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Journal of

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 61–68

New cyclic voltammetry method for examining phase

transitions: Simulated results
a,b,c c,1 b,c,d,*
I. Abou Hamad , D.T. Robb , P.A. Rikvold
HPC2, Center for Computational Sciences, Mississippi State University, Mississippi, MS 39762-5167, USA
Center for Materials Research and Technology and Department of Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4350, USA
School of Computational Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120, USA
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL 32310, USA

Received 13 June 2006; received in revised form 5 October 2006; accepted 25 October 2006
Available online 4 December 2006


We propose a new experimental technique for cyclic voltammetry, based on the first-order reversal curve (FORC) method for analysis
of systems undergoing hysteresis. The advantages of this electrochemical FORC (EC-FORC) technique are demonstrated by applying it
to dynamical models of electrochemical adsorption. The method can not only differentiate between discontinuous and continuous phase
transitions, but can also quite accurately recover equilibrium behavior from dynamic analysis of systems with a continuous phase
transition. Experimental data for EC-FORC analysis could easily be obtained by simple reprogramming of a potentiostat designed
for conventional cyclic-voltammetry experiments.
 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cyclic-voltammetry experiments; First-order reversal curve; Hysteresis; Continuous phase transition; Discontinuous phase transition; Lattice-
gas model; Kinetic Monte Carlo simulation

1. Introduction The FORC method was originally conceived [2] in con-

nection with magnetic hysteresis. It has since been applied
Recent technological developments in electrochemical to a variety of magnetic systems, ranging from magnetic
deposition have made possible experimental studies of recording media and nanostructures to geomagnetic com-
atomic-scale dynamics [1]. It is therefore now both timely pounds, undergoing rate-independent (i.e., very slow) mag-
and important to develop new methods for computational netization reversal [3]. Recently, there have also been
analysis of experimental adsorption dynamics. In this several FORC studies of rate-dependent reversal [4–6]. Here
paper we apply one such analysis technique, the first-order we introduce and apply the FORC method in an electro-
reversal curve (FORC) method, to analyze model electro- chemical context.
sorption systems with continuous and discontinuous phase The EC-FORC analysis is applied to rate-dependent
transitions. We propose that this electrochemical FORC adsorption in two-dimensional lattice-gas models of electro-
(EC-FORC) method can be a useful new experimental tool chemical deposition. We study the dynamics of two specific
in surface electrochemistry. models, using kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations.
First, we consider a lattice-gas model with attractive near-
est-neighbor interactions (a simple model of underpotential
Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Physics, deposition, UPD), being driven across its discontinuous
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4350, USA.
E-mail address: (P.A. Rikvold).
phase transition by a time-varying electrochemical potential.
Present address: Department of Physics, Box 5721, Clarkson Univer- Second, we study a lattice-gas model with repulsive lateral
sity, Potsdam, NY 13699, USA. interactions and nearest-neighbor exclusion (similar to the

0022-0728/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
62 I. Abou Hamad et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 61–68

a b i
θ ( μr ,μi )

i ( μr ,μi )

μr μi μ

μr μi μ

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of two first-order reversal curves (FORCs) hð i Þ, separated by the reversal-field step size D
lr ; l lr (solid lines). The dotted
lines represent the major hysteresis loop. (b) The corresponding voltammetric currents, ið i Þ / oh=o
lr ; l li .

