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Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) Review

Area: Professional Education

Focus: Philippine Educational System
Lecturer: Prof. Arthur S. Abulencia



1. Education During the Pre-Spanish Period
- Claims of the Spanish conquerors that ancient inhabitants of the
Philippines were illiterate
 Education aimed for
- survival and conformity
- enculturation
- result of individual experiences/by product of the accumulation of
race experiences
 Training consisted of
- Informal education through apprenticeship which started at home
- Domestic chores and practical/occupational honing of skills in
hunting, farming, etc.
- Theoretical/moral and spiritual awakening e.g. worship, laws,
 Education was done through:
- “Tell me” and “show me” or demonstration
- Observation and imitation
- Indoctrination
- Given by older priests – 1st teachers and custodians of knowledge
- Considered education as preserver of their culture and transmitter
of the knowledge acquired by earlier generation to their posterity
and a vital factor in the propagation of their tradition
 Teaching content was:
- broad, indefinite and unwritten
- unstructured/incidental

2. Education During the Spanish Era

 Miguel Lopez de Legaspi – conquered the Philippine Archipelago in

Concerns: Establishment of schools for their children with the
objective of rearing the virtue and skills of the Spanish youth
 Education aimed to propagate Christianity
 Training was done formally through the
- visitas which served as the first schools
- parochial schools established such as the colegios, beaterios, and
- institutions established for higher learning to provide the church
with centers of learning and the state with much needed judges
and lawyers
 Education was considered a status symbol, a privilege and not a right
 Teaching was done through
- dictation, memorization
- other techniques such as the moro-more, cenaculo and other
theatrical performances
 Teaching content consisted of
- Christian doctrine in the elementary levels
- Ecclesiastical studies, classical courses and vocational education
 The media of instruction used were
- Spanish
- Latin
 Education was characterized by
- Authoritarianism (Spaniards refused to give quality education to
the masses)
- teacher-dominated
- subject-centered
- imposition of severe discipline
- direct control of the Roman Catholic church and was dominated by
the priests and clergy
- education purely religious in nature. Aimed at Christianization of
the natives for the glory of God
- Ecclesiastical studies, classical courses and vocational education
 To uplift the education in the Philippines the Royal Decree of 1863
(Education Act of 1863) was promulgated which provided for the
- complete system of education
- free system of education
- establishment of normal school
- reorganization of the school curriculum
- government supervision and control of school thus breaking the 3
century church domination in education

3. Education During the American Era

 Education total changed the educational concepts introduced by the
 Education aimed to promote democratic ideals and way of life
 Education should be universal and free for all regardless of sex, age,
religious and socio-economic status of the individual
 Means of giving people an orientation towards a democratic way of life
 Training was done through the
- schools both public ad secular manned by chaplains and military
officers of the US army and the Thomasites brought here by the
vessel Thomas
 Curricular programs were patterned from the United States
- Religious freedom was enforced (exact contradiction of Spaniards
view of religion)
- Development of the intelligence, right attitudes and habits of
children who were to become citizens of the future were
- Citizenship training for adults became important
- Democratic ideal as a philosophy was emphasized
- Supervision of schools took the role of guidance and consultancy
 Legal Mandates
- Education Act of 1901 laid the foundation of the Philippine public
school system
- Act No. 2957 (in 1921) created the Board of Textbooks for the
selection and adoption of textbooks for the public schools
- Act No. 3162 and 3196 made possible the conduct of the Monroe
Survey and recommended the following
 educational reforms regarding methods and techniques of
teaching, supervision, teacher training and curriculum

 evaluation of teaching and learning
- Constitution of 1935 mandated the establishment and
maintenance of a complete and adequate system of public
education, free public primary instruction, and citizenship training
to adults citizens

4. Education During the Commonwealth Period (1935-1942)

 Education aimed to continue the promotion of democratic ideals and
way of life
 Training wad done through the
- the public schools
- the private schools (sectarian and non sectarian)
 Curricular emphasis was on character education and citizenship
 Legal Mandate
- Education Act of 1940 otherwise known as Commonwealth Act 586
 provided for the complete revision of the public elementary
school system
 shortening of elementary grades to six years
 adoption of double-single sessions in the primary grade with
one teacher one class assignment of intermediate teachers
- R.A. Act No. 4007 completely abolished matriculation fees

