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Truth from a breatharian

Self Mastery & Enlightened Embodiment not the physical breath that is inhaled into & exhaled
out of our body. this does not give us life!
the physical breath we breath acts as a #shaman or guide,
to lead us into #presence or #awareness when we are
ready & it does lead us to the breath of life, as it is rightfully
an extension of that.
when we consciously accompany the breath into the inner
worlds by following it deep into the lung cavities or as so
often explained deep into the belly, expanding the
abdomen, we are being guided by the air or wind shaman
on the first part of our #sacred #initiation to self realization.
at the end of every inhale when we physically feel a pause
where we feel we can no longer take in the breath, this gap
or #kumbhaka opens into the empty void where the breath
continues in another form, out into the sacred #sofia or
empty space. the same experience arises with the end of
the exhale where the breath again continues out into the
void as qi or prana, simply a different form of energy. as we
connect to the continuation of the breath into the void we
realize that both the inhale & the exhale are occurring at the
same time. one moves up the spine as the other is moving
down the spine. both spiraling around each other & the
spine, in a constant flow, as they continue deep into the
this #conscious adventure into the inner domains eventually
leads us to reunite or remember the breath of life. some call
it the holy spirit, the great sofia, #superconsciousness or
#grace, amongst thousands of other names. this is what
breaths through us, to be us. this is what gives life. it is not
the physical breath that gives us life. it is grace breathing
through us. this is the supreme breath. remembering this
#sovereign state of being brings us into #harmony with all
beings, non beings & beyond.
as we move from the realms of necessity to the realms of
freedom, we connect to this #supreme breath or spirit & it
provides us with all that we need without having to rely on
anything outside of ourselves. we no longer need to eat or
drink, as #spirit provides for that, we no longer need the
physical breath as spirit provides for that, just as it pumps
the heart, reproduces cells and millions of other things. we
move into a space where we no longer take from the earth,
but we actually give our #prana, #energy or #qi to the earth
& all beings living on & in her. we are consciousness or
spirit in our true essence independent yet intrinsically
connected to the physical world. we are not reliant on the 3d
physical world once we remember ourselves as spirit. this is
part of the journey to #selfmastery, remembering &
embodying self as spirit or #god.
shared with grace & honour to each step of the Way

i we love you

~ Sophia Waapiti Ra

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