model of halide adsorption on Ag(1 0 0), described in Refs. li [3]. It is further useful to calculate
ent) constant spacing D
[7–10]), being similarly driven through its continuous phase the FORC distribution,
transition. Some preliminary results of this work have been
submitted for publication elsewhere [11]. 1 o2 h 1 oið i Þ
lr ; l
q¼ ¼ ; ð2Þ
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 o
lr o li =dtÞ o
li 2ceðd lr
2 the FORC method is explained. The lattice-gas model
which measures the sensitivity of the dynamics to the pro-
used both for systems with continuous and discontinuous
gress of reversal along the outermost hysteresis loop or ma-
transitions is introduced in Section 3. In Section 4 the
jor loop.2
dynamics of systems with a discontinuous phase transition
The details of the calculation of q depend on whether the
are studied. The dynamics of systems with a continuous
measured quantity is the coverage hð i Þ, which is the
lr ; l
phase transition are studied in Section 5. Finally, a com-
most convenient in simulation studies, or the voltammetric
parison between the two kinds of phase transitions is
current ið i Þ, which would be most usual in CV experi-
lr ; l
presented together with our conclusions in Section 6.
ments. In the latter case, the calculation involves simple
one-dimensional numerical differentiation with respect to
2. The EC-FORC method r , e.g., q ¼ ½2ceðd
l li =dtÞ1 ½ið lr þ D i Þ  ið
lr ; l i Þ=D
lr ; l lr .
Geometrically it is proportional to the vertical distance
For an electrochemical adsorption system, the FORC between the current traces. (See Fig. 1(b).)
method consists of saturating the adsorbate coverage h in In the case that hð i Þ is the measured quantity, as in
lr ; l
a strong positive electrochemical potential l  (proportional the simulations presented here, the calculation of q is some-
to the electrode potential, with the same sign for anions what more complicated. An array of data points hð i Þ
lr ; l
and opposite sign for cations) and, in each case starting from consecutive FORCs is used to calculate q as shown
from saturation, decreasing l  at a constant scan rate X in Fig. 2. A polynomial surface is fit to this array of data
to a series of progressively more negative ‘‘reversal poten- points to provide a functional form of hð i Þ, the mixed
lr ; l
tials’’ l r . (See Fig. 1). Subsequently, the potential is partial derivative of which is proportional to q as given
increased back to the saturating value at the same rate X by Eq. (2). Away from the major hysteresis loop, the array
[3]. The method is thus a simple generalization of the stan- of data points used to calculate q can be taken to be
dard cyclic voltammetry (CV) method, in which the nega- ‘square’, i.e., to start and end at the same value of l i for
tive return potential is decreased for each cycle. This each of the FORCs involved (squares in Fig. 2). Close to
produces a family of FORCs, hð i Þ, where h is the
lr ; l the major loop, this is not geometrically possible. As shown
adsorbate coverage and l i is the instantaneous potential in Fig. 2, we therefore used a ‘slanted’ array of data points
during the increase back toward saturation. Alternatively, to calculate q. To obtain the values of q at grid points other
as it is usually done in CV experiments, one can record than the center point of the grid ( li , closer to l r ) we used a
the family of voltammetric currents, third-order polynomial to fit hð i Þ. This allows the eval-
lr ; l
li oh
d uation of the mixed partial derivative q at all points of the
i Þ ¼ ce
lr ; l
ið ; ð1Þ
dt oli grid, while a second-order polynomial fit only allows the
where c is the electrosorption valency [12–14] and e is the evaluation of q at the center point. For consistency and
elementary charge. Although we shall not discuss this fur- convenience, a third-order polynomial was used with the
ther here, it is of course also possible to fix the negative lim- three kinds of grids described above and at all points close
iting potential and change the positive return potential
from cycle to cycle. 2
Note that to normalize the FORC distribution, the term 12 dð li 
The family of FORCs consists of N FORCs measured at r Þ ohðo
l li Þ
lr ;
jli !lþr must be added to Eq. (2) [15]. Here we consider the
values of l r that are evenly spaced by D lr . Each of these distribution only away from the line l i ¼ l
r . The additional term could be
FORCs has data points measured at the (in general differ- found from the major loop.
I. Abou Hamad et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 61–68 63

