. peritoneal fatty process
Peritoneum Perineum
Tunica vaginalis
Skin of scrotum
Dartos muscle
Testis Membranous layer of
superficial fascia
Visceral layer External spermatic fascia
Penis Cremaster muscle
Internal spermatic fascia
Extra-peritoneal fat
Parietal Tunica vaginalis testis
Male external genital organs

 The upper end of the tumica vaginalis is connected to the

peritoneum by a fibrous band called the vestigue of processus
vaginalis (obliterated proximal part of processus vaginalis).
 Applied Anatomy:
1) Accumulation of clean serous fluid in the tunica vaginalis is
called hydrocele ( commonest scrotal swelling ) while
accumulation of blood , lymph or pus inside it are called
haematocele , chylocele or pyocele respectively.
2) Failure of obliteration of processus vaginalis results in
congenital oblique inguinal hernia or congenital hydrocele.
B) Tunica albuginea:
 It is a dense white fibrous tissue layer cover the testis
 It is found deep to the visceral layer of the tunica vaginalis.
 Its posterior part is thickened forming mediastinum of the testis
which sends septae inside the testis dividing it into 200 – 300
C) Tunica vasculosa: it is the inner most vascular coat lining the
testicular lobules.
II. 3 Coverings of the spermatic cord which extend downwards to
surround the testis. These are the internal spermatic fascia,
cremasteic muscle and fascia and external spermatic fascia.
III. 3 layers of the scrotum:
1) Skin.
2) Dartos muscle.
3) Membraneous layer of superficial fascia.

Male external genital organs

 Structure of the testis:

1) The testis is divided into 200 – 300 lobules; each lobule contains 2 – 3
convoluted seminiferous tubules. Each tubule is about 60 cm. long.
Near the mediastinum of the testis the convoluted tubules take a
short straight course and are called straight tubules.
In the mediastinum testis the straight tubules anastomose with each
other to form a network called the rete testis.
From the upper part of the rete testis arise 16- 20 fine ducts called
efferent ductules which pass to the head of the epididymis.
 Interstitial cells of leydig; found between the seminiferous
tubules, secrete the testosterone hormone.

Male external genital organs

Male external genital organs

Male external genital organs

 Arterial supply:
 The testis is supplied by the testicular artery which is a branch
from the abdominal aorta at the level of L 3 vertebra.
 It descends in front of the ureter and psoas major muscle.
 As it reaches the deep inguinal ring, it descends down to the testis as
one of the contents of the spermatic cord.
 Venous drainage:
* The testis is drained by the pampiniform plexus of veins, which
collects its blood into 4-8 veins at the superficial ring which unite into
two venae commitants at the deep ring. These two veins unite to form
one testicular vein which drains obliquely into the inferior vena cava
on the right side, and at right angle into the left renal vein on the left
 Applied Anatomy:
 Varicocele is a condition in which the veins of the pampiniform
plexus become dilated, elongated and tortuous.
 It is commonly occurs on the left side because:
1) The left testicular vein is longer than the right one.
2) The left testicular vein enters the left renal vein at right angle.
3) The left testicular vein opens into the left renal vein opposite
the opening of the left suprarenal vein that carries adrenaline
hormone (which causes vasoconstriction of the left testicular
4) The left testicular vein is compressed by the heavy pelvic colon
as it ascends deep to it.
5) Left renal vein is compressed by left testicular and superior
mesenteric arteries.

Male external genital organs

Male external genital organs

 Lymph drainage:
 It drains by lymphatics run along the testicular vessels to the para-
aortic lymph nodes.
 Nerve supply:
 The testis is supplied by sympathetic nerves which arise from the
10th thoracic segment of the spinal cord and reach it along its arterial

Male external genital organs

 Shape, position and size:
* It is a comma-shaped duct found at the lateral aspect of the
posterior border of the testis.
* It is about 5 cm in length and formed of a highly coiled single tube
packed in a fibrous tissue coat. When uncoiled it measures about 6
meters in length.
 Parts:
1. Head: It is the expanded upper end which found above the upper
pole of the testis. It collects the efferent ductules of the testis .
2. Body: It is central part and lies lateral to the posterior border of
testis, separated from it laterally by the sinus of epididymis.
3. Tail: is the lower pointed end of the epididymis related to the lower
pole of the testis. It continues as the vas deferens.
 Blood supply: ( as testis )
* Arterial supply: testicular artery and artery to the vas.
* Venous drainage: papmpinform plexus of veins.
* Lymphatic drainage: para- aortic lymph nodes.