5. Education During the Japanese Era

 Education aimed at
- making the people understand the position of the Philippines as a
member of the East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere (a Japanese version
of the “Monroe Doctrine” established by US President James
- eradication of the old idea of reliance upon western states
- elevating the morals of the people giving up over-emphasis on
- striving for the diffusion of the Japanese language in the
Philippines and the termination of the use of the English language
in schools
- inspiring the people with the spirit to love labor
 Training was done formally through the schools, which gave more
emphasis on vocational, technical, agriculture
- reopening of schools
- opening of vocational schools
- establishment of agricultural schools and colleges
 Curricular content centered on values rooted on love for labor
- emphasizing vocational education
- diffusing the use of Nippongo
- teaching physical education and singing Japanese songs
 Legal mandate
- Proclamation No. 1
 informed the people that the sovereignty of the United States
over the Philippines was over and that Martial Law was to reign
 made the Philippines a member of the Greater East Asia Co-
Prosperity sphere

6. Education During the Republic – Philippine Independence (1945-72)

Third Philippine Republic (July 4, 1946). Administration of President
Roxas until the Marcos regime, before the Proclamation of martial law.
 Education aimed at the full realization of the democratic ideals and
way of life the characteristics of which are:
- Democracy is predicted upon the intrinsic worth of the individual
- Individuals realize their capacities best in a social context
- Society is not separated from the individual
- Democracy thrives on change; it is dynamic and flexible
- It fosters persuasion and consensus and rejects coercion and
 Curricular content stressed
- social orientation as manifested by the conservation of the Filipino
- training for occupation
- promotion of democratic nation building
- a new thrust on community development
 Legal Mandates
- Republic Act No. 1123 provided for
 creation of the Board of National Education as the highest
policymaking body of the Philippines
 R.A. No 869: known as Elementary Act of 1953: Every parent to
enroll a child of age to finish elementary education
 revision of the Elementary Education Curriculum of 1957 to
emphasize skill development and proper attitude for work
 reduction of class enrollment to 40
 use of vernacular as the medium of instruction in Grades I and
II in all schools, and English as medium of instruction from
Grade III to VI
 revision of the Secondary Curriculum which consisted of
1. General curriculum for 1st and 2nd year
2. Differentiated Curricula for 3rd and 4th year
 provision for a guidance program in every secondary school
 provision of equal educational opportunities
 formation of the Presidential Commission to survey Philippine
Education (PSPE) to determine how to structure the educational
system to meet the demands of society

7. Education During the New Society (1972-1986)

 Education aimed for national development (Education Act of 1982)
- achieve and maintain an accelerating rate of economic
development and social progress
- assure maximum participation of all the people in the attainment
and enjoyment of the benefits of such growth
- achieve and strengthen national unity and consciousness and
preserve, develop and promote desirable cultural, moral and
spiritual values in a changing world
 Curricular changes in Elementary Education
- Education Act 1982 measures to maintain quality education
- Voluntary accreditation: refers to the recognition of an educational
program or where applicable of an educational institution as
possessing certain standards of quality or excellence (Sutaria,
- focused on the 3Rs
- integration of values in all learning areas
- emphasis on mastery learning

 Curricular changes in Secondary Education
- Increased in time allotment
- YDT and CAT introduced a new courses
- Elective offerings as part of the curriculum
 Educational Programs Initiated
- Project IMPACT - Instructional Management by Parents,
Community, and Teachers
- ISOSA - In school, Off School Approach
- CPS - Continuous Progression Scheme
- PRODED - Program for Decentralized Educational Development
- NCEE - National College Entrance Examination
- NEAT - National Elementary Assessment Test for VI = battery of
achievement tests of multiple choices
- NSAT - National Secondary Assessment Test replaces NCEE; not
pre-requisite to entrance to college; 20% of the result is computed
to the GPA
 Legal Mandates
- PD No. 1 - Integrated Reorganization Plan (September 24, 1972)
1. Decentralization of the Department of Education, Culture and
2. Decision-making is shared by the 13 DECS regional offices
- Bilingual Education Policy - use of English and Filipino as media of
instruction in specific learning areas

8. Education During the Present Period (1986-present)

 Promulgation of the 1987 Constitution which provided the present
philosophy of education in the Philippine Art. XIV, Sec. (32)
Article XIV, Sec. (32) “All education institution shall inculcate
patriotism and nationalism, foster love of humanity, respect for
human rights, appreciation of the role of national heroes in the
historical development of the country, teach the rights and duties of
citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual values, develop moral
character, and personal discipline, encourage critical and creative
thinking, scientific and technological knowledge and provide
vocational efficiency.”
 System of education relevant to society
 Free public education: R.A. 6655 Act of 1988: Free Public
Secondary Education
 Scholarship Program and Student Loan Program: Selected Ethnic
Groups Educational Assistance Program (SEGEAP)
- Study Now Pay Later Plan (SNPLP)
1. State Scholarship for Sciences, Arts and Letters (R.A. 4090,
Jan. 27, 1964)
2. Private Education Student Financial Assistance Program
3. R.A. 6728 Financial Assistance to Students and Teachers in
private education sector in 1989
 Non-Formal, Informal and Indigenous Learning: (for profitable
employment). Ex. Technical and vocational courses. (Indigenous
Learning: ways and methods within the cultural communities
which are used in preserving and building certain traditions; taking
into account their needs while allowing for the influx of external
cultural factors)

