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Modern Pathology (2019) 32:1390–1415


An update on the morphology and molecular pathology of serrated

colorectal polyps and associated carcinomas
Rish K. Pai ●
Mark Bettington2,3,4 Amitabh Srivastava5 Christophe Rosty
● ●

Received: 28 February 2019 / Revised: 28 March 2019 / Accepted: 29 March 2019 / Published online: 25 April 2019
© United States & Canadian Academy of Pathology 2019

Our understanding of serrated colorectal polyps has increased dramatically over the past two decades and has led to a
modern classification scheme for these lesions. Sessile serrated polyps with dysplasia represent the most clinically significant
serrated polyp; however, the morphologic heterogeneity of dysplasia in sessile serrated polyps has only recently been
recognized and correlated with MLH1 immunohistochemistry. Detailed morphologic analysis of traditional serrated
adenomas has led to the recognition of flat and early forms of this polyp. Robust data on the risk of metachronous lesions in
patients with serrated polyps are also beginning to emerge. This review will summarize our current understanding of serrated

polyps and associated carcinomas with a focus on diagnostic criteria, morphologic heterogeneity, molecular findings, and
natural history. Controversial issues in the diagnosis and classification of these polyps are also discussed.

Introduction adenoma has long been recognized as a precursor to col-

orectal carcinoma and served as the primary driver of post-
Detection and removal of premalignant lesions is the polypectomy surveillance guidelines, work over the past
guiding principle of colorectal carcinoma screening pro- few decades has identified and characterized other precursor
grams. Both colonoscopic surveillance and/or stool-based lesions. It is now recognized that up to at least 20% of
tests are utilized in most counties but only colonoscopy colorectal carcinomas arise not through conventional ade-
allows for resection of precursor lesions. Colonoscopy also nomas but rather through serrated polyps [1, 2].
allows for identification of patients at higher risk for Serrated polyps range in morphology from polyps with
developing metachronous lesions based on pathologic only superficial serrations to those with exaggerated ser-
review of polypectomy specimens. While the conventional rated architecture and overt dysplasia. These polyps are also
molecularly heterogenous and can give rise to carcinomas
with divergent clinical outcomes. This review will sum-
* Rish K. Pai marize the classification and molecular characterization of serrated polyps. Key morphologic features that are neces-
* Christophe Rosty sary for proper classification will be presented and unusual serrated lesions that do not fit neatly into a specific category
will be discussed. The emerging data on the natural history
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic of serrated precursors will be emphasized in addition to the
Arizona, Scottsdale, AZ 85259, USA features that should guide future colonoscopy surveillance
Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland, intervals. Finally, an update on serrated polyposis, as well
Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia as colorectal carcinomas arising from serrated precursors
Envoi Specialist Pathologists, Brisbane, QLD 4059, Australia will be provided.
The Conjoint Gastroenterology Laboratory, QIMR Berghofer
Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD 4006, Australia Classification and terminology
Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
Boston, MA 02115, USA Table 1 provides a classification scheme of serrated color-
Department of Pathology, University of Melbourne, ectal polyps along with key morphologic and molecular
Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia features. Two types of hyperplastic polyp are recognized
Table 1 Histologic and molecular features of serrated polyps
Histologic features Molecular features
Type Crypt architecture Proliferation zone Cytologic features Mucin type BRAF KRAS CpG island
mutation mutation methylation

