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American God

Matthew Billy Yank

Male 244 6'1" 200 blue White
Lincoln's Brigade(defunct) Liberty Island 10
92 15 28 15 0 150

8 4 9 3
5 2 5 10
+4 5
Grab +9 (DC Spec 18) (Bludgeon, Crit 20)
Magic 4 (DC 19) (Divine, Crit 20)
Throw +7 (DC 28) (Bludgeon, Crit 20) 3
Unarmed +9 (DC 23) (Bludgeon, Crit 20)

Offense contined:
Shuriken, +7 (DC 21) (Multiattack/Piercing, Crit 20)
Heavy Pistol, +7 (DC 19) (Ballistic, Crit 20)

Immunity 1: Aging

Magic: Damage 4, Divine, DC 19, Increasing Range 2: perception

Regeneration 2: Every 5 rounds

Throwing Distance: Throw 25 tons 6 feet, throw 6 tons 30 feet, throw 3200 lbs. 120 feet

Base Movement Speed: Walk; 2 miles/hour, 30 feet/round. Run; 4 miles/hour, 60 feet/round. Swim 0.5
miles/hour, six feet/round.

Motorcycle, toughness 8.

Attractive 2
Favored Foe: Nazis, Facists, and Confederates +12
Improved Aim
Ranged Attack 5
Ritualist +10
Throwing Mastery 5
Well-informed Magic rituals
Equipment 9 +7
Languages: Native Language, Spanish


Enemy: His "Brother" Johnny Imperal (formally Johnny

Reb), +7
Identity: Billy Yank

Mythic Weakness: though Billy is ageless, he is not

truely immortal. He can be killed in battle and has +9
particualy a weakness for arrows fleeched with turkey +10

Pistol +8
Bulletproof Vest, cost 3
Commlink, cost 1
Heavy Pistol, cost 8
Island Base, cost 13 +4
Leather Armor, cost 1
Medium Wooden Shield, cost 4
Shuriken, cost 3
Undercover Shirt, cost 2
Motorcycle, cost 10

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