Vas Deferens

* It is a long duct , 45cm long , cord like with narrow lumen and thick
muscular wall.
* Beginning: It begins as a continuation of the tail of epididymis.
* End : in a dilatation called the ampulla of vas where it joins the duct of
the seminal vesicle forming the ejaculatory duct .

Male external genital organs

* Epididymis and vas deferens *

* Course and relations:

1. From the tail of the epididymis, the vas ascends upwards on the
medial aspect of the posterior border of the testis.
2. In spermatic cord: it lies in the posterior part of the spermatic cord
and it is easily felt among the constituents of the cord because of its
thick muscular wall.
3.In the inguinal canal: it is related to the walls of the canal. It leaves
the canal at the deep inguinal ring where it passes lateral to the inferior
epigastric vessels.
4. In the pelvis :
 It bends medially behind the inferior epigastric vessels.
 . Then it passes downwards and backward crossing the external
iliac vessels and the obturator nerve and vessels.
 It crosses from lateral to medial in front of the ureter just above
the seminal vesicle.

Male external genital organs

4.On the base of the urinary bladder: it runs medially and downwards.
Its terminal part is dilated to form the ampulla of the vas deferens. The
ampulla is related to :
 Laterally: the seminal vesicle
 Anteriorly: the base of the bladder
 Posteriorly: rectum.
* Arterial supply: artery of the vas which is a branch from the
inferior vesical artery.

* Lateral view of testis , epididymes & vas deferens *

Male external genital organs
Inner Aspect of Ant. Abd. Wall

Inf. Epigastric A.
Lat. umbilical lig.

Superficial inguinal Deep inguinal

ring ring

Sup. Surface of
urinary bladder Vas deferens

Ext. iliac A.

Lt. ureter
Ext. iliac V.

Obturator N. &
Base of urinary vessels

Rt. Ureter
Prostate Seminal vesicle
Ampulla of vas

Ejaculatory duct

Lat. umbilical lig.
Obturator N., A. & V.
iliac A. & V.
Ext. iliac A. & V.
Deep ing. ring
Int. iliac V. &
Inf. Epigastric A.

Ischial spine

Vas deferens

Vas deferens

Vas Deferens

Male external genital organs

Relations of the vas deferens

Male external genital organs

Male external genital organs

*Site: These are two coiled structures on back of the base of the bladder .
*Shape: it is oval in shape. Each vesicle is 5 cm long.
 Its upper blind end: lies below the terminal parts of the ureters
 Anteriorly: base of the urinary bladder
 Posteriorly: rectum
 Medially: the ampulla of vas deferens.
 Laterally: levator ani muscle.
*End: It narrows below to form a duct which join the lower part of
ampulla of vas deferens to form the ejaculatory duct.

Seminal vesicles and termination

of vas deferens

Male external genital organs

*Function of the seminal vesicles: Secretion of a large part of the seminal

fluid. It does not act as a reservoir of sperms (storage of sperms occurs in
the epididymis).
 Each duct is one inch long and formed by union of the duct of the
seminal vesicle and the ampula of vas deferens behind the bladder
 The two ducts run close to each other as they pass downwards &
forewards through the prostate and along the sides of the prostatic
 They open into the posterior wall of prostatic urethra one on each
side of the orifice of the prostatic utricle.


 Definition:
 It is a cord like structure which extends from the lower pole of the
testis to the deep inguinal ring .
 Contents:
1. Three arteries:
o Testicular artery (branch of abdominal aorta).
o Artery of the vas deferens (branch of the inferior vesical
o Cremasteric artery (branch of the inferior epigastric artery).
2. Three nerves:
o Cremasteric nerve (genital branch of genitofemoral nerve , L1).

