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Melissa Perez

RST 242

Lesson 2 Reflection Narrative

There remains a multitude of unique factors that influence one's personal views

and values towards nature. Personally, living in a world of rapid urbanization and

industrial expansion is one such factor that has contributed to my perspective on

nature. Amidst growing modernization and the massive shift into the digital epoch,

people have long since discarded their respect for the rich biodiversity of our world,

myself included. Along with a significant global warming emergency, we observe

devastation of wildlife and degradation to the land, as well as air and water pollution.

With this in mind I've come to, especially in recent years, foster a rather protective

relationship with nature.

This adopts a very Romantic viewpoint on nature. While assuming a "back to

nature" stance in regards to society, Romantics believed that industrialization was

deeply inexpedient and looked to nature as pure and restorative to the soul; an escape

from industrialized consumerism. I sympathize greatly with the Romantics in that we

must conserve the land and rediscover our appreciation for our natural heritage.

Preservation is crucial to defending the purity and beauty of our world's landscapes –

and in order to do so, we should seek to become more aware of our environment and

begin to repay the land.

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