Microvesicular Funnel-shaped crypts with Located uniformly in the Small basally located nuclei, Mixed Micro- 70–80% 0% +
hyperplastic polyp serrations limited to upper basal portion of crypts no dysplasia vesicular and Goblet
two-thirds cell
Goblet cell Elongated crypts that Located uniformly in the Small basally located nuclei, Goblet cell only 0% 50% −
hyperplastic polyp resemble enlarged normal basal portion of crypts no dysplasia
crypts; Little to no serrations
Sessile serrated Horizontal growth along the Proliferation may be Small basally located nuclei Mixed Micro- >90% 0–5% ++
polyp muscularis mucosae, abnormally located away with occasional larger nuclei vesicular and Goblet
dilation (often asymmetric) from the crypt base, variable with inconspicuous nucleoli, cell
of the crypt base (basal third from crypt to crypt no dysplasia
of the crypt), and/or
serrations extending into the
crypt base
Sessile serrated As for sessile serrated polyp As for sessile serrated polyp Varied morphologic Varied type >90% 0% +++
polyp with dysplasia with more proliferation in appearance to dysplastic
dysplastic component component
Traditional serrated Slit-like serrations, often Present within ectopic Elongated pencillate nuclei Occasional scattered 20–40% 50–70% BRAF mutated
adenoma ectopic crypt foci crypt foci and crypt base with nuclear stratification and goblet cells; rare ++
cytoplasmic eosinophilia; goblet cell variant KRAS mutated
may develop overt has been described +
(conventional or serrated)
Serrated adenoma- Varied Varied Unequivocal dysplasia must Varied Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain
unclassified be present
An update on the morphology and molecular pathology of serrated colorectal polyps and associated. . .
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morphologically; however, it is not yet necessary to dis- polyps that do not qualify as typical traditional serrated
tinguish between these two variants in clinical practice. adenoma or sessile serrated polyp with dysplasia. Forcing
Rather, it is important to recognize the subtler features of these polyps into a specific diagnostic category is premature
the goblet cell variant of hyperplastic polyp (goblet cell and for this reason a serrated adenoma-unclassified category
hyperplastic polyp) in order to distinguish this from normal will be proposed by the World Health Organization com-
mucosa and to separate it from other types of serrated mittee for the 5th edition of the Classification of Tumors of
polyps. The much more common microvesicular variant of the Digestive System (personal communication).
hyperplastic polyp has been referred to as mucosal hyper-
plasia and metaplastic polyp in the older literature; however, Pathologic features of serrated polyps
those terms are no longer recommended.
Snover and colleagues first recognized an unusual ser- Hyperplastic polyps
rated polyp that tended to occur in patients with so-called
“hyperplastic polyposis syndrome” [3]. In 2003, Torla- Microvesicular hyperplastic polyps are sessile polyps that
kovic et al. provided the first description of similar unusual predominately occur in the distal large bowel. Endoscopi-
serrated polyps in patients without any known polyposis cally they are small or diminutive polyps that can be
syndrome and termed them serrated polyps with abnormal recognized by a stellate pit pattern as described by Kudo
proliferation [4]. Since 2003, this polyp has been known by et al. [8]. Histologically, they are composed of serrated
many names including sessile serrated adenoma, sessile epithelium with funnel-shaped, evenly spaced crypts. The
serrated polyp, sessile serrated adenoma/polyp, and more proliferative zones are confined to crypt bases imparting a
recently sessile serrated lesion [5]. The argument for hyperchromatic appearance along with increased mitotic
