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Theor Chem Acc (2015) 134:133

DOI 10.1007/s00214-015-1730-7


Insights into the chemical meanings of the reaction electronic flux

Christophe Morell1 · Vincent Tognetti2 · Emmanuelle Bignon1,3 ·
Elise Dumont3 · Noemi Hernandez‑Haro4 · Barbara Herrera5 · André Grand4 ·
Soledad Gutiérrez‑Oliva5 · Laurent Joubert2 · Alejandro Toro‑Labbé5 ·
Henry Chermette1 

Received: 13 July 2015 / Accepted: 13 September 2015

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract  The negative derivative of the chemical potential Keywords  Conceptual DFT · Chemical potential ·
with respect to the reaction coordinate is called reaction elec- Reaction electronic flux · Spontaneous process
tronic flux and has recently focused a wide interest to better
understand chemical reactions at molecular level. After much
consideration, it is now well accepted that positive REF val- 1 Introduction
ues are associated with spontaneous processes, while negative
REF ones translate unspontaneous phenomena. These char- In quantum chemistry, reaction mechanisms are often
acteristics of the REF are based on a thermodynamic analogy investigated by focusing on relevant points on the Born–
and have been shown right through computational results. In Oppenheimer potential energy surface. Key intermediates
this paper, we develop two analytical expressions of the REF and transition states along the so-called reaction path are
in both the canonical and the grand canonical ensembles. The of particular interest. Even though it can be defined in
connection between both equations is established. They are several nonequivalent fashions [1–5], the reaction path
then analyzed, and some arguments are put forward to support can always be parametrized using the so-called reaction
the alleged characteristic of the REF and its ability to properly coordinate (RC), Fukui’s intrinsic RC (IRC) [2, 3] cer-
discriminate spontaneous from unspontaneous phenomena. tainly being the most popular one. In this paper, it will be
denoted ξ. Very often, monitoring the evolution of appro-
priate electronic properties with respect to the reaction
* Christophe Morell coordinate sheds some light on the main forces that drive
the studied process.
* Vincent Tognetti Among those properties, those that stem from concep-
tual DFT [6–9] have lately attracted a blooming interest.
Université de Lyon, Institut des Sciences Analytiques, UMR Thus, several papers have reported the monitoring of den-
5280, CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 5 rue de la sity-based descriptors, such as the chemical potential [10,
Doua, 69100 Villeurbanne, France 11], the chemical hardness [11–19], the electrophilicity
Normandy University, COBRA UMR 6014 & FR 3038, index [18–23], chemical information [24] or polarizabili-
Université de Rouen, INSA Rouen, CNRS, 1 rue Tesniére, ties [25], the conjunction [26] of such analyses affording
76821 Mont St Aignan. Cedex, France
a comprehensive overview of the physicochemical events
Laboratoire de Chimie, UMR 5182, CNRS Ecole Normale occurring during a given chemical reaction. This approach
Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France
has prompted the proposal of new descriptors. In this con-
CEA Grenoble ‑INAC/SCIB/LAN (UMR‑E n°3 CEA‑UJF), text, Toro-Labbé [10] defined the reaction force (RF) as the
CEA-Grenoble, 17, rue des Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble Cedex
opposite of the derivative of the total molecular energy with
9, France
respect to the intrinsic reaction coordinate.
Nucleus Millenium Chemical Processes and Catalysis (CPC),
Laboratorio de Quimica Teorica Computacional (QTC), dEmol
Facultad de Quimica, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de F(ξ ) = − (1)

Chile, Santiago, Chile

133   Page 2 of 7 Theor Chem Acc (2015) 134:133

It allows a formal decomposition of the chemical path The article is therefore organized as follows. In Sect. 2,
into three regions, namely the reactant zone, the transi- two analytical expressions of the reaction flux are derived,
tion state one and finally the product zone [27–29]. This one in the canonical ensemble and the second in the grand
approach has been applied successfully to many chemical canonical ensemble. Still in Sect. 2, the consistency of
processes [30–33]. Another useful index has been defined both approaches is shown. Then, Sect. 3 is dedicated to the
as the opposite of the first derivative of the electronic interpretation of several equations supporting what is now
chemical potential with respect to the intrinsic reaction well admitted about the chemical meaning of the REF. The
coordinate and has been coined reaction electronic flux paper final section summarizes the findings and provides
(REF) [34–39]. some concluding remarks.