 Special Education and adult education: Constitution (ph. 5 sec. 2)
stated that training in civics, vocational efficiency and other skills
to adult citizens, the disabled, and out-of-school youth.
- Commonwealth Act No. 3203: provided for the care and
protection of disabled children. Articles 356 and 259 of the
Civil Code of the Philippines mentioned “the right of every child
to live in an atmosphere conducive to his physical, moral and
intellectual development,” and the concomitant duty of the
government to “promoted the full growth of the faculties of every
- Declaration of the Rights of the Child (U.N. Gen. Assembly-
1959) affirmed: “The child who is physically, mentally or
visually handicapped shall be given the special treatment,
education and care required of his particular condition.”
- Presidential Decree No. 603 – the Child and Youth Welfare
Code, abound with specific provisions for the welfare of the
exceptional child. Article 3, Right of the Child, provides among
other that “emotionally disturbed or socially maladjusted child
shall be treated with sympathy and understanding, and shall be
entitled to treatment and competent care required by his
particular condition.”
- Article 74, provides for the Creation of Special Classes: “Where
needs warrant, there shall be at least special schools for
physically handicapped, the mentally retarded, the emotionally
disturbed and the specially gifted. The private sector shall be
given all the necessary inducement and encouragement.
- Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (January 22, 1992, R.A.
7277) affirms the full participation and total integration of
persons with disabilities into the mainstream of our society.
- World Conference on Special Needs Education held at
Salamanca, Spain on June 7-10, 1994; recognized the necessity
and urgency of providing education for children, youth and
adults with special educational needs within the regular
educational system.
- Republic Act Nos. 3562 and 5250 approved on June 21, 1963
and June 13, 1968 respectively, these acts provided that
teachers, administrators and supervisors of special education
should be trained by the Department of Education and Culture.
- 1981 International Year of Disabled Persons – focusing
attention on the enjoyment of Disabled Persons of right and
opportunities in order to ensure their full participation and
integration into society.
- Convention on the Rights of the Child – Article 28: adopted by
the U.N. in December 1989 states that children have a right to
education and details the obligations of the State to provide this
right. It also says that every child should have access to
academic or vocational secondary education and that if
secondary education is not free, financial aid should be given to
children who need it.
- Jean-Marc Gaspard Itard, a French physician considered to be
the father of Special Education. He worked with deaf children.
- Followed by Edward Sequin – student of Itard who published
“Moral Treatment, Hygiene, and Education of Idiots and other
Backward Children. He believed that sensorimotor exercises
could help stimulate learning for children with disabilities.

- Maria Montessori first female physicians (Italy – 1912) was
influenced by Seguin and then worked first with children with
mental disabilities.

 Education aimed to promote national development and values

 Curricular Reforms
- Implementation of NESC - addressed to civic, intellectual, and
character development of the child. Its features are:
1. Fewer learning areas; emphasis on mastery learning
2. Focused on the development of the 3rs
3. Emphasis on the development of intellectual skills which are as
important as work skills
- Focus on the development of humanism and Filipinism in all
learning areas
 Implementation of SEDP in response to the need to continue pupil
development. It aims to improve policy making and increase the
internal efficiency of the educational system. Its features are:
- subjects generally oriented to the development of values
- specific competencies
- concept-based subject areas
- uni-disciplinary treatment of curriculum content
 Implementation of NSEC. Its features are:
- multi-disciplinary treatment of curriculum content
- student-centered
- cognitive-affective manipulative based curriculum
- values education offered as separate subject area
- emphasis in Science and Technology
- uses bilingual policy
- critical thinking emphasized
 Ramos Administration onward to the Philippine 2000: Major priorities
include economic development, political stability, effective
bureaucracy, people empowerment, and environmental protection;
stressed that the delivery of quality education to all the people as
mandated by the Constitution is the chief means to empower the
masses; people need to become globally competitive; Vision of
Philippines 2000, the Philippine attaining the status of a Newly
Industrialized Country (NIC) – educating the people, equipping them
with scientific and technological knowledge and skills, and providing
them the facility to understand and be understood by others through
communicative competence.
- With the passage of R.A. 7722 known as the Higher Education Act
of 1994, Commission on Higher Education taking charge of the
tertiary level education
- R.A. 7796 or TESDA Act of 1994 created the Technical Education
Skills and Development Authority (TESDA) to oversee all the
technical and vocational programs
 Future Direction for the Philippines – “Education For All”
- EFA – Mandated by Presidential proclamation 480 whose vision is
anchored on humanitarianism and equalitarianism. Its
components are:
 ECCD – Early Childhood Care and Development
 UQPE – University Quality of Primary Education
 EOI – Eradication of Illiteracy
 CE – Continuing Education

