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Tiny House is a social movement that promotes reducing the built space in which we live by a large

percentage. Simply put, the trend toward tiny houses has become a social movement. People are
choosing to downsize the space they live in, simplify, and live with less. People are embracing the
tiny life philosophy and the freedom that accompanies the tiny house lifestyle. The tiny house
movement is about more than simply living in a small space (although, a small house is certainly
part of it).

The proposal invites building based on dual-purpose interior spatial configurations and multi-
functional furniture, as well as incorporating technological advances to save space. The
optimization of the vertical space is also a characteristic that is repeated in the mini-houses.

The movement suggests an adaptation to a new type of nomadic citizens, who no longer want to
anchor themselves to a single place for life, but are willing to move in search of new opportunities
or a better environment for their children to grow up. In this case, mobile solutions appear in the
form of mobile homes or others that can be easily moved by trucks.

advantages and disadvantages

1. Larger houses are more expensive in terms of construction costs, taxes, maintenance and
repair, heating and cooling methods, but in all these respects, mini houses represent big
savings. In addition, small-scale houses promote a less disorganized life and reduce the
ecological impact.
2. The typical size of these homes is about five hundred square feet, emphasizing design and
space optimization over size. Generally, they have multi-functional furniture and
incorporate the most technologically advanced equipment and appliances in order to save
space without losing functionality.
3. Vertical optimization is very common in mini-homes, with the implementation of
interconnected slopes so as not to waste the space above. Thermal solutions with
insulation, special woods, natural cooling systems, strategic windows that allow lighting
and ventilation, are characteristics that are repeated in this type of construction.

However, people interested in building mini-houses may face “discrimination” from the
same institutions, since the building codes require a size for houses well above the
average size of mini-houses. On the other hand, those who try to build (or already own) a
mini-home sometimes encounter hostility from their neighbors, as they may feel
threatened by thinking that their own home may be devalued by being close to a mini-
However, there is evidence that shows that this fear is unfounded in fact, the opposite
occurs: Valuation increases because the density of that area increases. Some also worry
about this reason; That is, if their properties are revalued, the taxes will be higher (this
already exceeds the mini-homes, of course)
If I agree with this movement, we must learn to become aware of caring for the
environment, be aware that it is the place where we live and if we do not take care of it, it
will end. I think it is good to have a small place to live just with the comforts as one needs,
I consider that large houses are sometimes just for luxury and not necessity as such, that
space used to have a large house could generate up to three small ones and give
opportunity to the other people to have a decent home.

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