J(ξ ) = − (2)

2 Analytical formulation of the reaction electronic
This latter descriptor has been used for several years flux
as an indicator of electron density reorganization dur-
ing a chemical process. Moreover, the sign of the REF is In conceptual DFT, two main ensembles (in analogy with
used to indicate whether an electronic process is alleg- statistical physics) are generally considered, namely the
edly spontaneous. Indeed, by analogy with thermody- canonical and the grand canonical ensembles. Within the
namics, processes exhibiting positive values of REF have former, the electronic energy (Ee) is considered as a func-
been surmised as spontaneous while processes exhibit- tion of the number of electrons N and as a functional of the
ing negative values of the REF have been considered as external potential v(r ). In the latter, the grand potential is
unspontaneous. described as a function of chemical potential μ and as a
Another well-accepted feature is that processes exhibit- functional of the external potential v(r ). These two descrip-
ing nil REF (constant chemical potential) are mainly asso- tions are linked by a simple Legendre transform so that
ciated with structural reorganization, such as geometrical they carry in principle the same physicochemical informa-
rearrangements. In those cases, the electron density modi- tion, but encoded in different representations.
fication is supposedly minimal. For instance, for the reac- The canonical ensemble is more natural and more
tants and products, the REF is often nil, J(ξ) = 0 indicating familiar to chemists since it deals with isolated molecu-
that electronic activity is at its basal and satisfies the equi- lar species (our main target). On the other hand, the grand
librium condition. These characteristics have been observed canonical, more suited for species in interaction with their
in lots of chemical reactions making this descriptor an surroundings (like electron exchange with solvents), pre-
excellent indicator of the existence and location along the sents the advantage to directly consider the electronic
chemical process of the electronic activity. chemical potential as a primary variable.
However, even though several tentative rationalizations Once the ensemble is chosen, descriptors are then
have been undertaken, to our best knowledge, no definitive defined by inspecting the successive derivatives of the cho-
theories have been published so far. The ambition of this sen “thermodynamic potential” with respect to their natural
work is certainly not to lay the basis of such theory, but to variables. The first derivatives in each ensemble are given
put forward some arguments that unveil the physical basis by the equations gathered in Scheme 1:
behind the aforementioned characteristic of the REF.

Scheme 1  First derivatives in the canonical and grand canonical ensembles

Theor Chem Acc (2015) 134:133 Page 3 of 7  133

2.1 Reaction electron flux in the canonical ensemble As a result, the REF in the grand canonical ensemble
In the canonical ensemble, the variation of the electronic   
1 dH ρξ 1 dvξ (�r ) 3
energy for a chemical reaction proceeding at constant num- Jgrand-canonical (ξ ) = − − ρξ (�r ) d r
ber of electrons reads: N dξ N dξ
dEe N, vξ (�r ) ∂Ee dN δEe In the next section, the consistency of the two
= +
dξ ∂N v(⇀r ) dξ δvξ (�r ) approaches is discussed.

dvξ (�r ) 3

dvξ (�r ) 3 2.3 Equivalence of the two formulations
d r= ρξ (�r ) d r (3)
dξ dξ
The canonical and grand canonical ensembles thus provide
dvξ (r )
dξ itself can be expressed in terms of μξ and F[ρξ] by the two following expressions for the reaction electronic
using the fact that the electronic chemical potential can also flux:
be considered as the Lagrange multiplier associated with
the normalization constraint in the Hohenberg–Kohn vari-
 � � � �� �
 1 d δF ρξ 1 dvξ (�r ) 3
d3 r −

ational procedure [40] (µξ = vξ (�r ) + δρ[ξ (�rξ)] ), so that Eq. 3
δF ρ  Jcanonical (ξ ) = −