 DECS Own Master Plan for Basic Education
- Looking beyond the realism of the educational system
- Strengthening its bonds with its present and potential partners
- Employing more non-traditional means of ensuring that children
stay in school
- Realizing that the planning of education and the implementation of
its programme must take into primary and serious consideration
the systems provisions also for guaranteeing that it has the
students to work on
- Establishing viable alternative learning system encompassing non-
formal and informal education
- Strengthening of the partnership between school, home and
community and local government – (Expanded the PTA into parent-
teacher-community association (PTCA) as part of the self-
management under the Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP)
package of reforms
- Third Elementary Education Project (TEEP) DECS response to the
Social Reform Agenda of the government which aims to raise the
participation of school-aged children in elementary education,
improve the six-year completion in the elementary education,
improve the six-year completion in the elementary schools and
increase academic achievement in the project provinces
- Upgrading of teacher competencies and improving their welfare
was seen in EFA a fundamental and long-term policy measure to
bring about quality basic education
 NEAP – National Educators Academy of the Philippines was
established while better-in-serve and pre-service training were
included in TEEP and the AusAID – assisted Program in Basic
Education (PROBE)
- Internalize EFA’s philosophy and goals
- The quality goal of EFA is emphasizing creative and critical


A. Strengthening the Foundation of Education

 Advancement of ECCD (Early Childhood Care and Development)
with proper maternal, child health, care and nutrition. [Inclusion
of every childhood experiences in grade one in classes with
children who have not undergone preschool]
 Expansion of preschool services
 Impact of the 8 – week Early Childhood Experiences in Grade I
scheme should be studied

B. Improving the Quality of Primary Education

 Programme Intervention
 Plan investments by scaling up and institutionalizing pilot
 DIP (Drop-out Intervention Program)
 Differentiated approaches should be allowed for males and
females and for urban and rural areas when formulating
intervention to combat the low survival rate and high dropout
and repetition rates

 Special children that required focused and differentiated
approaches such as distance learning. These need alternative
learning approaches because of the serious structural difficulty
in maintaining school attendance
 Multi-level materials assisted instruction
 School feeding with parent-teacher partnership and community
 Multi-Grade – Strengthening this MTG teaching as the norm for
difficult-to-reach areas and sparsely populated areas
 Comprehensive teacher education and development programme
 Upgrade teaching approaches and techniques through school-
based inset by principals and supervisors
 Teaching approaches which promote active participatory and
experiential learning
 Curriculum and Content
 Broad-based curriculum review involving stakeholders outside
of education should be conducted
 New Basic Education Curriculum
- Rationale for Curriculum Reform
 To be relevant and responsive to a rapidly changing world
 To empower the Filipino learner for self-development
throughout his/her life
 To help raise the achievement level of students
- Conceptual Framework
 The Context – defines the sources of the curriculum in
term of the following:
The Constitution
Education Act of 1982
The National Development Goals in the MTPDP
The needs of society in terms of citizens who are
makabayan, makatao, makakalikasan at maka-Diyos
 Parameters of the Curriculum
The environment
The society
The learner
 The Learning Areas, Process and Outcomes
Filipino Science Makabayan
English Mathematics
 The Support System
- Training of teachers
- Provisions for materials, equipment, and facilities
- Enabling policies and administrative support
 Monitoring and Evaluation
- Conduct of pre-implementation, process and post-
implementation monitoring
- Evaluation of the curriculum to access progress and
provide intervention if necessary

 Testing
 Enhanced the use of NEAT results for analyzing sub-sector
performance and improving individual school performance
 Development and use of more varied instruments to measure
multilevel intelligence including life skills in classroom teaching
 Environmental Education – integrated into the curriculum
specifically in Science

 Environmental Ethics – study of man’s moral obligation to preserve
the environment and the natural order of things
 Population Education – integrated into the curriculum specifically
in Science and Social Studies
 Gender fairness and Peace education are likewise integrated in
Social Studies
 Global Education – education for responsible participation in an
interdependent world community
 Objectives: Help Children Develop social, political and ecological
sense; a sense of the world as set of interconnected and
interdependent environmental social and political system;
understand the direction of global trends; explore solutions for
global problems.


Directions: Read and understand each item. Then, circle the letter of the best

1. DepEd Order No. 4 s. 2004 February 12 moves the evaluation process

away from using the transmutation tables towards a performance-based
grading system. Which of the following changes is not anchored on the
evaluation process?
A. Redesign test-based assessment instruments
B. Give appropriate weight to the basic competencies covered in the class
C. Design and use the transmutation tables
D. Provide a measure of what the students are actually learning

The correct answer is option C. The statement is contrary to the

guideline on ending of transmutation tables. Options A, B, & D
statements are challenges to follow on the new performance-based
grading system.

