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Plug In for Writers Remove Rocks from Your Field

Session 2

Kahu Lahela Johnson

Arna Lāhela Johnson grew up on the shores of Hakipu’u, on the

windward side of O’ahu where the ocean and mountains were her
childhood playground. Early on, her kuleana (purpose, role, or
responsibility) was revealed to her as a Kahu, a spiritual lightworker
(one who shifts energy with light). Her parents and grandparents, of
Hawaiian and Caucasian ancestry, influenced her in the ways of art,
music, fishing, boating, and having an appreciation and reverence
for plants, nature, and sentient beings. Hawaiian language, music,
culture, spirituality, and philosophy were usual topics of discussion
around the family table. Through the years, her parents welcomed
Werner Erhardt, Swami Muktananda, ʻIolani Luahine – the high
priestess of ancient Hawaiian Hula, Pilahi Paki – Hawaiian
philosopher, Mary Kawena Pukui – Hawaiian scholar, and many
others, who would have a major impact on her quest for knowledge of spirituality, self-
awareness, Hawaiian culture and philosophy.

After graduating from the Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California, Lāhela
had a thirty-year career as a professional photographer. After the 2008 market crash, Lāhela and
her life partner, Geralyn Camarillo, ended up closing their photography businesses, filing for
bankruptcy, and losing their home. It was then that her Spiritual journey began, reconnecting
her with her soul’s purpose, her kuleana.

Lahela heard a calling, a whisper in her ear, to “let go, trust, and allow”. A voice ever so soft said
“turn your gaze inward … use your eyes to look within … let go, trust, and allow.” Fear, doubt,
and insecurity crept in, not because of the uncertainty of what was happening at that time—she
knew she was destined to take a spiritual path—but she was afraid she wasn’t enough. She felt
afraid to speak up, use her voice, and stand in the light. All the fears and insecurities from
lifetime after lifetime of having been silenced flooded her being. Again and again, that little
voice kept reminding her of her kuleana (purpose, responsibility).

With each step she took out of her comfort zone, 10 steps opened where opportunities and
choices presented themselves, and amazing mentors and kumu (teachers) presented
themselves. Today, Lāhela assists others to “let go, trust, and allow” essentially creating flow in
their lives, as they realize their kuleana (their purpose) through her self-awareness program He
Ala Mihi (a way of healing). Through the process of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy, she
helps people gain profound clarity and insight about their life and discover infinite wisdom from
their higher self. Plug In for Writers Part 1 ©2018 Janet Conner Page 33

Remove Rocks From Your Field
A form of the Ho’oponopono Prayer from the Papa Kalua Tradition

A sacred Hawaiian spiritual prayer – making right the things of the past.

A Gift from the Ancient Lineage

Permission to pray this form of the Ho’oponopono prayer was given privately to
Janet by Kumu Karen through Emma Kupu Mitchell for Janet’s individual prayer
practice when her son was a political prisoner in 2013. Kumu Karen gave public
permission in December 2016 to the members of the global 1 of Hearts
community who are praying “to feed the voice of love in we the people and
create a seat at the table for everyone.” Janet has prayed this form of the prayer
for five years, and it is this prayer that began to expand in her heart beginning
last December and continuing to this day.

This prayer comes directly from Papa Kalua Kaiahua in Maui,

to Hawaiian teacher (Kumu) Karen Leialoha Carroll in Oahu,
to Emma Kupu Mitchell and Kahu Lahela Johnson in 2008.

A Ho’oponopono prayer for self or another.

I ________________________ (speak your name) wish to do a Ho’oponopono of

____________________________ (speak your name or another person or place).

I wish to cut any aka chords or connections which are of imbalance, disharmony, or
unwanted memories from conception until the present time.

I also ask for forgiveness for ________________________ (name), who may also have
taken part in it.

We ask that these thoughts and memories be erased from your memory banks and that
only the good thoughts remain. We ask that _______________________ (name or
place) be cleansed, purified, and transmuted to the pathway of light. No longer will
these thoughts and connections remain.

Amama ua noa. It is given. It is free. Plug In for Writers Part 1 ©2018 Janet Conner Page 34

Remove Rocks From Your Field
The Great Writer Meditation

So You Can Plant More Wheat

I would like to remove some rocks from your field

so that you can plant more wheat.

And those hills I see that are part of you, I have

some trees in mind for them and flowering grasses
so that you won't erode when the elements pour.

Are we not lovers? Cannot I speak to you like this?

Do I need to ask your permission to hitch up my
ox and sing to him as I improve your vast terrain.

The title to your heart came to my office, in

looking at it a great interest in your soul developed,

so, I would like to remove some stones from your

meadows, then an orchard you can grow,

and the world, then the world will come to taste

your riches.