including adenoma in the name was to emphasize that these figures. The cells lining the crypts are composed of variable
lesions are precursors to colorectal carcinoma; however, as numbers of goblet cells and cells with abundant fine apical
these polyps lack adenomatous epithelium, the use of the vacuoles with microvesicular mucin (Fig. 1). In most cases,
word “adenoma” in the name has drawn criticism. To avoid the microvesicular cells predominate. The nuclei of the
confusion with truly adenomatous polyps, recent consensus surface epithelium are small, round to oval, and basally
guidelines have recommended against sessile serrated located. The serrations are limited to the upper two-thirds of
adenoma [6]. It is likely that sessile serrated polyp (and the crypt without deep crypt serrations or abnormal basilar
sessile serrated adenoma) will continue to be used, at least crypt architecture [4]. In cross section, the serrated crypts of
in the United States, while sessile serrated lesion gains microvesicular hyperplastic polyps have a uniform stellate
wider acceptance elsewhere. Both sessile serrated polyp appearance. Based on these diagnostic criteria of micro-
and sessile serrated lesion are appropriate terms as long as vesicular hyperplastic polyp, it is clear that a diagnosis
it is recognized by clinicians that they are two names for requires specimens that are well-oriented as microvesicular
the same polyp. For simplicity, sessile serrated polyp will hyperplastic polyp is defined, in part, by the absence of the
be used throughout this review. If dysplasia is present abnormal crypt architecture that is seen in sessile serrated
within sessile serrated polyp then simply making the polyp [4, 9, 10]. Deeper levels may help in the setting of
diagnosis of sessile serrated polyp with dysplasia is poorly oriented specimens. In the initial study by Torla-
appropriate rather than qualifying the dysplasia as “cyto- kovic et al. [4], a mucin poor variant of hyperplastic polyp
logic” as is necessary when using the term sessile serrated was described; however, this mucin poor variant likely
adenoma. represents an inflamed and mucin-depleted microvesicular
Traditional serrated adenoma is the recognized term used hyperplastic polyp rather than a distinct subtype of hyper-
to describe the “serrated adenoma” reported by Longacre plastic polyp.
and Fenoglio-Preiser in 1990 [7]. As sessile serrated ade- Goblet cell hyperplastic polyps were also described by
noma will progressively become abandoned and replaced Torlakovic et al. and further refined by O’Brien et al.
by sessile serrated polyp or sessile serrated lesion, adenoma [4, 11]. They are often overlooked because of small size,
will only be used for serrated polyps falling into the cate- and their morphological alterations are often so subtle that
gory of the currently named traditional serrated adenoma. they are easily mistaken as surface hyperplastic change by
Thus, serrated adenoma may therefore be a preferred and pathologists [12]. The majority of the cells of the surface
more simple term to use in the future. These lesions have and crypt epithelium are goblet cells with small, uniform
distinctive morphologic features as described below, and we basal nuclei (Fig. 1). In goblet cell hyperplastic polyps, the
have only recently appreciated the diversity of molecular crypts are taller and wider than in normal mucosa, and show
and morphologic alterations that can occur in a traditional occasional branching or tortuosity that should not be mis-
serrated adenoma. Finally, over the past few years we have taken as sessile serrated polyp. Instead of being obviously
begun to recognize new and unusual dysplastic serrated serrated, the epithelium shows tufting that is confined to the
An update on the morphology and molecular pathology of serrated colorectal polyps and associated. . . 1393

