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Give a short description of each of the following voting method:

a. Majority Rules Method

In this method, the candidate which receives more than 50% of the vote is the

b. Plurality Method

In this method, the candidate with the most first place votes win the election.

c. Condorcet Method

In this method, the candidate who receives a majority vote over one of the other
candidates in each head-to-head comparison wins the election. Voters rank
candidates according to their preferences. This method compares each option
with all other options, and the choice that beats all other options is the winner.

d. Borda Count Method

In this method, points are allocated to each candidate based on their ranking or
position. The last place earns one point, the second to the last place earns two
points, etc. To find the points each candidate receives in a column, multiply the
point value for each ranking by the number of voters at the top of the column.
Lastly, totalize all the candidate points, and the candidate with the largest number
of points win.

e. Sequential Pairwise Voting Method

In this method, candidates are being compared in pairs on a fixed agenda.

Candidates are being compared in pairs, and the majority winner of the pairing is
compared to the next candidate shown on the pre-determined list. The
comparison continues until the winner is determined. The winner may, however,
depend on the order in which the election takes place.

f. Hare System

In this method, voters rank candidates based on their preferences- 1st choice, 2nd
choice, 3rd choice, and so on. If no candidate earns a majority vote of fifty percent
plus one of the first-choice votes, the candidate with fewer votes will be removed,
and ballots cast for these candidates are recalculated.

2. Explain the meaning of Arrow's Impossibility Theorem.

Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem, also known as the general impossibility theorem, is a

social choice paradox named after Kenneth J. Arrow, an economist. It highlights the
limitations in ranked voting systems. Moreover, it states that no voting system can
satisfy fair voting procedures in all cases.

3. Application: 
a. Describe the voting system that the DLSU Student Government uses in
choosing its leaders.  Do you think that this system can still be improved?

Candidates would be posted and voters would need to register to be able to vote. Each
registered voter would be given a official ballot form and each official ballot form has
a control number with proper authentication. I think this system can still be
improved despite the right option ultimately relies on the desire of the voter.

b. If you are to design a voting system for choosing the leaders of our
country, how would you do it? Explain why you think your design is
better than the current system.

If I designed a voting system for our country, I would create a direct recording
electronic machine. Voters can vote their preferred candidates through touch screen
voting machines, and the device will automatically count the votes. In this system, all
of the internal voting mechanics are hidden from the voters. A machine can easily
view one set of options on the voter confirmation screen while recording completely
different votes in electronic memory, either due to a programming error or a malicious
design. It is better than current system because if there are any doubts of the election,
the machine provides proof of history recorded by the device. Moreover, election
personnel is needed to ensure the election's fairness; using the machine, election
personnel has no say in the election.

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