A Year With Hafiz, Daily Contemplations

Rendering by Daniel Ladinsky
Penguin, 2012 Plug In for Writers Part 1 ©2018 Janet Conner Page 35

Remove Rocks From Your Field
An overview of your chakra system Plug In for Writers Part 1 ©2018 Janet Conner Page 36

Remove Rocks From Your Field
The Rocks in My Field

Chakra Rock description and name Message of the rock

7 crown

6 third eye

5 throat Plug In for Writers Part 1 ©2018 Janet Conner Page 37

Remove Rocks From Your Field
4 heart

3 solar plexis

2 womb Plug In for Writers Part 1 ©2018 Janet Conner Page 38

Remove Rocks From Your Field
1 root

Other wisdom from The Great Writer: Plug In for Writers Part 1 ©2018 Janet Conner Page 39

Remove Rocks From Your Field
Remove the rocks in your field—your home play

1. Continue to pray the Ho’oponopono prayer—daily or as often as possible

2. Continue the conversation with your rocks

Many writers experience a thorough rock removal during this guided meditation. Others sense
there is more to explore, discover, and release. If you feel complete, you do not need to revisit
this experience. If you are uncertain, ask the Great Writer on the page in deep soul writing or in
your heart in visual meditation if there is more to learn from your rocks. If you sense there are
more gifts waiting for you in continuing the rock removal process, here are a few ways you can

 Begin by creating a safe and sacred space for rock removal by calling on your guides and
angels. Begin with prayer and any sounds or chants that sanctify and clear the space. If
you have any fear, call on Archangel Michael to support you and block any negative

 If you enjoyed meeting the Great Writer, invite the Great Writer to open the door and
work with you again. Or you might like to work with Archangel Gabriel or Michael or any
Ascended Master you feel called to work with. All the divine guides and angels and
daimons are available in the Imaginal Realm. Just open The Intersection and step
through the round open door.

 Continue to learn from your rocks in deep soul writing, internal or spoken dialogue,
visual meditation, or any other mystical form that works for you.

 Studying or completing the drawings you made might reveal more information. Why is
this rock, with this name, in this chakra, this particular size, this color, this texture? Go
back in your mind or on paper to see the rock again. Ask the rock any questions that will
help you learn its role in your life, recognize its gifts, and reach a place of peace where
you feel ready to release it fully.

 Some rocks may ask you to transmute or bless them in some way, but then be returned
to your energy fields. Perhaps these rocks still have much to teach you and much good
to do to help you on your creative path. Perhaps, when you look more deeply, you will
see that the rock is really a crystal gem or gold that had become crusted over with fear
or doubt or something else. Engage in dialogue with your rocks and they will teach you
what to do.

 You can also explore beyond the seven chakras. When Cyndi Dale was on The Soul-
Directed Life she said our soul connection to the Mystery is in our 8th chakra above the
head. And our soul’s purpose is contained in our 9th chakra, arms length above the head.
For writers whose soul purpose vibrates with the energy of writing or communicating in
some form, visiting the 9th chakra and asking for any blocks to fulfilling our soul’s
purpose be removed can release a great breakthrough. Plug In for Writers Part 1 ©2018 Janet Conner Page 40

Remove Rocks From Your Field
 You can also ask the Great Writer to remove rocks of procrastination, rocks of
unworthiness, rocks with any name no matter where they are in your fields. Visit your
hands, your fingers, your feet…. Anywhere you perceive blockage.

3. Release your rocks

Would you like to ceremonially complete your relationship with your rocks? They have served
you in many ways, but now, thanks to the Great Writer and your intention and willingness to
release them, they are no longer needed in your subtle body. If you wish to do something
special to mark the completion of this relationship and say goodbye with oomph and gusto and
even joy, here are a few ideas.

 Create a prayer or release ceremony using any tools, prayers, poems, readings,
invocations, songs, chants, drums, herbs, crystals…anything that feels like it belongs in
your Rock Removal Celebration.

 Ceremonially release your rocks. Acknowledge their messages, bless them, and send
them into the Light for your freedom and for their spiritual evolution as well. This
movement into the Light is for the benefit of all—the rocks, you, and your holy work.

 Be grateful! With your whole heart thank Hafiz for the “So You Can Plant More Wheat”
poem, the Great Writer for helping you find and remove the rocks, the Creator for
designing your energy fields so perfectly, and yourself for being willing to remove these
rocks so you can grow the wheat you are meant to grow to feed your soul’s beauty to
the world.

4. Celebrate!

 You have done something important and necessary to create an open space in which
your beautiful and holy work can grow. The Intersection has been expanded. Your
writing guides are dancing beside you. The books that want to be born through you are
leaping into your womb. Be joyful. Celebrate this holy week of essential “work before
the work.”

5. Don’t forget self care

Removing your rocks is huge. It has impact on every cell of your body, every thought in your
mind, and the divine presence in your spirit. It expands The Intersection enormously, which is
lovely, but it can also feel a tad overwhelming until you build your spiritual practices (think of
them as spiritual muscles) to handle so much divine flow. So be kind to yourself. Here are a few
ways you can love yourself through the exquisite and important release and forgiveness process.

