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Kitty Moss

Theoretical Problems:

Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter when How I plan to resolve these
researching and planning problems

When gaining research for my production I may encounter some

problems. Some problems that I might encounter are that I may
not gain enough responses for my survey which may mean that I
don’t get sufficient depth on what my audience want to see or
what they like and dislike about my idea. I might not find
enough evidence or information for my production. Due to the
fact that my production is a factual programme I need to make
sure that I have information that is truthful and reliable.

Planning for practical and technical problems

Problems I may encounter when How I plan to resolve these
researching and planning problems

Some problems that could occur when creating my production is

not having enough interviewees to gather information. So,
when getting people for interviews I should make sure that I
have some people as backups just in case one interviewee
can’t do. My filming equipment could get broken or I may not
have enough batteries for certain parts of equipment. I may
be restricted to how I interview people due to coronavirus
meaning I have to make sure I talk to people from a safe

Mid project check-up (After research)

I have just finished filming and there are a few things that
went a little bit wrong. When I went to film my first
interview the SD card in one of them want formatted correctly
and I wasn’t sure how to correct so I decided to film that
interview with just one single camera setup. I also really
struggled during this stage of the filming as I didn’t have
any crew to help me, so it made my job a lot more difficult
as I was trying to film with the cameras as well as conduct
an interview with my interviewee whilst also keeping my focus
on them.

End project review

I think that my project well I did plenty of planning and I

had time for re-shoots which was really important my editing
went well and have created a production that I am happy with
and something that I think I have made sure that I included
everything I wanted, and it is everything that I envisioned
my production to look like
Kitty Moss

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