 ρξ (�r ) ρξ (�r ) d r
N dξ δρξ (�r ) N dξ
becomes:  � � � (10)

 1 dH ρξ 1 dvξ (�r ) 3
 Jgrand-canonical (ξ ) = −
 − ρξ (�r ) d r
N dξ N dξ
dEe N, vξ (�r ) dµξ 3 d δF ρξ
= ρξ (�r ) d r − ρξ (�r ) d3 r. (4)
dξ dξ dξ δρξ (�r )
 Using ′
 theδ 2 F[ρ]
definition of the hardness kernel [41–44]
η �r , �r = δρ(�r )δρ(�r ′ ), one has:
The density normalization constraint now gives (since      
does not depend on real space coordinates): d δF ρξ 1 δF   δF ρξ
dξ = ρξ + dρξ −
     dξ δρξ (�r ) dξ δρξ (�r ) δρξ (�r )

dEe N, vξ (�r ) dµξ d δF ρξ 1

=N − ρξ (�r ) d3 r. (5) =
η �r , �r ′ dρξ �r ′ d3 r ′ , (11)
dξ dξ dξ δρξ (�r ) dξ
Finally, equating the right-hand side of Eq. 3 with that Introducing then the so-called ηD �r ′ density-based local
of Eq. 5 and identifying the REF straightforwardly provide: hardness [42–46]:
1 d δF ρξ

dvξ (�r ) 3    
 dρξ �r ′ 3 3 ′
Jcanonical (ξ ) = − ρξ (�r ) d3 r + ρξ (�r ) d r . d δF ρξ 
N dξ δρξ (�r ) dξ ρξ (�r ) d3 r = ρξ (�r )η �r , �r ′ d rd r
dξ δρξ (�r ) dξ
(6) dρξ �r ′

= d3 r ′ ρξ (�r )η �r , �r ′ d 3 r

2.2 Reaction electron flux in the grand canonical   
NηξD (�r ′ )

  dρξ �r ′ 3 ′

=N ηξD �r ′ d r. (12)
In the grand canonical ensemble, the variation of the grand dξ
potential reads:
As, derived by Parr and Gazquez [41], δH[ρ] D r ) ,
δρ(�r ) = Nη (�
in which η (r ) is the local hardness based upon the elec-
dΩ µξ , vξ (�r ) ∂Ω dµξ δΩ ρξ dvξ (�r ) 3
= + d r
dξ vξ (�r ) dξ
∂µξ δvξ (�r ) dξ tron density. Equation 12 then becomes:
dµξ dvξ (�r ) 3       
δH ρξ dρξ �r ′ 3 ′
= −N

+ ρξ (�r )

d r (7) d δF ρξ 3
ρξ (�r ) d r= d r
dξ δρξ (�r ) δρξ (�r ′ ) dξ
As shown by Parr and Gàzquez [41], the grand potential  
dH ρξ
can also be considered as a functional of the electron den- = , (13)

sity through the hardness functional Ω = Ω[ρ] = −H[ρ],
so that: where the last equality comes from the chain rule for func-
   tional derivatives. Equation 13 thus establishes the equiva-
dµξ dH ρξ dvξ (�r ) 3
N = + ρξ (�r ) d r. (8) lence of the two approaches. It will be now convenient for
dξ dξ dξ our purposes to use the following relationship:

133   Page 4 of 7 Theor Chem Acc (2015) 134:133

dρξ (�r ) 3 1 dvξ (�r ) 3 difference linearization, a procedure that can be trouble-
J(ξ ) = − ηξD (�r ) d r− ρξ (�r ) d r (14)
dξ N dξ some for instance in some anionic systems).
Equation 20 also greatly facilitates the interpretation of
Note that this equation is totally consistent with that the REF sign in terms of energies variations. Indeed, the
obtained by Berkowitz and Parr [47]. REF is positive when either both right-hand side terms (the
opposite of the variation of the nuclei–electrons interaction
energy and the MEP-related contribution) are positive or
3 Interpreting the expressions when one of those terms is positive and higher in magni-
tude than the other. For a steady discussion, each term is
In this section, the REF expressions obtained in the previ- analyzed separately. On the one hand, a positive value of
ous one are analyzed to lay the foundation of the common the term − N1 dEdξ contributes to give the REF a positive

