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Universitatea ”Petre Andrei” din Iași


Specializarea PSIHOLOGIE

la disciplina Limba engleză
Titlul referatului: Psychological Effects of Isolation



Anul de studiu : II

Isolation during a pandemic is often an unpleasant experience. Separation from loved
ones, loss of freedom, insecurity about the stage of the disease and boredom can sometimes
create dramatic effects. In the current context of restrictions, some experts appreciate that we live
in the greatest psychological experiment of all time. We could see in the long run the most toxic
effects of isolation if we do not take steps to mitigate them.
           In the case of quarantine or self-isolation, people cannot choose who to spend time with or
under what conditions, especially if it is an institutionalized quarantine. And this factor is very
important for the mental and physical state that is installed during the forced isolation.
           An active person , professionally involved through direct contact with other people, with a
healthy lifestyle (which involves daily physical exercise through the practice of a sport or various
exercises for bone and muscle health), with good management of free time that dedicates to
leaving the city or the country, can easily move from a state of balance to a state of physical and
mental imbalance. These imbalances can manifest from simple tensions, controlled stress,
agitation, to behavioral disorders such as: anxiety, panic attacks, depression.
            A sedentary person , accustomed to inactivity and isolation, will continue to live his life
as before, but due to media intoxication with various confusing or pessimistic news, will be able
to develop various fears transformed into phobias, psychotic episodes or various abuses. of food.
            In both cases , the following may occur:
- obsessive-compulsive behaviors (excessive hand washing, surface disinfection); 
- social rejection (refusal to touch another person or to be touched by another person;
 - postponement or refusal of visits by relatives or friends or vice versa, refusal to visit);
 - quarrels between partners or family members that are not necessarily based on a real,
welldefined cause; 
- alcohol abuse, drugs, various substances that can lead to various forms of violence against
oneself or those around  
           The dramatic effects of isolation include suicide, episodes of intense anger and lawsuits
following the imposition of quarantine measures, according to a review published in The Lancet ,
which looks at studies over time in several countries, such as Sweden. Canada, South Korea,
China, affected by epidemics. 

          Most studies report negative psychological effects, including symptoms of post-traumatic
stress, confusion and irritability. Stress factors include prolonged quarantine, fear of infection,
frustration, boredom, inadequate supplies, inadequate information, financial loss and stigma. 
          A study on the MERS epidemic in South Korea, conducted in 2015, shows that six months
after their release from solitary confinement, some of those subjected to this measure still had
anxiety and feelings of anger.   
          Another study comparing parents and children who were quarantined with those who did
not apply the measure shows that post-traumatic stress was four times higher in children who
were quarantined than those who were not.   
           Social stigma
            Many participants in these studies also suffered from social stigma as a result of the
quarantined state. "Participants in several studies said that others behaved differently from them:
they avoided them, gave up inviting them somewhere else, were fearful and suspicious of them,
and also criticized them," according to the review. In the current context of the COVID-19
pandemic, cases of racism and social stigma against the Chinese have also increased. This has
happened many times in the USA but also in Romania . "Over time, the anxiety caused by the
risk of infection has been" diverted "by prejudice , discriminatory practices and structural
stigma," according to the American Psychiatric Association, reports The Hill website . The
association recommends monitoring the behavior of individuals and making available
information that demystifies biased comments.       

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