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DATE:27th April 2020

In Today's Circle Time, we
begin the day with the routine
Good Morning Song, Weather
song, Days of the week,
Months of the year, Alphabet
Song, Number Song, Good
Habit song and Brushing
Teeth Activity.

Instruction for parents

1. Let’s make a circle by listening to the attached link on ‘Let’s Make A Circle’ followed by
‘Good Morning’ song.
2. Talk about the weather: Sing along with your child the ‘Weather Song’. Discuss with the
child by asking him/her about ‘How’s the weather today?’
3. Sing aloud names of the Days of the week and the Months of the year along with the child.
Help them try recalling the days of the week and months of the year with different actions
like clapping, tapping the feet, rolling hands, jumping etc.
4. Sing the ‘Alphabet Song’ with actions.
5. Sing the ‘Number Rhyme’ with actions:

The Number Song:

One, Two, Three, Four, Five Once I Call A Fish Alive
6. Now let’s sing some rhymes on ‘Good Habits’
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Wash your hands:

Bath song:

7. Healthy teeth are important to your child’s overall health. They help your child eat and talk.

Strong oral care helps set good dental habits as your child grows. Poor oral care can lead

to infection, disease, or other teeth problems.

Help your child make dental hygiene fun with these tips:

• Let children help choose their own toothbrush. They can pick one that has a

favourite colour or character.

• Let children help choose toothpaste. They can pick their favourite flavour.

• Read books or watch videos that talk about dental hygiene.

• Use a timer to make sure kids brush their teeth for 2 minutes. Or play their favourite

song to help keep track of time.

• Reward children for good oral care. Do not give them food or sugary treats. Offer

something healthy or simple instead, like apple slices or a gold star.

Today let’s teach children the proper brushing technique. Let’s enjoy the video and practice the
brushing technique along with the child. The child will enjoy the activity and at the same time learn
oral dental hygiene. With this we come to the end of the Circle Time.

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