1 X L2
H¼ /ij ci cj  l
 ci ; ð3Þ
i<j i¼1
where i<j is a sum over all pairs of sites, /ij are the lateral
0.6 interaction energies between particles on the ith and jth
sites measured in meV/pair, and l  is the electrochemical

potential measured in meV/atom. The local occupation

variables ci can take the values 1 or 0, depending on
whether site i is occupied by an ion (1) or solvated (0).
0.2 The sign convention is chosen such that l  > 0 favors
adsorption. Negative values of /ij denote repulsion, while
0 positive values of /ij denote attraction between adsorbate
-170 -160 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 -100 particles on the surface. In addition to adsorption/desorp-
μ / meV tion steps, we include diffusion steps that have a free-energy
Fig. 2. A subset of the family of FORCs. The circled points are an barrier comparable to the adsorption/desorption free-
example of the ‘slanted’ 5 · 11 array of data points used to calculate q energy barrier [7].
from hð i Þ. The filled squares represent a ‘square’ 5 · 5 array and the
lr ; l The dynamics of the model are studied by a KMC sim-
hollow squares represent a ‘square’ 5 · 11 array. See discussion in the text. ulation with the computational time unit of one Monte
Carlo Step per Site (1 MCSS = L2 MCS). For a discussion
to and away from the major loop. The three kinds of grids of the relation between this simulated time unit and real,
were compared for points away from the major hysteresis physical time, see Ref. [7]. In each MCS of the simulation,
loop. While the larger 5 · 11 grids (‘square’, and ‘slanted’) an adsorption site is chosen at random and a move
produced very similar and smooth FORC diagrams, the (adsorption, desorption, or diffusion) is attempted. The
FORC diagram produced by the 5 · 5 grid was more noisy. transition rates from the present configuration to the set
Consequently, in the results shown in this paper, the 5 · 11 of new possible configurations are calculated. A weighted
‘slanted’ grid was used to calculate q from hð i Þ for all
lr ; l list of the probabilities for accepting each of these moves
values of the arguments. during one MCS is constructed using Eq. (5) below, and
Another approach to calculating q near the major loop used to calculate the probabilities R(FjI) of the individ-
would be to use an ‘extended FORC diagram’ [15], for ual moves between the initial state I and final state
which a square grid of points can be used even near the F. The probability for the system to remain in the initial
major loop, but where the delta function normalization configuration at the end of the time step is consequently
term (see Footnote 2) will automatically be included by R(I jI) = 1  RF6¼IR(F jI) [7,8].
the polynomial fitting procedure described above. The Using a thermally activated, stochastic barrier-hopping
methods for calculating q that are described here, are quite picture, the energy of the transition state for a microscopic
straightforward, but also rather slow. A faster method change from an initial state I to a final state F is approxi-
is based on the Savitzky–Golay smoothing algorithm mated by the symmetric Butler–Volmer formula [22–24].
[16,17]. It is described in Ref. [18]. UI þ UF
The FORC distribution is usually displayed as a contour UTk ¼ þ Dk : ð4Þ
plot called a ‘FORC diagram.’ A positive value of q indi-
cates that the corresponding FORCs are converging with Here UI and UF are the energies of the initial and final
increasing l i , while a negative value indicates divergence. states as given by Eq. (3), Tk is the transition state for pro-
The physical significance of the sign of q will become cess k, and Dk is a ‘‘bare’’ barrier associated with process k.
clearer when we apply the EC-FORC method to discontin- This process can here be either nearest-neighbor diffusion
uous and continuous phase transitions in Sections 4 and 5, (Dnn), next-nearest-neighbor diffusion (Dnnn), or adsorp-
respectively. tion/desorption (Da/d). The probability per unit time for a
particle to make a transition from state I to state F is
approximated by the one-step Arrhenius rate [22–24].
3. Model  
RðFjIÞ ¼ m exp  k
KMC simulations of lattice-gas models, where a Monte kBT
Carlo step (MCS) corresponds to one attempt to cross a    
free-energy barrier, have been used to simulate the kinetics ¼ m exp  exp  ; ð5Þ
kBT 2k B T
of electrochemical adsorption in systems with both discon-
tinuous [9,10,19,20] and continuous [7,21] phase transitions. where kB is Boltzmann’s constant and T is the absolute
The energy associated with a lattice-gas configuration is temperature. Here, m is the attempt frequency, which sets
described by the grand-canonical effective Hamiltonian the overall timescale for the simulation. We set m equal to
for an L · L square system of adsorption sites, 1 MCSS1, so that the transition probabilities in a single
64 I. Abou Hamad et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 61–68

