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Form 2 English Mock Exam

Grammar and Translations

Date: 1-8-2019
Name: _________________________
Class: 2____ ( )
Duration: 2 hours
Mark: _____________/512 (Convert to: _____________/100)

1. This paper contains 10 parts (A to J). Check whether have missing pages.
2. Answer all the questions on the question-answer book
3. Write the answer in the spaces provided.
F.2 Mock Exam (Grammar and Translation)

F.2 Mock Exam (Grammar and Translation)

F.2 Mock Exam (Grammar and Translation)
Preposition: (16%)
8. She insists _____ learning German. 8. Please take my __________(advise).
9. The earthquake destroyed the city ________ a 9. He is regarded as a ___________(bravery) man.
Few minutes. 10. Social worker is a _____________(mean) career.
10. A dog ran _______ a cat. 11. It makes no ______________(differ).
11. Please take good care ______ your grandparents. 12. Life is ______________(stress ) in HK.
12. Owing to the coming exam, you had better to call _____the party. 13. I can finish the test ______________(easy).
13. I can’t put up _______ injustice. 14. The little lamb is in ______________(dangerous).
14. I am used _______ drinking coffee. 15. I am ______________(interest) in chessing.
15. Face the challenge! Don’t run away _______ reality. E. Rewrite the following sentences: (16%)
D. Part of Speech: (30%) 1. He is clever. He always comes first.
1. We are living under the __________(threaten) of terrorism. Owing to__________________________________________
2. The ________(sail) saved a drowning boy. 2. She is beautiful. She attract many boys.
3. Hip Hop is ______________(accept) to HK people. Due to___________________________________________.
4. the driver paid no ________________(attend) to the traffic light. 3. They are greedy. They were deceived by a scammer.
5. the trouble-maker keeps ________________(complain) all the time. Because of________________________________________.
6. we should strive for ______________(glorious). 4. Candy is wealthy. She can buy whatever she likes.
7. Be a ______________(succeed) man ! Owing to_________________________________________.

F.2 Mock Exam (Grammar and Translation)

F.2 Mock Exam (Grammar and Translation)

F.2 Mock Exam (Grammar and Translation)
J. Translations: (206%)
1. (4)

2. 沉默是金 (4)
3. 團結就是力量 (4)
4. 大局已定(4)
5. (4)

6. (6)

7. (6)

8. (8)

9. (4)

10. (6)

11. (6)

12. (4)

13. 冤冤相報何時了! (4)

14. (6)

F.2 Mock Exam (Grammar and Translation)
15. (6)

16. (4)

17. (6)

18. (6)

19. (4)

20. (6)

21. (6)

22. (6)

23. (6)

24. (6)

25. (6)

26. 勇者無懼 (4)

27. 少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲 (4)

28. (4)

F.2 Mock Exam (Grammar and Translation)
29. 小時候,我常常生病和情緒低落。我的學業成績遠遠未符滿意。我的同學欺凌我,

30. (4)

31. 正當米高刷牙時,安祖拉在拉小提琴。(6)

32. 我們的班長在上次的運動會贏了二金一銀牌,他已成了我們的偶像。(6)


34. 這貧民窟已被政府清除,數以千計的草根階層需要幫助。(6)

35. $54680 (4)

36. 所有企鵝和海豚已被訓練過,因此,他們表演得很好。(6)

37. 佐治出了名懶惰,他喜歡抄功課並在堂上發白日夢。更甚的是,他精於說慌和高

38. 今時今日,每一位年青人都有自己的夢想。去吧!追求你自己的夢想。(6)

End of paper

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