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Writing task: Write a description

Write a description of an important festival or event in your country. Answer the Useful language
questions below. Phrases for describing
Use the Useful language to help you prepare. Write around 100 words.
• The festival / event is
Tip  Use the present simple to describe called …
routines and regular events. Make sure • It takes place (in the
you remember the -es / -s ending for he / summer / every year).
she / it. • Traditionally people (go to
/ eat / give / watch) ...
• What is the festival or event called?
• It is traditional to +
• When does it take place? infinitive
• Are there any stories connected with • The most important …
the festival? • People celebrate by + -ing
• What do people do during the festival? verb
• What do they wear? • (Dancing / Eating) is a big
• What do they eat? part of the celebration.

• Do they give gifts? Vocabulary for describing

• fireworks
The event is called the Barranquilla Carnival • gifts
The carnival takes place every year in February. • celebration
Barranquilla's carnival has its origin in the Carnival that came to America from Spain. • costumes
Hence comes its spirit of renewal and change, similar to the one that animated these • party
festivals in Europe. • event
People during the festival, dance, enjoy, sing, laugh and can do many more things.
They wear colorful costumes, folk costumes, wear masks and can dress however they • national holiday
want. • traditional food
The recommended ones are sancocho de guandú, casaba, fried Mojarra with
patacones and rice with coconut, stuffed potato, fish roe, sausage, arepuelas, joy,
marriage of bun and cheese, rogue banana and carimañolas.
The people don't give gifts but all the people who want to go to the carnival enjoy it
and it does not matter if they are foreigners.

Oxford Online
Skills Program

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