Fig. 3. (a) FORCs for a discontinuous phase transition, obtained with scan rate X = 0.03 meV/MCSS and interactions and barrier heights as given in the
text. The vertical line shows the coexistence value of the electrochemical potential, l 0 . The minimum of each FORC is also shown (filled circles). The
thick curve corresponds to the FORC whose minimum lies nearest the coexistence value, l i ¼ l
0 . (b) The corresponding voltammetric currents, calculated
by numerical differentiation of the FORCs. See Eq. (1). (c) FORC diagram generated from the family of FORCs in (a). The positions of the FORC minima
are shown as filled circles. The thick, straight line corresponds to the FORC marked as a thick curve in (a).

time step (MCS) are given by RðFjIÞ ¼ RðFjIÞL2 MCSS. L = 128, a family of FORCs were simulated, averaging over
The electrochemical potential l  is changed each MCSS, ten realizations for each FORC at room temperature. The
preventing the system from reaching equilibrium at the lateral interaction energy (restricted to nearest-neighbor)
instantaneous value of l . was taken to be /ij = /nn = 55 meV, where the positive
Independent of the diffusional degree of freedom, attrac-
tive interactions (/ij > 0) produce a discontinuous phase
transition between a low-coverage phase at low l , and a
high-coverage phase at high l . In contrast, repulsive inter-
actions (/ij < 0) produce a continuous phase transition
between a low-coverage disordered phase for low l , and
a high-coverage, ordered phase for high l. Examples of sys-
tems with a discontinuous phase transition include under-
potential deposition [19,20,25], while the adsorption of
halides on Ag(1 0 0) [7,8,21,26,27] are examples of systems
with a continuous phase transition.

4. Discontinuous phase transition

A two-dimensional lattice gas with attractive adsorbate-

Fig. 4. The dependence of the FORC minima on the sweep rate X. The
adsorbate lateral interactions that cause a discontinuous
figure shows FORC minima for two families of FORCs with different
phase transition is a simple model of electrochemical under- sweep rates (X = 0.03 and 0.09 meV/MCSS, respectively). The curves are
potential deposition [19,20,25,28]. Using a lattice-gas model guides to the eye, obtained by smoothing the data using a first-order
with attractive interactions on an L · L lattice with Savitzky–Golay filter with a window of 5 points [16,17].
I. Abou Hamad et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 61–68 65

Fig. 5. (a) FORCs for a continuous phase transition simulated at a slow scan rate, X = 0.0003 meV/MCSS. The thin black curve near the middle of the
major loop is the equilibrium isotherm. The inset is a magnification of the critical region. The minimum of each FORC is also shown (filled circles). The
thick, black curve shows the first FORC which dips below the critical coverage, hc  0.36. (b) The corresponding voltammetric currents, calculated by
numerical differentiation of the FORCs. See Eq. (1). (c) FORC diagram generated from the FORCs in (a). The positions of the FORC minima are shown
as filled circles. The thick, straight line corresponds to the FORC marked as a thick curve in (a).