Fig. 1 Hyperplastic polyps.

a Microvesicular hyperplastic
polyp with uniform crypt bases
and serrations limited to the
upper two-thirds of the crypts.
b Microvesicular hyperplastic
polyp typically has a mixture of
cells with abundant
microvesicular mucin, as well as
goblet cells. c Goblet cell
hyperplastic polyp characterized
by subtle superficial serrations.
d The majority of the cells lining
the goblet cell hyperplastic
polyp crypts are goblet cells

surface epithelium and crypt orifices. The cross sections of the crypt accompanied by basilar crypt dilatation (Fig. 2).
crypt lumen are not stellate but round [13, 14]. The majority of crypts in sessile serrated polyp, however,
do not show the typical architectural distortion. One
Sessile serrated polyp unequivocal sessile serrated polyp-type crypt is now advo-
cated to be sufficient for the diagnosis of sessile serrated
Sessile serrated polyp can be difficult to identify at colo- polyp. Symmetrical dilatation of crypt bases without other
noscopy; however, awareness and specific training can architectural abnormalities is considered by some not suf-
improve detection. They appear as ill-defined, sessile, and ficient for the diagnosis of sessile serrated polyp; it can be
pale lesions with an irregular shape and “cloud-like” surface seen in some goblet cell hyperplastic polyps and other
[13, 14]. There is often adherent mucin over the surface and polyps with superimposed prolapse changes. While the
a rim of bubbles or fecal debris can sometimes collect at the distribution in the large intestine and the average size are
periphery (Fig. 2) [15]. The Kudo pit pattern is II (stellate) different between hyperplastic polyp and sessile serrated
in most cases and the Paris classification is predominately 0- polyp, the histological diagnosis should be primarily based
IIa (superficial elevated lesions) [8, 16]. Using the Narrow- on morphologic criteria (see discussion below).
band imaging International Colorectal Endoscopic classifi- Architectural abnormalities are best appreciated at low
cation, they are type 1 [17]. power. They include aberrant crypt growth along the mus-
Sessile serrated polyp harbor a range of abnormal his- cularis mucosae as L-shaped or inverted T-shaped crypts or
tological features that are mostly generated by aberrant as crypts with prominent asymmetric dilation of the basal
proliferation centers [4, 18]. Unlike microvesicular hyper- aspect [4, 9]. Exaggerated serration manifests as piled up
plastic polyps, sessile serrated polyps have foci of pro- and serrated tufts of epithelium at irregular intervals along
liferation both in the crypt bases and at irregular points the crypt, with more basal serrations having more sig-
along the crypt lumen. Epithelial cells then spread both nificance when separating from a hyperplastic polyp. At
luminally and basally from these proliferation centers, higher power the cytology is bland. Goblet cell and
which is in contrast to the orderly luminal migration of microvesicular mucin are common and mucin containing
epithelial cells in normal crypts and in hyperplastic polyps. cells tend to out-number enterocytes. Some degree of neu-
This loss of orderly migration, in turn gives rise to the roendocrine cell hyperplasia is usually present. An unusual
characteristic histological features of sessile serrated polyp, lamina propria stromal proliferation has also been asso-
which include at least one of the following: asymmetric ciated with sessile serrated polyp (as well as microvesicular
dilatation, horizontal growth of crypts along the muscularis hyperplastic polyp). Morphologically and immunohisto-
mucosae, and exaggerated serrations that extend deep into chemically these stromal cells resemble perineurial cells and
1394 R. K. Pai et al.

Fig. 2 Sessile serrated polyp.

a Characteristic endoscopic
appearance of a sessile serrated
polyp located on top of a
mucosal fold with Paris 0-IIa
morphology and adherent
mucus. b Histologic appearance
of the endoscopically resected
sessile serrated polyp seen in
panel a. c–f Typical
morphologic features of sessile
serrated polyp characterized by
crypts with asymmetric
proliferation resulting in deep
serrations, horizontal growth
along the muscularis mucosae,
and asymmetric basilar crypt
dilatation. g A sessile serrated
polyp with herniation of serrated
crypts into the submucosa.
h Sessile serrated polyp with
perineurial-like stromal

likely represent a reactive proliferation induced by the ser- proliferation centers) [22]. CK20 shows luminal staining.
rated epithelium [19–21]. Mucin stains can be slightly variable. MUC2 is uniformly
Immunohistochemical stains are not required for the positive and MUC5AC is positive in the majority. Scattered
diagnosis of an sessile serrated polyp but are often used for MUC6 staining is a frequent finding [23, 24]. There has
research purposes. A Ki67 stain will show an expanded been recent interest in Annexin A10 as a marker of sessile
basal proliferative compartment (similar to a hyperplastic serrated polyp [25, 26]. This stain is more likely to be
polyp) but also with irregular foci of proliferation along the positive in sessile serrated polyps than microvesicular
sides of the crypt (corresponding to the aberrant hyperplastic polyps, however, interpretation is most
An update on the morphology and molecular pathology of serrated colorectal polyps and associated. . . 1395

