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Respiratory Symptoms
Shortness of breath


Cold and Flu

Coronavirus are famly of viruses that brings
various diseases which starts from cough, cold, flu
Difficulty in breathing until it became a severe infection. In severe cases,
it can be a cause of
Pneumonia, Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Kidney
problem and even death.

As of the recent time,

there is no vaccine
against Coronavirus.
We should keep
ourselves well
protected by being
exposed to the virus.

All persons are at risk of

How to Prevent CORONAVIRUS
being sick with coronavirus.
Elder persons, and persons with chronic
Wash your hands always. diseases are more prone and at high risk
Observe physical social distancing. of having infected by the virus.
Cover your mouth and nose when
sneezing and coughing.
Stay away from persons with
symptoms of the virus.
“ Let’s all fight
Drink 8 glassess of water daily and
make sure foods are well-cooked.
Consult medical help if symptoms
are experienced and evident. together.
Together we
heal as one!”

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