value indicates nearest-neighbor attraction. For this value the distant stable state (h  0). For h < 0.5, the stable and
of /nn, room temperature corresponds to T = 0.8Tc, where metastable states are h  1 and h  0, respectively, and
Tc is the critical temperature. The barriers for adsorption/ the same balancing effect explains the FORC minima
desorption and diffusion (nearest-neighbor only) were occurring at l i > l0 . The net effect is a ‘back-bending’ of
Da/d = Dnn = 150 meV, corresponding to relatively slow the curve of minima, as seen in Fig. 3(a).
diffusion [20]. Simulation runs with faster diffusion In Fig 3(c), the FORC diagram is plotted against the
(Dnn = 125 meV) and the same adsorption/desorption bar- variables lb ¼ ðlr þ li Þ=2 and l
c ¼ ð
lr  l
i Þ=2. These vari-
rier were little different from the results shown in Fig. 3. ables are commonly used in the literature for plotting
The reversal electrochemical potentials l r associated with FORC diagrams [3], as l b denotes the midpoint between
the FORCs were separated by D lr ¼ 1 meV increments in r and l
l i , and lc is proportional to the distance between
the interval [200 meV, 0 meV], and the field-sweep rate these two values of l  .3
was constant at X ¼ jD li =Dtj ¼ 0:03 meV=MCSS. The The definition in Eq. (2) implies that the FORC distribu-
FORCs are shown in Fig. 3(a), with a vertical line indicating tion q should be negative in the vicinity of the back-bend-
the position of the coexistence value of the electrochemical ing. This can be readily seen in Fig 3(c). The negative
potential, l0 ¼ 110 meV, and a filled circle showing the values of q reflect a local divergence of the FORCs away
position of the minimum of each FORC. The correspond-
ing voltammetric currents are shown in Fig. 3(b). 3
In magnetic applications, the variables Hb and Hc (corresponding to l b
In a simple Avrami’s-law analysis, the FORC minima all and l c , respectively) have a clear physical meaning as the bias and coercive
i ¼ l
lie at l 0 [6]. However, in the simulations the minima fields, respectively, in a bistable magnetic system. While this physical
are displaced. For h > 0.5, the minima occur at l 0 ,
i < l meaning does not extend clearly to electrochemical systems, this choice of
precisely at the points where the tendency to phase-order, variables does produce FORC diagrams with less unused space than the
variables ð i Þ, for which the region l
lr ; l r is forbidden, and so we have
i < l
which drives local regions of the system toward the nearby used it here. However, the analysis described in the following sections
metastable state (h  1), is momentarily balanced by the could also be made with FORC diagrams plotted using the variables
electrochemical potential, which drives the system toward ð i Þ.
lr ; l
66 I. Abou Hamad et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 61–68