unreliable in the most equivocal lesions, which has been an exhibiting increased complexity in crypt architecture,
obstacle to widespread adoption. Markers of more advanced associated with various forms of cytologic atypia. One
molecular alterations are not seen (e.g., no loss of MLH1 should exercise caution when considering a diagnosis of
expression, no over-expression or complete loss of p53 and sessile serrated polyp with dysplasia when the dysplastic
no over-expression or complete loss of p16). fragments do not contain adjacent non-dysplastic sessile
serrated polyp as this may represent a separate conventional
Sessile serrated polyp with dysplasia adenoma. MLH1 immunohistochemistry, as described
below, may be helpful in this setting. Two dysplastic pat-
Sessile serrated polyp with dysplasia is the most advanced terns were initially described in the 4th edition of the World
subtype of serrated polyp and the most clinically relevant Health Organization classification: the adenomatous/intest-
lesion. When sessile serrated polyps progress to malig- inal type, loosely resembling dysplasia of conventional
nancy, a critical transient step of dysplasia occurs. Sessile adenoma and the serrated type, with cuboidal cells, eosi-
serrated polyps with dysplasia are rare, representing 2–5% nophilic cytoplasm, vesicular nuclei, and prominent
of all sessile serrated polyps and <0.5% of all colorectal nucleoli [34]. More recently, additional patterns of dyspla-
polyps [27–29]. In the first descriptions of sessile serrated sia have been reported, making sessile serrated polyp with
polyp with dysplasia, Goldstein and Sheridan et al. reported dysplasia a more heterogeneous lesion than initially
rare cases of small serrated polyps ‘caught in the act’ of recognized [28].
malignant transformation, showing high grade dysplasia Architectural changes include crowding of crypts sepa-
and frequent loss of MLH1 expression [30, 31]. These early rated by reduced amount of lamina propria, increased
observations already pointed out the rapid malignant complexity in crypt branching, crypt elongation, cri-
transformation of these lesions. Data from a recent large briforming, and villous architecture (Fig. 3). The degree of
series demonstrates that sessile serrated polyps had a mean crypt serration is usually different from the adjacent sessile
dwell time of 17 years before progressing into sessile ser- serrated polyp, either increased or reduced. Cytologic atypia
rated polyps with dysplasia. However, there was no dif- varies from subtle hypermucinous changes to overt dys-
ference in the mean age of patients with sessile serrated plastic changes. The mucin content of dysplastic cells is
polyps with dysplasia and patients with sessile serrated almost always different from that seen in the adjacent ses-
polyps with carcinoma, supporting the concept of rapid sile serrated polyp. Dysplastic cells tend to have a more
malignant transformation and probably explaining why homogeneous mucin appearance, from complete lack of
these lesions are rarely encountered endoscopically [27]. In mucin to hypermucinous phenotype. Goblet cells are often
the past, sessile serrated polyps with dysplasia were often less prominent than in the adjacent sessile serrated polyp.
reported as mixed polyps with a serrated component and a Gastric-type apical mucin vacuoles are sometimes present.
tubular adenoma component. We now know that both The morphologic variety of sessile serrated polyps with
components share the same BRAF V600E mutation and dysplasia has been reported by Liu et al. [28]. They
therefore represent two stages of a single lesion with described four patterns of dysplasia including three specific
molecular abnormalities different from that of conventional types (serrated, adenomatous, and minimal deviation) and
adenomas. one not otherwise specified group to include all of the cases
Like sessile serrated polyps, sessile serrated polyps with not falling into one of the other categories. Like most his-
dysplasia are more frequently diagnosed in the proximal tologic classifications, the not otherwise specified group is
colon (cecum and ascending colon) with female pre- the prototypic and most common pattern and encompasses
dominance [29]. Increasing age and increasing lesion size the majority of cases that would be considered adenomatous
are associated with the development of dysplasia in sessile dysplasia in the 4th the edition of the World Health Orga-
serrated polyps. However, while dysplasia has been repor- nization classification. These polyps show a variety of
ted in upto 32% of sessile serrated polyps >20 mm [32], it architectural and cytologic abnormalities that while clearly
can be present in small sessile serrated polyps, sometimes dysplastic, do not fall neatly into any of the specific types
measuring <5 mm [27, 33]. From a series of 266 cases, the described below. In contrast to true adenomatous dysplasia
median size of sessile serrated polyps with dysplasia was these polyps usually show atypia across the full depth of the
12 mm, with 40% of lesions measuring <10 mm [28]. mucosa, often have variable patterns in the one polyp and
Some sessile serrated polyps with dysplasia are protu- do not have the typical basophilic appearance of conven-
berant polyps with a distinctive endoscopic appearance that tional adenomas. The vast majority of these cases are
can resemble conventional adenomas; other cases present as MLH1 deficient. In contrast, the polyps with truly adeno-
flat or depressed lesions (Fig. 3). The histologic diagnosis of matous dysplasia are rare and almost always MLH1 profi-
sessile serrated polyp with dysplasia requires an abrupt cient leading the authors to propose that these may in fact
transition from an sessile serrated polyp to an area represent collision lesions rather than a true sessile serrated
1396 R. K. Pai et al.