2. In 1981 the International Year of Disabled Persons was celebrated

focusing on the disabled persons of their rights and opportunities in
order to ensure their full participation and integration into the society.
Which policy/memo/law affirms this celebration?
A. R.A. 7277 C. R.A. 6728
B. R.A. 5250 D. R.A. 6655

The correct answer is option A because R.A. 7277 Magna Carta for
Disabled Persons. Options B, C, & D are contrary statements.

Option B. R.A. 5250/3562 providing that teachers, administrators

and supervisors of special education should be trained by DepEd
Option C. R.A. 6728 Financial Assistance of student and teachers in
private education
Option D. R.A. 6655 Free Public Education

3. Which statement best describes the type of education during the Spanish
A. Teaching content was unstructured and incidental
B. Teaching content considered the Christian doctrine and ecclesiastical

C. Education was done through indoctrination
D. Education was done through observation and imitation

Option B is the correct answer. Teaching content consisted of the

Christian doctrine and the ecclesiastical studies. Options A, C, & D
describe teaching the content and style of education during the Pre-
Spanish period.

4. Mrs. Vargas, the mother of a Grade VI pupil was furious about the failing
grades of her child? What could be avoided in this situation?
A. The teacher should inform the parent about the criteria for grading
B. The teacher should not shout at the parent
C. The teacher should listen to the complaints of the parents
D. The teacher should be tactful

Option B is the correct answer. What could be avoided is that the

teacher should not shout at the parent. Options A, C, & D should be
the actuation of the teacher in dealing with the mother of her pupil.

5. The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines states that the basic policy of
the state is to maintain a complete, adequate and integrated system of
education. Which statement best describes it?
A. Develop the professions that will provide leadership for the nation
B. Train the nation’s manpower in the higher and middle level skills
C. Respond effectively to the changing needs and conditions of the
D. Provide for a narrow general education

Option A is the correct answer. Options B, C, & D – Training the

nation’s middle level skills, responding effectively to changing needs
and providing for a broad general education are not aligned with the
policy as stated in the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines.

6. What was the overall goal of education during the New Society in 1972?
A. Development of values
B. Fitting the individual for a gainful employment
C. National socio-economic development
D. Study of Civics and Culture

7. Which examination replaced the NCEE?

A. Improve Entrance Examination Program
B. National Secondary Assessment Test
C. Summative Testing Program
D. Unified Testing Program

8. Which of the following is a value thrust of the New Elementary

A. Development of a sense of nationhood
B. Extension and deepening of social concerns
C. Preservation of democratic values
D. Pursuit of higher intellectual and moral values

9. How could the teacher help achieve the goals of global education?
A. Distribute global education brochures to students homes
B. Help establish training centers

C. Keep students well informed of the problems of the world society
D. Support the ban on nuclear weapons by organizing student rallies

10. Concerning the purpose of education of the present society it can be

honestly said that
A. Teachers have found it impossible to implement
B. Objectives set for education have been unrealistic
C. There is discrepancy between mandated goals and actual social
D. There is a positive direction toward actual national, personal-
socio-civic moral development

11. Regardless of race, faith, age, status and sex, man has a space in a world
society where he is expected to interact and share common problems.
What is this thrust of the global education?
A. Peace of the universe C. Ecological balance in society
B. Social justice to all races D. Worth and dignity of the human

12. What is the major concern of nonformal education?

A. Eradication of illiteracy
B. Dislike for white collar jobs
C. Love of arts in all forms
D. Acquisition of appropriate vocational and technical skills

13. How does “Education for All” plan to make all Filipinos literate by the
year 2001?
A. Provide work to the unemployed
B. Establish more schools in all levels
C. Provide basic education for people to live and survive
D. Provide free tertiary education

14. Which of the following groups of people should the government be more
concerned in providing basic education?
A. Rural and urban affluent C. Gifted
B. Disabled D. Cultural communities

15. Which of the following democratizes access to education?

A. Using ones dialect in school campus
B. Freely choosing ones curricular subjects in school
C. Enjoying state scholarship programs
D. Attending convocations on one’s free will

16. Teacher C. Razon, a resident of Lipa, Batangas, is already a qualified

teacher, and she wants to be assigned in her barangay school. Which
act is granting to appointment of teacher to bonafide resident of her
A. R.A. 8845 – Expanded Government Assistance
B. R.A. 8190 – Strengthening Teacher Education
C. R.A. 8190 – Teacher Assignment Priority
D. R.A. 8525 – Adopt-A-School Program

17. Teacher Pia suffered from hypertension. Consequently, her speech

mechanism was affected causing her to stutter. Which would be affected
if she continues teaching?
A. Devotion to duty C. Personality

