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t gH c-) o se _ o § oy ~ E £ © o 2 — and I was ready to sit, when my coach let me in and told me to hit! T swung the bat. that my bat split! I wouldn't quit. I swung so hard, T wonder why... T wonder how... 6 About what? About the wonders of ale nature, Pencee! I Wonder Why Jeannie Kirby I wonder why the grass is green, And why the wind is never seen? Who taught the birds to build a nest, And told the trees to take a rest? Or, when the moon is not quite round, Where can the missing bit be found? Who lights the stars, when they blow out, And makes the lightning flash about? Who paints the rainbow in the sky, And hangs the fluffy clouds so high? Why is it now, do you suppose, That dad won't tell me, if he knows? Period (tune: I'm a Little Teapot) T'm a little period, Small and round. After a statement, Till be found. Tf there's information, I am there, At the very end, That's where. T'm a little period, One round dot. e I'm very small, But used a lot. If you make requests, Then T'll be there. Look and find me. Be aware. Try this at home: Write 2-3 sentences about what you like to do at school. Remember to add periads to the end of your sentences. clipart from | am the Music Man lam the music man, | come from far away, And | can play. What can you play? | play the piano. Pia, pia, piano, piano, piano, Pia, pia, piano, pia, piano. lam the music man, | come from far away, And | can play. > What can you play? | play the big drum. Boomdi, boomdi, boomdi boot Boomdi boom, boomdi boom. 1 ; Thus the little minutes, ' Make the mighty ages Of eternity. Little Things By Ebenezer Cobham Brewer Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean And the pleasant land. Humble though they be, i \e Seasons we uh 4 (To the une of My Boi Lies ver the Ocean) Pg springtime the snow melts and rains fall, Plants and flowers grow in summer sun, After harvest in fall, days grow colder, In winter, snow means chilly fun! x Seasons, seasons, all four are quite special to me, to mel Seasons, seasons, each one is great, don't you agree? 3% With spring comes new life; bright bold colours, Summer days outdoors; hear the birdsong, Carve a pumpkin at Halloween this fall, Wear your warm mittens all winter long! Seasons, seasons, not one of them is like the rest, the rest! Seasons, seasons, tell me which one you like best! AU TURAN By wwu.theneacher a: As summer draws its final breath te prepare its curtain call the monarchs begin their epic trek eee to usher in the fall x cs The northern wind breathes out its chill as songs begin to hush and paints the trees upen the hill with its artist's brush Fram green to red, orange and brown the trees discard their masks and lay them gently upon the ground for us to begin our tasks Autumn makes way for winter's reign we bid farewell old friend till summer's warmth begins to wane \ and fall returns again ewww.2ndgradeworksheetsnet

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