Fig. 3 Sessile serrated polyp

with dysplasia. a–b Endoscopic
appearance of sessile serrated
polyps with dysplasia
demonstrating an area of
protuberant growth in a part of
an otherwise slightly elevated
lesion (a) or as a more
diffusely protuberant polyp (b).
c–h Different morphologic
appearance of dysplasia in
sessile serrated polyp including
adenomatous (c), dysplasia not
otherwise specified (d–e),
minimal deviation dysplasia
(f–g), and serrated dysplasia (h)

polyp with dysplasia [35]. Serrated dysplasia—the same as and cytologic changes is described (Fig. 4). While it is
the World Health Organization description in its 4th edition helpful diagnostically, in practice it is not entirely necessary
—has tightly packed glands composed of cells with large to subtype dysplasia in sessile serrated polyp, rather it is
nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and brightly eosinophilic cyto- important to recognize the morphologic heterogeneity of
plasm. The dysplasia covers the full depth of the mucosa, these lesions and to be aware of the MLH1 expression in
and mitoses are frequent and often atypical. MLH1 each morphologic subgroup (Table 2).
expression is retained in most cases. Lastly, minimal The chance of diagnosing minimal deviation dysplasia is
deviation dysplasia with subtle but noticeable architectural higher in female patients >60 years, with history of
An update on the morphology and molecular pathology of serrated colorectal polyps and associated. . . 1397

Fig. 4 Sessile serrated polyp

with dysplasia and correlation
with MLH1 loss. a–b Sessile
serrated polyp with
adenomatous dysplasia (a) is
characterized by retention of
MLH1 (b). c–f Sessile serrated
polyp with minimal deviation
dysplasia demonstrating
increased complexity in crypt
architecture and subtle cytologic
abnormalities (c, e). MLH1
immunohistochemistry (d, f) is
recommended in order to
recognize this morphologic

advanced serrated polyps or sporadic MLH1-deficient col- Importantly, incidental loss of MLH1 expression
orectal carcinoma. To become familiar with the minimal restricted to the base of one or a few histologically unre-
deviation dysplasia pattern, staining obvious sessile serrated markable serrated colonic crypts should not be regarded as
polyps with dysplasia with MLH1 may be useful. Not sessile serrated polyp with dysplasia. In sessile serrated
infrequently, areas of MLH1 loss are identified outside the polyps with minimal deviation dysplasia, loss of MLH1
obvious dysplastic component, in what looked like other- expression involves the full length of multiple adjacent
wise ordinary sessile serrated polyp fragments. Reviewing crypts that always show some abnormalities on the H&E-
these areas in hindsight will help pathologists to recognize stained sections.
the subtle morphologic patterns associated with MLH1 loss.
When changes suspicious for minimal deviation dysplasia Traditional serrated adenoma
are found in an sessile serrated polyp, we recommend a low
threshold for ordering an MLH1 immunostain to gain The traditional serrated adenoma is a relatively rare serrated
familiarity with the minimal deviation pattern and to further polyp at risk of progression to malignancy. First reported as
refine diagnostic criteria. We currently recommend that the ‘serrated adenoma’ in 1990 by Longacre and
loss of MLH1 expression is required for the diagnosis of Fenoglio–Preiser [7], traditional serrated adenoma is char-
sessile serrated polyp with minimal deviation dysplasia. acterized by 3 histologic features: typical eosinophilic cells
Further studies are needed to assess the reproducibility of with bland elongated nuclei, slit-like serration, and ectopic
the diagnosis and whether minimal deviation dysplasia can crypt foci (also called ectopic crypt formations). None of
be diagnosed when MLH1 is retained. these features is on its own specific of traditional serrated
1398 R. K. Pai et al.