B. Punctuality D. Effectiveness

18. Mrs. Cruz was not able to finish her thesis after one year of study leave.
Still, she wanted to continue her study leave. Could she be allowed?
A. No, study leave should not exceed one year
B. No, other teachers should have the chance
C. Yes, if her grades are excellent
D. Yes, but without compensation

19. Teacher A is assigned in a rural area; Teacher B in a depressed

community; Teacher C in a hazardous area; and Teacher D in a place
where standard of living is high. Who is entitled to hardship allowance?
A. Teacher A C. Teacher C
B. Teacher B D. Teacher D

20. Teachers are persons in authority. This means that

A. Decisions made by teachers are right
B. Teachers cannot be charged
C. Teachers have immunity from arrest
D. No person can assault a teacher

21. A teacher contacted an illness that required rest for more than one year.
Which leave should she apply for?
A. Indefinite leave C. Sick leave
B. Personal leave D. Vacation leave

22. A student was found guilty of assaulting his teacher. The administrative
decision was expulsion. The student contested that expulsion as a
penalty should be imposed only by the court in judicial proceedings and
not by school authorities. Is the student’s allegation justifiable?
A. Yes, because students should receive consideration
B. Yes, because expulsion as a penalty belongs to the court
C. Yes, because assault is a criminal offense
D. No, since expulsion is ordinarily the punishment for such and
offense as provided for in Section 148 of the Service Manual

23. Who is considered a professional teacher?

A. An education graduate who received honors
B. A teacher who has taught for at least five years
C. A teacher who qualifies for a permanent position under R.A.
4670/RA 7836
D. A teacher who has attended national seminars on teaching

24. Teacher D tutors her own student who is slow in Math after class hours.
Is that allowable?
A. Yes, provided she receives a fee
B. Yes, provided she does not require a fee from the parent
C. No, that is unfair to other students
D. No, she should be free after her official time

25. A student who belongs to the top five of the class had a heated argument
with the teacher about the lesson. Due to embarrassment, the teacher
decided to fail the student in her subject. Is the teacher’s action ethically
A. Yes, she has to regain her integrity
B. Yes, if other teachers complain about the attitude of the student

C. No, the student may not receive an award in the future
D. No, the student has a right to express his ideas

26. The Basic Education Curriculum has been restructured into five learning
areas. These are
A. Filipino, English, Science, Mathematics and Makabayan
B. Filipino, English, Science, Mathematics and Araling Panlipunan
C. Filipino, English, Science, Mathematics and Sibika at Kultura
D. Filipino, English, Science, Mathematics and Home Economics

27. What philosophy of education is reflected in the curriculum during the

Third Republic?
A. Idealism C. Pragmatism
B. Humanism D. Realism

28. Teacher Lorna Reyes is much eager to finish her M.A. education. Which
R.A. provides scholarship grants to both students and teachers program?
A. R.A. 7784 – Strengthening Teachers Education
B. R.A. 6728 – Assistance to students and teachers on private
C. R.A. 8445 – Expanded Government Assistance
D. R.A. 8625 – Adopt-A-School Program

29. After taking the final examination, Pia obtained a fourth grading mark of
72 in Mathematics subject. Based on the guidelines of the new
performance-based grading system, what is the passing mark this year?
Did she pass the subject?
A. 65 instead of 75 C. 70 instead of 75
B. 68 instead of 75 D. 73 instead of 75

30. The basic education curriculum has been restructured due to the
following reasons except one. Which one is NOT?
A. To be relevant and responsive to a rapidly changing world
B. To become globally competitive during this industrial age
C. To empower the Filipino learners for self-development throughout
their life
D. To help raise the achievement level of students


Directions: Read each item carefully. Then circle the letter of the best answer.

1. Not all Grade I pupils have gone through preschool experiences. To

improve the quality of basic education, what did the Bureau of
Elementary Education do to enrich and align with the BEC?
A. Curriculum Development Division revised the 9 week ECE curriculum
B. CDD required Grade I teachers to attend the training on the
utilization of the enhanced 8 week ECE curriculum
C. The training of the teachers should be done
D. ECD coordinators will conduct the training

2. What was the characteristic of Philippine education during the American

A. Emphasis on agriculture
B. Embodiment of democratic ideals

C. Enforcement of public education
D. Influenced by the Christian faith

3. Which was stressed in the curriculum during the Japanese occupation?

A. Military training C. Vocational training
B. Performing arts D. Classroom guidance

4. What was the purpose of the Monroe survey?

A. To survey unschooled population
B. To evaluate the educational system
C. To investigate the efficiency of the Textbook Board
D. To determine the irregularities committed by the school officials