 Get lots of rest. Removing blocks to creativity is a physical as well as spiritual release,
and the body is your densest aspect and the slowest and last to release. Release can be
exhausting, so don’t push yourself; if you’re weary, go to bed. Spiritual expansion can be Plug In for Writers Part 1 ©2018 Janet Conner Page 41

Remove Rocks From Your Field
exhausting. My medical intuitive confirmed this. When she saw the size of the vast
energy around my head and up into the realms, she instantly said, “Your work is
exhausting. You must need a lot of sleep.” And I do! I give myself 9 hours of sleep a
night, often more.

 Give yourself lots of space and time to go through release; don’t try to squeeze this into
a few minutes. And be patient with yourself if it takes longer than you think it “should.”

 Ask your guides to help you, then notice the guidance that comes and how it comes,
activate and pay attention to your “clairs”

 Be quiet. Be still—there is no substitute for quiet and solitude.

 Drink lots and lots of pure water.

 Get a massage or go to yoga—do something to gently move your muscles to help them
release the stuck energy in your cells.

 Take long solitary walks—solitary is the key word here. Don’t talk prematurely about
what you are experiencing. Talk to your angels and guides, but not to physical people.
Talking dissipates the energy and opens you to the other person’s opinion. The other
person’s opinion is irrelevant and if it’s the least bit negative or doubtful, it can
influence and even poison your personal joy.

 Take long baths in Epsom salts or essential oils or flowers and herbs or bentonite clay.
Paulette Kouffman Sherman was on the show September 2016 with her book The Book
of Sacred Baths.

 Notice your dreams! They will be filled with symbols and messages. Jot them down in
the night or after morning theta. Then soul write and soul sketch to explore their deep
symbolic meaning.

 Do anything you need to do to be there for yourself with love, acceptance, and
kindness. As Thich Nhat Hanh teaches in You are Here, say “Beloved, I am here for you.”
But say it FIRST to yourself. Be there for yourself.

6. Helpful tools

 Guides – Ask your Guides and angels for guidance, messages, and clues about where and
how and why you are experiencing blockage or unforgiveness. Ask for their constant loving

 Deep soul writing – Explore all aspects of blockage and lack of forgiveness with your divine
Voice on the page.

 Mystical practice – If you have your soul vows, soul purpose, or soul conditions on your
Intention Mandala, practice them every day. You need not limit yourself to those particular Plug In for Writers Part 1 ©2018 Janet Conner Page 42

Remove Rocks From Your Field
practices. Engage in or experiment with any mystical practices that call to you. All mystical
practice expands the opening of The Intersection.

 Dreams – Ask for insights on blocks or forgiveness issues as you fall asleep. Lie still in the
morning and allow the dreams to come to you. You can get help interpreting them from and Michael Lennox’s Llewellyn’s Complete Dictionary of Dreams,
but your best source is yourself. You are every character in the dream and you hold the
knowing. If in doubt, write about it.

 Chakra clearing – Your chakras hold blocks and unforgiveness and fears and they can all
show up as physical issues in those body areas. There are many chakra clearing exercises.
But you are welcome to make up your own with sound or color, or your voice or prayers or
moving your hands up your chakras to open their energy. Or you may wish to go online and
seek out chakra clearing books and teachers such as Caroline Myss, Anodea Judith, or Cyndi

Cyndi Dale, the famous Chakra and energy expert, was on The Soul-Directed Life on July 30,
2015 talking about her new book The Spiritual Power of Empathy. She has a quiz in the book
that helps you identify your empathic style. There are six styles. Knowing your empathic
style is invaluable. It helps you understand how you live in the world and how you interact
with others. It’s like an energetic MBTI (Myers Briggs Type) or Enneagram profile. You can
hear a short version on the show. She also has books on Chakra Healing and more. She was
on the show in 2016 talking about her Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Chakras.

 Prayer – Connect with your Beloved. Ask for help. But most important, just rest in the heart
of the Divine, knowing you are fully and completely loved. As you are, regardless of what
you’ve done or haven’t done, and regardless of the blocks in your fields.

 Conversations with friends and loved ones – Be wise about choosing with whom to talk
about these release experiences. Avoid anyone who wants you to stay stuck or angry or
doubting your creative abilities. And that, unfortunately, is often the people closest to us!
For our most intimate friends, it can be really hard, even impossible, to see us as
professional writers with messages and gifts to give the world. The only two people to not
applaud the publication of Writing Down Your Soul were the two women I thought were
closest to me! It was a total shock. I learned the hard way to honor my personal label of
“writer” and be very very judicious about who I let into my writing life.

 Art – This is a lovely time to make a mandala or any other artistic expression of this release

 Reading – Ask your angels and guides to lead you to books or other tools to help you. Read
mystical poetry and great writers. If you are seeking a deep exploration of creativity, I
recommend M C Richard’s Centering.

 Oracle cards – Ask for insights about your blocks and anything that’s standing in the way of
releasing them. Plug In for Writers Part 1 ©2018 Janet Conner Page 43

Remove Rocks From Your Field

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