interpretation of the REF sign. To this aim, it is instructive value. Since the number of electrons is always positive, this
to consider the variation of the interaction energy between term will be positive when the absolute value of the elec-
the electrons and the nuclei Ene along the reaction path: tron–nuclei interaction energy increases along the reaction
  coordinate, which means that the electron–nuclei interac-
dEne dvξ (�r ) 3 dρξ (�r ) 3
= ρξ (�r ) d r + vξ (�r ) d r, (15) tion energy is decreasing.
dξ dξ dξ To make a link with the mechanism of bonds formation,
so that: let us advocate the celebrated Slater’s analysis of diatomic
    dρ (�r )  bond formation by means of the quantum virial theorem
1 dEne ξ
J(ξ ) = − + vξ (�r ) − NηξD (�r ) d3 r . [48]. At any separation distance R (which exactly plays the
N dξ dξ role of the reaction coordinate):
1 R dEmol
The local hardness can be decomposed into a pure clas- Emol (R) = − (Ene + Eee ) − , (21)
sical Coulombic contribution and that gathering (denoted 2 2 dR
here ηξ(1) (r )) all nonclassical effects (kinetic and exchange- which enlightens the fundamental role of Ene. More specifi-
correlation effects). Indeed, asthe hardness  kernel [42] can cally, covalent bonds are characterized by a strong electron
be decomposed according to η �r , �r ′ = ��r −� 1

r� + η ξ �r , �r ′ , concentration between the nuclei, so that the electrons in
the local hardness can be expressed by: this zone are stabilized by the attraction of both nuclei.
  Such attraction induces more and more negative Ene values,
ρ �r ′

ηξ (�r ) =
d3 r ′ + ηξ (�r ). (17) fully consistent with positive REF values partly driven by
N ��r − �r ′ � the sign of − N1 dE dξ .

The first term in the right-hand side is actually propor- As an integral, the sign of the other term in Eq. 20 is
tional to the electronic part of the molecular electrostatic trickier to ascribe. Overall, the sign will be positive when,
potential (MEP) which is defined by: along the reaction coordinate, the electron density increases
  in molecular positions where the molecular electrostatic
ρ �r ′

MEP(�r ) = v(�r ) − d3 r ′ . (18) MEP is positive. Similarly, the sign will also be positive
��r − �r ′ � when, along the reaction coordinate, the electron density
The REF can thus be expressed by: decreases in locations where the MEP is negative.
     This means that the sign of the second term in the flux
1 dEne dρξ (�r ) 3 (1)
J(ξ ) = − + MEP(�r ) d r + A ηξ , ρξ . expression is positive when the electron density flees nega-
N dξ dξ
(19) tive values of the MEP and flows toward positive values of
the MEP. In such cases, we expect the electrons to be sta-
If, as a first approximation, the ηξ(1) (r ) contribution bilized in such cases. Such phenomena can be illustrated in
(leading to the A[η(1)
ξ , ρξ] one) is neglected, the REF simply the particular case of the creation of a dative bond result-
reads: ing from the interaction between a Lewis acid and a Lewis
   base. Indeed, the lone pair of the Lewis base is a region
1 dEne dρξ (�r ) 3
J(ξ ) ≈ − + MEPξ (�r ) d r . (20) where the MEP is negative. When the lone pair coordi-
N dξ dξ nates, it will transfer some electrons to its partner (from
Interestingly, this expression only involves properties an orbital point of view, this is achieved by the electron
of the N electron species and does not require the explicit donation to an unoccupied orbital of the other fragment).
evaluation of the derivative with respect to the num- In other words, in this lone pair region where MEPξ (r ) is
dρξ (r )
ber of electrons (which is generally achieved using finite negative, dξ will be positive, so that this process gives

