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Board of Directors Election

 This essay is about Board of Directors Election, which have been described as: the bridge between the
candidate and his position on the board of directors . Paragraph 1 will take on consideration the definition of
Board of Directors Election , paragraph 2 in this paragraph the focus will be placed  on the difference between an
election of the board of directors and a standard election of an executive officer, paragraph 3 will reserve to how
we manage places, the voting methods will be discussed in the 4th paragraph. So this essay will be made up in 4
paragraph to talk about  Election.

The definition of Board of Directors Election:

   A Board of Directors election is an election where voting members elect new/returning Board members for
their organization. These elections are very common, as most organizations have a Board of Directors. Since a
Board has a heavy influence on the leadership of an organization, these elections are extremely important!

The difference between an election of the board of directors and a standard election of an executive officer

    The difference is that often, Board of Director elections process involve multiple candidates running for
multiple available seats on the Board. This is known as a “multi-winner” election (as opposed to a “single-
winner” election). This makes Board elections similar to any election where you have multiple winners, such as
electing Committee or Team Members.

How we manage places :

  Board members are usually given staggered terms in order to prevent all of the Board positions from being
available for election at once. This ensures that there are always experienced, knowledgeable Directors on the
Board, along with new Directors who can bring fresh ideas to the table. Moreover bylaws require them that each
year 1/3 of the board  which changes and 2/3 remains , then 1/3 of the 2/3 which remains changes the year
after ,and after 1/3 changes the following year, due to the fact that for 3 years all members must change.

Voting methods:

   Election Buddy has other voting methods that can be used in a multiple-candidate, multiple-vacancy position.
These voting methods include:

First , Preferential where We use STV to calculate the results for a multiple-vacancy preferential election.
Preferential is an excellent option for multiple-winner elections because voters can indicate their preference for a
specific candidate relative to the others. In contrast, with plurality, voters are only stating that the candidates
they’ve chosen are preferred over the ones they didn’t — there is no way to gauge preference among the
candidates they did choose. This gives a more precise picture of how the voters truly feel about the candidates. In
the second, the Cumulative  voting method, like the preferential voting method, does allow for voters to express
a more accurate degree of preference. This is because voters can cast more than one vote for any candidate that
they really prefer over the others. Election Buddy will still pick multiple winners even if a voter can choose to
vote for only one candidate.

   To conclude, this essay was about board of directors election who was developed by bylaws  in order to
regulate business processes, ensure their internal stability, and avoid conflicts between members of the business,
for the more ensure that the members of the board of directors change every year in order to give opportunity to
new people.

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