5. Which should be the National Motto of all Filipinos?

A. Maka-Diyos, Makatao at Makabansa
B. Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan at Makabansa
C. Maka-Diyos, Maka-Masa Makakalikasan at Makabansa
D. Maka-Masa, Maka-Diyos at Makabansa

6. The continuous appraisal of the existing curriculum in all levels at any

particular time responds effectively to the
A. Economic status of the people
B. Political thrust of the country
C. Changing needs and conditions of society
D. New national policies of the government

7. Which is not a feature of the program of reforms in the NESC?

A. Fewer learning areas
B. Focus on humanity and nationhood
C. More time for the 3 R’s
D. Using work activities as core of learning experiences in all subject

8. Character building activities (CBA) in the daily program of the NESC

focus on
A. health, moral and spiritual values
B. free religious instruction
C. basic work skills
D. relationships of man and government

9. Which is an operational definition of bilingual education?

A. Use of vernacular as medium of instruction in definite subject areas
B. Use of Filipino as medium of instruction in Grade I and English from
Grade II upward
C. Separate use of Filipino and English as media of instruction in
definite subject area
D. Use of English as auxiliary medium of instruction in the intermediate
grades and in high school

10. The mission of elementary education is

A. relevant to quality education
B. an effective and efficient teacher
C. modern and up-to-date methods and materials
D. an enlightened disciplined, and productive citizenry

11. How should education view the global society?

A. Global society gives priority to problems of war
B. Global society should be interacting and interdependent with
each other
C. Global society bans ecological balance
D. Global society abhors nuclear proliferation

12. Which is an example of democratic education?

A. Free books and materials
B. Preservation of one’s culture
C. Free compulsory basic education
D. Selective courses for the public schools

13. Which is the main instrument of the state for the achievement of its
educational goals?
A. Formal education C. Elementary education
B. Non-formal education D. Higher education

14. Which characterized best the education of the elementary level?

A. Man and universal C. Specialized and vocation-oriented
B. Exclusive and selective D. Work-oriented

15. Teacher E got afflicted with tuberculosis. What benefits can be avail of?
A. Free medical examination
B. Free medical treatment
C. Free medical examination and treatment
D. Free medical examination, treatment, and sick leave with pay

16. Mrs. Concepcion was about to go on leave. Which record need not be
turned over to her successor?
A. Form 137 C. Class Record
B. Form 138 D. Registration form

17. After the final assessment of Grade IV pupils, Mrs. Portez found out that
her 15 remedial hour load. What will be the basis of her additi onal
A. She is eligible for the grant of vacation service credits
B. She can organize a remedial instruction for her pupils
C. She can conduct a peer tutoring class
D. She can apply for an additional remuneration or compensation for her
remedial instruction

18. Mrs. Bueno was asked by her principal to teach other classes in addition
to her regular six-hour load. What will be the basis of her additional
A. Basic salary
B. Regular salary plus 25% of her basic pay
C. Number of years in service
D. Performance rating

19. A group of teachers expressing their protest about the delay of benefits
due them, finally decided to hold a rally. Which is the best course of
A. Hold rally while on official time
B. Hold rally outside their official time
C. Hold rally if the principal goes with them
D. Hold rally if the parents and students sympathize with them

20. A head teacher in a private elementary school wants to avail of the rights
stipulated in R.A. 4670. Is her claim legal?
A. Yes, he is already a head teacher
B. Yes, if he is eligible
C. No, he is not a public school teacher
D. No, if her school can afford of those benefits

21. When can teachers be forced to work in assignments not related to their
A. When render probation
B. When found inefficient
C. When lacking in educational qualification
D. When compensated in conformity with existing laws

22. Principal A is exercising powers over marking and promoting students.

Is his action acceptable?
A. No, grading and promoting students are exclusive functions of
B. No, teachers are more knowledgeable of their students’ performance
C. Yes, when there is abuse of judgment on the part of the teacher
D. Yes, when the teacher cannot make decision on time

23. A teacher fell in love with his student? What is the best thing that he can
A. Court the student at home
B. Wait till the student is no longer under her tutelage
C. Propose and marry the student
D. Act normally as if nothing the student does not exist

24. Mr. Reyes an elementary teacher was charged administratively. Who

shall hear his care initially?
A. Court of Appeals
B. Principal of his school
C. Committee chaired by the Superintendent of his Division
D. Committee chaired by the Secretary of the Dept. of Education, Culture
and Sports

25. A school personnel can avail of free legal service under certain
circumstances. Principal X was accused by her neighbor for maligning
him (the neighbor). Can principal X be entitled to the said service?
A. Yes, she should defend herself
B. No, the case is not related to her professional duties
C. No, it might bring some disagreements in school
D. No, if funds are not available