Table 2 Morphologic patterns of dysplasia in sessile serrated polyps

Patterns Architectural changes Cytologic features MLH1 loss Frequencya

Dysplasia not otherwise Easily identifiable and varied in Obvious atypia with amphophilic or eosinophilic Frequent 79%
specified appearance: crypt elongation, cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei with (>80%)
crowding, complex branching, pseudostratification, frequent mitotic figures and
change in serration loss of polarity
Minimal deviation Subtle changes with crypt Cells with hypermucinous cytoplasm or slightly Required for 19%
crowding, change in crypt eosinophilic with gastric phenotype, basally the diagnosis
branching pattern and often located nuclei showing mild hyperchromasia and
reduced serration mitotic figures not restricted to the lower part of
the crypts.
Serrated dysplasia Closely packed small glands with Cuboidal cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm, Rare 12%
reduced serration and frequent mitotic figures, marked nuclear atypia
cribriforming with vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli
Adenomatous dysplasia Absence of crypt serration, same Cells with amphophilic or basophilic cytoplasm, Rare 8%
appearance as conventional elongated hyperchromatic nuclei and variable
adenomas; dysplastic component amount of goblet cell differentiation resembling
on the upper part of the lesion cells from conventional adenomas
Frequency of each pattern from Liu et al. [28] Multiple patterns can be present in a single lesion.

adenoma and can be encountered in other subtypes of normal small intestinal mucosa [36, 37]. (Fig. 5). The
colonic polyps. association of both the traditional serrated adenoma cytol-
Traditional serrated adenoma is much less common than ogy and slit-like serrations makes the diagnosis of tradi-
sessile serrated polyp, representing up to 2% of all color- tional serrated adenoma straightforward.
ectal polyps from various series depending on diagnostic Ectopic crypt foci are small buds of epithelial cells
criteria [36]. The prevalence of traditional serrated adenoma resembling the bases of normal crypts, not anchored to the
is probably an underestimate as advanced traditional ser- muscularis mucosae, and found along the villous projec-
rated adenoma may resemble conventional adenoma, and tions of the polyp (Fig. 5) [22]. When multiple, they may be
flat traditional serrated adenoma is often reported as sessile misinterpreted as superimposed dysplasia on cross section.
serrated polyp with dysplasia. Both males and females are Rather than specific of traditional serrated adenoma, ectopic
equally affected, usually in the sixth or seventh decade [37– crypt foci may represent small proliferation zones in polyps
42]. The prototypical traditional serrated adenoma is a large with villiform growth pattern, including some tubulovillous
protuberant polyp in the distal colon or rectum with villi- adenomas [46, 47]. Moreover, flat traditional serrated ade-
form architecture, uniform cytology, slit-like serration, and nomas may lack ectopic crypt foci. Ectopic crypt foci are
ectopic crypt foci (Fig. 5). The characteristic traditional therefore not an absolute prerequisite for the diagnosis of
serrated adenoma cells have abundant and intensely eosi- traditional serrated adenoma.
nophilic cytoplasm, bland oval palisaded nuclei without In up to 50% of traditional serrated adenomas, an adja-
mitotic activity or Ki-67 positivity by immunohistochem- cent polyp is identified which may represent a precursor
istry [37, 41, 43]. It is unclear what proportion of the polyp lesion [37, 39, 40, 48]. (Fig. 5) The fact that traditional
needs to have the traditional serrated adenoma cytology for serrated adenoma may represent adenomatous transforma-
the diagnosis. If the other two histological features of tra- tion in a hyperplastic polyp was alluded to in the seminal
ditional serrated adenoma are present, focal traditional ser- paper by Longacre et al. [7] and was preceded by a similar
rated adenoma cytology may be sufficient for the diagnosis. suggestion in 1970 by Goldman et al. [49]. Proximal flat
Some traditional serrated adenomas with typical slit-like traditional serrated adenomas are more likely to harbor a
serration and at least focal ectopic crypt foci may have a BRAF mutation and to have an adjacent microvesicular
predominance of goblet cells (mucin rich variant) [44, 45]. hyperplastic polyp or a sessile serrated polyp. Distal tradi-
Another confusing point is the presence of superimposed tional serrated adenomas are often KRAS-mutated and may
intestinal dysplasia that can arise in an advanced traditional have a ‘shoulder’ area of flat traditional serrated adenoma at
serrated adenoma, completely replacing the original epi- the edge of a large protuberant lesion. A goblet cell
thelial lining and mimicking a tubulovillous adenoma (see hyperplastic polyp can also sometimes be found, suggesting
discussion below). that some KRAS-mutated traditional serrated adenomas may
The second and probably most typical feature of tradi- arise from a goblet cell hyperplastic polyp. In a recent
tional serrated adenoma is the distinctive type of serration study, small (<10 mm) polyps resembling the shoulder area
(slit-like serration), reminiscent of the narrow slits in the seen in large protuberant traditional serrated adenomas were
An update on the morphology and molecular pathology of serrated colorectal polyps and associated. . . 1399

