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Evidence Reporting about a sport event

Olympic Games

The Olympic games are a sporting event of my choice. In the month of July, the
Tokyo Olympics are scheduled to take place, which will take place from July 23 to
August 8, a date that was extended from 2020 due to the current conditions in
which the world finds itself in its whole.
The Olympic Games are the largest international sports event in the world, in which
athletes from different countries compete, it is an event that takes place every four
years, carried out in two phases, the Winter and Summer Olympic Games, the
events are produced and coordinated by the international olympic committee.
The Olympic games are held in order for different athletes from all over the world to
measure their capacity and establish world records for which they will be awarded
taking into account the twenty-eight different disciplines in the summer season and
15 in the winter season. Athletes of each sex are involved separately in the
competitions, awarding first, second and third place, in the same way
corresponding medals are given.
Due to the concern that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it worldwide and
that has affected millions of people in the world, 11,000 athletes from 206 countries
were planned and prepared to compete in the summer. Tokyo is the host of this
event, it had been preparing since 2020 the date that had been established but due
to world events it was postponed to this year, having the opportunity to improve its
scenarios and tests.
Tokyo made a call and prohibited the entry of foreign visitors to the event in order
to stop the prepayment of COVID-19 and prevent another wave of the coronavirus
in Japan, however, of course, the games will be broadcast live so that everyone
can observe them.
This event is interesting for me since it discards many disciplines at the sports level
and is not only focused on soccer, which is the sport that is the most popular every
year, it allows me to acquire knowledge regarding new sports in my life, to know
the rules, learn rules.
Finally, I consider that all people should be involved in the event since society
today focuses on what only dies with constancy, I believe that it would give cultural

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