26. The Basic Education curriculum was restructured due to the following
reasons. Which one is NOT?
A. Curriculum should be relevant and responsive to the rapidly changing
B. The quality of education is deteriorating
C. To empower the learner for self-development throughout his life
D. To raise the achievement level of the learners

27. The competencies in the basic education curriculum are arranged
hierarchically based on the ability, interest, and needs of Filipino
learners. What philosophy of education was made as basis for this?
A. Idealism C. Essentialism
B. Humanism D. Realism

28. The President who espoused the nation’s rallying cry of “Philippine 2000”
causing the turn-around of an economy that was deteriorating. His aim
was “To transform the society, thus, Philippine education must itself be
transformed.” Whose goals is this?
A. Pres. C. Aquino C. Pres. F. Marcos
B. Pres. F. Ramos D. Pres. G. M. Arroyo

29. The 1987 Philippine Constitution provides that education include the
study of the constitution, inculcation of patriotism, love of humanity and
appreciation of the role of national heroes in our historical development.
Whose Filipino philosophy of education is reflective of this?
A. George Bocobo C. Jose Rizal
B. Camilo Osias D. Rafael Palma

30. The code of Citizenship and ethics which is one of the bases the
Philippine educational philosophy is reflected in the curriculum. During
what era was this?
A. Spanish Era C. Japanese Era
B. Commonwealth Era D. The Republic

31. The Philippines Constitution guarantees the right of all citizens to quality
education at
A. the basic education C. the graduate level
B. tertiary level D. all levels

32. Who among the ff. is not within the category of ‘teacher’ as provided under
the Magna Carta for Public Schools?
A. guidance counselors C. school nurse
B. school principal D. school librarian

33. A teacher who possesses the minimum qualifications but lacks the
appropriate civil service eligibility can be appointed on a __________ basis.
A. contractual C. provisional
B. permanent D. substitute

34. The rights of parents are guaranteed under Education Act of 1982 more
particularly in terms of ________
A. the right to academic freedom
B. the right to privacy of communication
C. the right to full access to the evidence of the case
D. the right to seek redress of grievance

35. Mr. Right, a Math teacher has been accused of sexual harassment by one
of her students. What should the school principal do?
A. create a committee to investigate the accusation
B. ask the teacher to surrender to the police
C. tell the teacher to stop reporting to the school
D. advice the teacher to transfer to other school

36. Which historical period saw the initial teaching of the national language in
our schools?
A. Commonwealth C. Japanese
B. American D. Post-Edsa Republic

37. Which medium of instruction was used in the lower levels during the
Spanish regime?
A. Spanish C. Vernacular
B. English D. Tagalog

38. When was Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC) first offered in our
A. Spanish C. Japanese
B. Post-Edsa Republic D. American

39. When was Values Education first offered in our secondary schools?
A. American C. Japanese
B. Post-Edsa Republic D. New Society

40. When was Grade 7 first introduced in our school system?

A. Japanese C. New Society
B. American D. Post-Edsa Republic

41. In which level of the school system does the Constitution mandate free and
compulsory education?
a. secondary
b. primary
c. tertiary
d. vocational

42. Which is true of religious instruction as contained in the Constitution?

A. required sectarian schools
B. required public schools
C. integrated in subject areas
D. optional in public schools

43. What percentage of capital would show ownership and control of schools
by Filipino citizens as mandated by the Constitution?
a. 60% B. 75% C. 80% D. 55%

44. Which sector shall receive the highest budgetary priority as per the
mandate of the constitution?
A. education
B. public works
C. social services
D. military

45. Which learning does the Constitution guarantee which is native and
natural to the ethnic communities?
A. self-learning
B. non-formal
C. indigenous
D. vocational

46. Which feature was TRUE of Philippine education during the Spanish

A. Separation of Church and state
B. Emphasis on religious instruction
C. Vernacular as a medium of instruction
D. Establishment of a normal school

47. Which according to R.A. 9155 is considered the “heart of the formal
education system”?
A. The pupil
B. The teacher
C. The classroom
D. The school

48. When all other requirements are met, when should religion be taught in
schools, as provided for in the Constitution?
A. Outside regular class hours
B. Once a week at lunch break
C. Once a week after class hours
D. Within the regular class hours

49. What was the most prominent educational issue of the mid 1980s?
A. Bilingual Education
B. Values Education
C. Accountability
D. Mainstreaming

50. What is the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers?

A. RA 7836
B. RA 4670
C. RA 7722
D. P.D. 1011

51. To whom do Filipinos owe the widespread Philippine educational system

A. The First Filipino political leaders
B. The Spaniards
C. The Americans
D. The Japanese

52. Through the enactment of Republic Act 7836, the regulation and licensing
teachers is now with the
A. Professional Regulation Commission
B. Commission on Higher Education
C. Department of Education
D. Civil Service Commission


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