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College of Teacher Education

Sibalom, Antique


Instructor: Mr. Alfonso Samillano, Jr. ENGL 17

Wrap-up Activity
 What is the role of campus journalism in University of Antique? Has it fulfilled its
mandate of upholding press freedom on campus?
 What are the issues in campus journalism existing in University of Antique?

The University of Antique has different publication offices for every colleges and
departments. The Prism is the university’s official publication, they are accountable for featuring
whatever is happening in the campus whether during events or any issues while the department
publication offices such as The Mentor, The Wheel and The Catalyst feature occurrences inside
their department. The campus journalism in the University of Antique plays the role of the print
media that tells the “it” stories or the latest news like the trend and interviews with faculty, staff
and students in the campus or the university’s events such as Intramural Meet, seminars, among
others. With all these roles, has the campus journalism in the university fulfilled its mandate of
upholding press freedom on campus? Respectively, I would say no. As a part of the publication
before, we had troubles in our way. There were censorship and publication staffs were not
gallant enough to feature the darker regions in their stories. When you read the newsletter, the
literary folios or magazines, stories such as the latest winner of the university’s pageant or the
issues during the sports event are featured but none of them features the angles that can
tarnish any individual’s image. Winners, runners-up stories that are intriguing or an individual
who joined the sports event that has an inspirational story are featured. Sports section, editorial,
column, among others; the stories that can be read are already heard and known from the
mouths of the people in the event. No staff is courageous enough to dig deeper and feature
what is behind the characters we see.
College of Teacher Education
Sibalom, Antique

Morals stop people from doing such deeds. People in the university may or may not
care for the person’s image but rather than sharing what is the truth, they choose not to risk
anything as a student and anyone higher or behind the publication office censor these stories.
Staffs are sent to cluster, division, regionals and national competitions bringing awards such as
top performing school or promising and most promising writers but none are still allowed to
feature angles that is supposed to be known or what we call teas that are supposed to be spilt.
There are a lot of stories but they are limited to what the campus is only allowing. This is one of
the major issues that exists in the University of Antique. It might not be seen by others or in
other cases, it is known but none chose to speak about it.

As a journalist, one of the characteristics that one should possess is to be courageous.

Every story that is worth to be heard by everyone should be shared. By failing to pursue a
journalistic intention, journalists avoid antagonizing. No one will come after you if you are in a
neutral view.

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