Male external genital organs

o Ilioinguinal nerve (L1).

o Testiculat sympathetic plexus (T10 segment).
3. Three structures:
o Vas deferens
o Pampiniform plexus of veins.
o Lymphatics which drain the testis.
4. Vestigue of the processus vaginalis.
 Coverings of the spermatic cord: Three layers:
1.Internal spermatic fascia which is derived from the fascia
transversalis at the deep inguinal ring. It is the inner layer.
2.Cremasteric fascia and muscle which arise from the internal
oblique muscle and form the middle layer.
3.External spermatic fascia, which starts at the superficial inguinal
ring as an extension from the external oblique aponeurosis. It is the
outer layer.
 Relations:
I. In the inguinal canal: Inferiorly ilioinguinal nerve.
II. Just below the inguinal canal:
a) Anteriorly: superficial external pudenal vessels.
b) Posteriorly:
 Deep external pudendal vessels.
 Tendon of adductor longus.

 There is no spermatic cord which is replaced by the round
ligament of the uterus. This ligament is derived from the lower
part of gubernaculum of the foetus, and ends below into to the
superficial fascia of the labium majus.
 As it passes in the inguinal canal, the round ligament of the
uterus gets coverings corresponding to those of the spermatic
cord, but are thin and adherent to its wall.
Male external genital organs

* Spermatic cord*

Testicular V. and A. Testicular V. and A.

Deep inguinal ring

Internal spermatic fascia

Cremaster muscle and Vas deferens
fascia Vas deferens

External spermatic
fascia Internal spermatic fascia

Cremaster muscle and fascia

External spermatic fascia

Pampiniform plexus


Parietal layer Testis

Visceral layer of
tunica vaginalis

Vas deferens Epididymis Skin of scrotum

Dartos muscle
Deep membranous layer of
superficial fascia
External spermatic fascia
Cremaster muscle and
Internal spermatic fascia
Parietal layer
Of tunica
Visceral layer vaginalis

* Section of scrotum showing its wall and layers *

Male external genital organs

Male external genital organs

The Scrotum
 Definition:
* It is a skin and subcutaneous bag containing the testes, epididymes

and the lower part of the spermatic cords of both sides.

* It corresponds to the labia majora of the female.
 External Features:
* It is divided externally into right and left halves by a median raphe
at its middle.
* It is divided internally by a median septum formed by the dartos
muscle & the fascia between the two sides of the scrotum.
* The left side of the scrotum hangs lower than the right.
*The skin of the scrotum is corrugated due to presence of Dartos
 Layers of the scrotum: from out inwards:
1) Skin
2) Dartos muscle: an involuntary muscle layer replacing the fatty
layer of abdominal superficial fascia. It is supplied by
sympathetic fibres.
3) Membranous layer of the superficial fascia.
4) External spermatic fascia.
5) Cremasteric muscle and fascia.
6) Internal spermatic fascia.
7) Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis.

Male external genital organs

* Layers of anterior abdominal wall & scrotum*

Male external genital organs

 Arterial supply:
1) Superficial external pudendal artery: a branch of the femoral
2) Deep external pudendal artery: a branch of the femoral artery.
3) Posterior scrotal arteries: from the internal pudendal artery.
4) Cremasteric artery from the inferior epigastric artery.

 Nerve supply:
1. Sensory:
 Anterior 1/3: supplied by L1 (ilioinguinal & genital branch of
genitofemoral nerve).
 Posterior 2/3: Supplied by S3 through posterior scrotal branches
of the pudendal nerve and the perineal branch of the posterior
cutanuous nerve of the thigh.
2. Motor:
 Sympathetic supply to the dartos muscle which reaches the muscle
through the Cremasteric nerve (branch of the genitofemoral nerve).
 Lymphatic drainage: to the superficial inguinal lymph nodes.

Male external genital organs


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