from each other as l i (and time) increases. This can be con- phase, and thus their approach to equilibrium is not hin-
sidered a dynamical instability, caused by the competition dered by jamming. This is a phenomenon that occurs when
between the tendency to phase-order and the effect of the further adsorption in a disordered adlayer is hindered by
electrochemical potential. When the potential sweep is the nearest-neighbor exclusion. As a result, extra diffusion
stopped suddenly at a potential in this unstable region, steps are needed to make room for the new adsorbates, and
the subsequent time evolution of h is non-monotonic: it the system follows different dynamics than a system with an
first approaches its metastable value, but then reverses ordered adlayer [30]. The FORCs that dip below hc enter
and relaxes reliably to its equilibrium value at that poten- into the disordered phase, and thus their approach to
tial. The only exception is the point ð l¼l 0 ; h ¼ 0:5Þ along equilibrium is delayed by jamming. This is reflected in the
the FORC indicated by bold lines in Fig. 3. It is also inter- FORC diagram by the Florida-shaped ‘‘peninsula’’ cen-
esting to note that the curve connecting the minima of the tered around this FORC in Fig. 5(c).
FORCs resembles the van der Waals loop in the mean-field The effect of jamming is more pronounced at higher
isotherm of a fluid system below its critical temperature scan rates, or with a higher diffusion barrier, where the rate
[29], but with an asymmetrical shape about the point of adsorption is much faster than the rate of diffusion. The
l¼l 0 ; h ¼ 0:5Þ and with a sweep-rate dependent shape family of FORCs and FORC diagram at a higher scan rate,
as shown in Fig. 4. X = 0.01 meV/MCSS, are shown in Fig. 6, and with a lar-
ger diffusion barrier in Fig. 7. In Fig. 6, two distinct groups
5. Continuous phase transition of FORCs undergoing jammed and unjammed dynamics
can be clearly seen. This is reflected in the FORC diagram
Using the same Hamiltonian, but with long-range repul- as a splitting of the ‘‘peninsula’’ into two ‘‘islands’’ of
sive interactions and nearest-neighbor exclusion as appro- locally maximal values of q. A similar effect is seen in
priate for modeling halide electrosorption on Ag(1 0 0) Fig. 7, since also there the rate of adsorption is much faster
[7–10], KMC simulations were used to produce the family
of FORCs for a continuous phase transition. The reversal
potentials l r were separated by D lr ¼ 10 meV increments
in the interval [  200 meV, 400 meV]. As in Refs. [7,9,10],
the repulsive 1/r3 interactions, with nearest-neighbor exclu-
sion and /nnn = 21 meV, are calculated with exact contri-
butions for rij 6 3, and using a mean-field approximation
for rij > 3. The barriers for adsorption/desorption and near-
est- and next-nearest-neighbor diffusion were approximated
on the basis of DFT calculations [21] as Da/d = 300 meV,
Dnn = 100 meV, and Dnnn = 200 meV, respectively [7]. Lar-
ger values of the diffusion barrier were also used to study the
effect of diffusion on the dynamics. A continuous phase
transition occurs between a disordered state at low coverage
and an ordered state at high coverage [26,27]. The FORCs,
voltammetric currents, and FORC diagram are shown in
Fig. 5.
Also indicated in Fig. 5(a) are the FORC minima and
the equilibrium isotherm, as calculated in independent
equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations. Note that the FORC
minima in Fig. 5(a) lie directly on the equilibrium isotherm.
This is because such a system has one stable state for any
given value of the potential, as defined by the continuous,
single-valued equilibrium isotherm. The corresponding vol-
tammetric currents are shown in Fig. 5(b). The uniformly
positive value of the FORC diagram in Fig. 5(c) reflects
the convergence of the family of FORCs with increasing
i . This convergence results from relaxation toward the
equilibrium isotherm, at a rate which increases with the dis-
tance from equilibrium. It is interesting to note that, while
it is difficult to see at this slow scan rate, the rate of Fig. 6. (a) FORCs for a continuous phase transition simulated at a high
scan rate, X = 0.01 meV/MCSS, and the other model parameters as given
approach to equilibrium decreases greatly along the first
in the text. The different curves and symbols have the same meanings as in
FORC that dips below the critical coverage hc  0.36 Fig. 5(a). The inset showing the region of large l and h emphasizes the
(shown in bold in Fig. 5(a)). The FORCs that lie com- jamming behavior. (b) FORC diagram generated from the FORCs in (a).
pletely in the range h > hc never enter into the disordered The different lines and symbols have the same meanings as in Fig. 5(b).
I. Abou Hamad et al. / Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 607 (2007) 61–68 67

should be useful in experiments. Second, due to the insta-

bility that exists in systems with a discontinuous phase
transition, the minima of the family of FORCs in this case
form a back-bending ‘‘van der Waals loop,’’ and the corre-
sponding FORC diagram contains negative regions that do
not exist for systems with a continuous phase transition.
Since experimental implementation of the EC-FORC
method should only require simple reprogramming of a
potentiostat designed to carry out a standard CV experi-
ment, we believe the method can be of significant use in
obtaining additional dynamic as well as equilibrium infor-
mation from such experiments for systems that exhibit elec-
trochemical adsorption with related phase transitions.


We gratefully acknowledge useful comments from E.

Borguet and two anonymous referees.
This research was supported by U.S. NSF Grant No.
DMR-0240078, and by Florida State University through
the School of Computational Science, the Center for Mate-
rials Research and Technology, and the National High
Magnetic Field Laboratory.


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