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NAME : Saiful Islam Ramdani

NIM : 1204070094


Geographical Features

1. Match the photos with the places below

- Russia
The village of oymyakon from image A
- Western Australia
Wyndham from image B
- Colombia
Lioro from image C
2. Which place looks most interesting? Why?
Aswan in egypt, because there rarely rains even for years but they are close to the source
of water, the river nile. besides that, I also want to know more about Islamic civilization in
Egypt because there is a lot of history of the Prophet Moses and others.
3. Read the text and match the places in the text with the superlatives below
- The wettest
- The driest
Aswan in egypt
- The hottest
Wyndham in western Australia
- The coldest
Oymyakon in Russia
- The most remote
Tristan da cunha in the middle of the atlantic ocean
4. Read the text again and decide if the statements are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false
a. In Wyndham the temperature gets up to 39 degree Celsius every day.
False, because the temperature of Wyndham in West Autralia is between 31-39◦C all
year round, not every day.
b. Wyndham is situated by the sea.
False, But Wyndham is located in mostly desert and hillside countryside
c. The mountains around Oymyakon keep the air cold.
d. Schools in Oymyakon never close.
False, because schools close when the temperature drops to -52◦C and locals say that
breathing gets difficult at about -60◦C.
e. Most people who live in Lloro work in the forest.
f. Every day is a rainy day in Lloro.
False, because it rains in liaro every day but all year round
g. Recently, Aswan had 12 years of no rain at all.
False, because the last time it rained in Aswan was on 13th may 2006, and the time before
that was in 1994.
h. People in Aswan drink the water in the River Nile.
i. Tristan da Chunha is situated east of South Africa.
False, because Tristan da cunha is located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
j. You can swim in the sea and in a swimming pool in Tristan da Cunha
5. Which places do you think is the nicest and the most difficult place to live? (based on the
text) Why?
Tristan da cunha, in terms of fun because of the many mountains and can calm the mind
there and many beautiful beaches that can swim. but difficult to leave because it is far away
and the closest neighboring area is 2.816 km away.
6. What is the hottest and coldest place you’ve ever been to?
Hottest : kediri, east java
Coldest : the road to the top of bogor and pangalengan

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