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Name: Yahir Espinoza ID: 8-809-240

When Covid 19 arrived to Panama, we were not prepared for such a

difficult situation. As a teacher, I had to reinvent myself. That made take
some decisions related to the methodological approach that I was going to

First, I had to pick up the topics and design my activities based on the skills I
wanted the students to acquire. For example, I am using up virtual where I
can tell my students to upload audios in order to listen to the way the speak.
I decided to do it this way because in the first quarter was a litte bit chaotic
to call each student. With up virtual, I can keep track of the grades and how
the students are working during the developement of the course.
Second, I had to decide how I was going to grade their speaking skills. For
that reason, I created rubrics for them to see how the grade was going to be
given. At the beginning, they were not clear, but with some explanation,
they could create great speeches and conversations which they shared on up

Third, I consider I can improve the creation of rubrics by applying the ideas
about Bloom´s Taxonomy. Even though, I had studied them, this new
approach gave me new ideas. For that reason, I can move from knowledge to
a higher levels of thinking skills.

This seminar opened up a wide range of opportunities. I feel that I can be

more creative and embrace virtual enviroment with more ease.

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