Theor Chem Acc (2015) 134:133 Page 5 of 7  133

a positive contribution to the molecular reaction electronic 4 Conclusion

flux. Of course, the very same interpretation can be done
from the viewpoint of the Lewis acid. In this paper, two analytical expressions of the reaction
This is of particular importance for noncovalent bonds electron flux have been proposed. The first one stems from
such as halogen and pnicogen ones whose formation can the canonical ensemble, while the second arises from the
be described by the paradigm of the so-called σ-hole [49– grand canonical ensemble. The two approaches are shown
52]. We recall that this concept refers to a region of posi- to be consistent, which underlines that the physics behind
tive molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) on the outer the two ensembles is the same. It is worth noticing that an
side of an electronegative atom, which can form a bond by expression describing the REF for optimum variation of the
interacting with the available lone pair carried by another electron energy is derived. This particular expression shows
partner. Such an electrostatic description is certainly com- that the REF is related to the electron density variation
patible with the physics embodied by Eq. 20. driven by the local hardness acting as a potential. There-
It can be noticed that this whole analysis is also consist- fore, the REF can be seen as an indicator of electron den-
ent with the recent formula [53] we recently derived for the sity reorganization. Another finding is the general expres-
chemical potential within the framework of Kohn–Sham sion linking this descriptor to the evolution of the electron
DFT: density under the influence of the molecular electrostatic
potential and to the evolution of the electron–nuclei inter-
1  KS action energy. The analysis of all those expressions sup-
µ = αmol Ts + εi , (22)
N ports the well-accepted interpretation given to the sign of
the REF. Indeed, it is shown that positive values of the REF
where αmol is a molecule-dependent parameter, Ts is the are related to processes that tend to stabilize the electron
kinetic energy of the fictitious system, and the ɛKSi denote density, while negative values of the REF can be ascribed
the energies of the (occupied) Kohn–Sham orbitals. The to processes that destabilize the electron density. So from
more the electrons are stabilized (by example by flowing an electron-following perspective, the positive/negative
toward positive MEP values), the more negative ɛKS i will sign of the REF is related to spontaneous/unspontaneous
be, so that the chemical potential will decrease, in accord- phenomena. However, it must be recalled that this inter-
ance with positive REF values. pretation is only a view from the electron perspective and
All those processes can be said spontaneous from the does not account for the outcome of chemical reactions
electron perspective since they tend to decrease the total on their whole, the evolution of a chemical transformation
electron energy. However, the outcome of a chemical pro- being driven by both the electron energy evolution and the
cess is not only driven by electron energy but also depends nuclei–nuclei repulsion.
on the variation of the nucleus–nucleus repulsion. A pro-
cess that would be favorable from an electron perspective Acknowledgments  The research benefited from the support of
can require such an important energy to reorganize the Aviesan ITMO Cancer within the ‘‘Cancer Plan 2009–2013’’ and the
application of Action 3.3. CM, AG, HC, ATL, BH and SG-O thank the
nuclei location that it would be overall not spontaneous. joint program ECOS-CONICYT through action project ECOS No.
As mentioned in all papers dealing with the REF, it can C11E03. V.T. and L.J. gratefully acknowledge the Centre National de
be stated that the sign of the REF only indicates whether a la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) for a “Chaire d’Excellence” at the
University of Rouen, the LABEX SynOrg for funding, and the CRI-
process is spontaneous from the electron perspective.
HAN computational centre for providing computational resources.
Besides, the values of the REF can be quite small in HC acknowledges the GENCI/CINES for HPC resources/computer
specific parts of the chemical path and it can even reach time (Project cpt2130). ATL, BH, SG-O acknowledge Project Nucleus
zero, at the stationary points of the reaction energy profile, Millenium CPC: ICM No. 120082 and Projects FONDECYT Nos.
1120093, 1130072 and 1141098.
namely the reactants and the product, and very likely at the
transition state. Equation 23 provides an interesting relation
for those cases.
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