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Prices stability Fund

Corn Oil

Corn oil for food: This is :the oil extracted from the embryo of the corn
maize known as (Z. Mays L.), which has the appropriate refining
processes to improve their properties for the purpose of human
consumption and must b available in the commodity of corn oil the
following specifications:
First:Standard Req irements:
1. The oil should be ex acted from the germs of clean good quality seeds
that are not genetically modified, free from fungal and insect
2. The oil taste and odor; should be natural.
3. It should be free fromi rancidity or any strange odor and/ or taste.
4. Should be free from ediments, turbidity, hanging substances and has
the yellowness color that distinguishes corn oil.
5. Residual solvents us d in extraction process should not be more than
6. Should be free from other oils and fats or their derivatives.
7. Oil shall fulfill the p11.ysical and chemical requirements as specified in
this table:-
$NC P r cyp,er .ty Un:rifs
1 Relative Density 0.917 - 0.925
(20c/water at temperature 20°c)
2 Refractive Index (at temp rature 40°c) 1.4650 - 1.4680
(At temperature 25° c) i 1.4700 -1.4740
3 Humidity and volatile materials (maximum limit) 0.20% at temperature
4 Insoluble impurities including corn fetus 0.05%
(maximum limit)
5 Saponification number hydroxide 187 -193
(mg. potassium/
g oil)
6 Non-saponifiable materials (g/kg) maximum limit 15.0
7 Soap content (maximum limit) 0.005%
8 Total acidity such as Oleic Acid % (Maximum 0.3%
9 Acidic number (mg hydroxide potassium / g oil) 0.6
maximum limit
10 Peroxide number (Milliequivalent) 10.0
Active Oxygen / kg
Oil) Maximum Limit
11 Iodine number(Wijs Method) 103 -128
rcentages of the content of fatty acids shall be estimated by
he liquid gas separation device (GLC) as follows:


Cabrilic Unavailable
Cabroc Unavailable
Cabrec Unavailable
Lorie Unavailable - 0.3
Mercetic Unavailable - 0.3
Palmetic 8.6-16.5
Palmetolic Unavailable - 0.5
Hebtadikanoeic Unavailable - 0.1
Hebtadicionic Unavailable - 0.1
Stiaric Unavailable - 3.3
Oleic 20.0 -42.2
Linoleic 34.0-65.6
Linolinic Unavailable - 2.0
Arakedic 0.0-1.0
Jadaolik 0.2-0.6
Ikosadinuic Unavailable - 0.1
Behnik Unavailable - 0.5
Yorsik Unavailable - 0.3
Dikosadnoic Unavailable
Lejnociric Unavailable - 0.5
Nerfonik Unavailable
Fatty acids (an ti) 0.0
Note: No mean %0.05
In case the difference rat inthe standard specification requirements
increased more than the :allowed limit, the Fund shall be entitled to
deduct the average of the difference increase from the value of
shipment insomuch as( 0.5% to 0.1% difference) and the Fund shall
undertake thereby, right fter proof of the difference without the need
for warning and the resort to the judiciary or the taking of any other
measure, bearing in mind that the Libyan standard specification for
corn oil no:(2009/264) commodity is to be considered herein. The fund
may also, according to its, absolute discretion, instead of deducting the
difference that the rejection of the amount by the difference in the
specifications or refuse to!accept the other part, and without prejudice
to the obligation of the sycond party to supply alternative amount for
the quantity that is reject d, And assumes the second party inspection
fees payable for alternative quantities of the commodity supplied.
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,S e nd: Hygienic Conditions:
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:.::,. -! The product should be supplied according to general
hygienic rules and c:onditions relevant to food hygiene in
addition to the instruq:tions issued by the health authorities.
2- Quantity of dioxin shc;ill not exceed 0.75 bkm/ g oil
3- Quantity of Zeralinoii shall not exceed 200 mkg/kg
4- Quantity of Banzo (A) Birin shall not exceed 2.0 mkg/kg
5- Quantity of Phi omozynate shall not exceed 1000 mkg/kg
6- Quantity of metallicc pollutants shall not exceed the limits
mentioned in the following table *:-

Element (mg/kg)
Iron 1.5
Copper 0.1
Lead 0.1
Arsenic ' 0.1
*Taking into account a!ll-y adjustments or recommendations may be
issued in particular for ithe Codex Alimentarius Commission.

7- Quantity of the of insecticides should not exceed the

l1' m1· ts mentlone d 1· n th: e fo11owing table:-
Insecticide (mwkg)
Phorate 0.02
Methomyl 0.02
Chlorpyrifos 0.2
Propargite I 0.5

8- The level of radiation shall not exceed the limits allowed in

the Libyan stan dard ! specifications no. 595/2009 related to
the extreme limits of the ionized radiation levels indicated in
food, fodders and drinking water.

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;: - ,,,. , 'f f' ir t:J:Bo t t ling , Transport and Storing:
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S k., N The product shall by• packed in new sound and clean packs,
tightly closed, prov ded to be made from materials allowed
to be used in bottl g andwrapping foodstuffs and comply
with the specificatio;ns related to each one.
• The oil should be: corn packed in its carton and each
carton contains 12 bottles I of 1 liter bottle, taking into account the
following conditions:
• The refined edibl corn oil shall be packed or filled
according to the int rnational standards and food system

• Oil shall be filled! in refills of (PET) valid for

filling foodstuffs, one capacity (1) litre according to the
following:- ·
• Net weight 910 g as :m inimum limit
• Existing weight 950 g as minimum limit
• The size to be occuI?ied by oil shall not be less than 90%
of the watery capacity pf the refill
• The empty bottle capacity shall not be less than 40g
• The overall capacity of the bottle shall not be less than
1040ml :
• The bottle shall bear a vertical weight of not less than 16kg

• Colour of the bottle hall be transparent and clear

• Each (12) bottles sh4ll be put in one carton according to the
following specificatfons:-
• Carton has to be tqugh and shall not be affected by the
handling, transport nd storing operations.
• Carton has to be res stant to the absorption of humidity
• Weight of the squa:1:e meter of the carton shall not be less

than500g 1
• Carton should be ciosed with a strong, transparent wide
adhesive ribbon 1

• Carton has to be pa<j:ked by a plastic tenacious ribbon with

width not less than l)cm
• Each weight of one ton is pl aced on a strong bale covered with a thick

nylon of at least thickhess (150) microns suitable for shipping

operations according to in ernational standard specifications.
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p natory Data:
, v,..,.,.,,;. , -,•1 '
e following information shall be written clearly on the bottles
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-- t .::,; artons in both Aralbic and English(without prejudice to Libyan

'= =::;;;:;g,t ar dard no (53/ 2003) of the labeling .
1. Libya i I

2. Prices stability Funq

3. Product's name and! type
4. Net and present w, e gh t in international units
5. Manufacturer's name, address and trademark.

6. Country of origin
7. Date of p rod ucti on j and expiry date in an un-symbolic manner
(day - month - year), with specification of the storage conditions.
8. Operating number :
9. Name of dissolvent ;used in the extraction process
10. International identit number
11. Contract number. !
12. List of food additiyes in descending order according to their
proportions , if any.!

• Provide (1%) of etj:lpty cartons with every shipment without


Product shall be carried clean and dry transportation means that
protect the product from the influencing and external factors and shall
be free from the impact o any poisonous materials or those harmful to

Product shall be stored ip health, clean, adequate and well aerated
locations away from hea , direct sunrays and from various types of
sources of pollution.


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