Fig. 5 Traditional serrated

adenoma. a–b The most typical
feature of traditional serrated
adenoma (b) is the distinctive
type of serration (slit-like
serration, arrow), reminiscent of
the narrow slits in the normal
small intestinal mucosa (a).
Ectopic crypt foci (arrowhead)
and columnar cells with
prominent eosinophilic
cytoplasm are also seen (b).
c Large protuberant traditional
serrated adenoma with villiform
growth. d. A small protuberant
traditional serrated adenoma
with an identifiable adjacent
precursor lesion. e Some
traditional serrated adenomas are
flat as in this example. Flat
traditional serrated adenomas are
often associated with a precursor
sessile serrated polyp and
located in the right colon.
f Mucin-rich traditional serrated

shown to be the early forms of traditional serrated adenoma Serrated adenoma-unclassified

[50]. Like larger traditional serrated adenomas, these small
lesions are characterized by at least 2 of the features It has become clear over the past few years that some
of traditional serrated adenoma: slit-like serrations, typical dysplastic serrated polyps do not fit neatly into traditional
cytology, and ectopic crypt foci. serrated adenoma or sessile serrated polyp with dysplasia
Despite being a polyp with malignant potential, ordinary or conventional adenoma. In particular, some adenomas
traditional serrated adenomas do not have the cytological that lack the cytologic features of traditional serrated ade-
characteristics of the usual type of dysplasia as seen in the noma can demonstrate serrated morphology. These have
colon. However, overt dysplasia develops when traditional been termed serrated tubulovillous adenomas by some
serrated adenomas progress to advanced lesions. This authors (Fig. 7) [45, 46]. These polyps demonstrate mole-
superimposed dysplasia can be either of intestinal type cular features intermediate between traditional serrated
resembling dysplasia seen in conventional adenoma or of adenoma and conventional tubulovillous adenoma. Other
serrated type as seen in sessile serrated polyp progressing to polyps may consist predominately of conventional tubu-
serrated type dysplasia [37, 39–41, 43]. (Fig. 6) There are lovillous adenoma with only focal features suggestive but
currently no specific surveillance guidelines when super- not entirely diagnostic of a traditional serrated adenoma.
imposed dysplasia is diagnosed in a traditional serrated Some of these polyps may represent traditional serrated
adenoma. We recommend that high grade intestinal dys- adenomas overgrown by conventional dysplasia, but
plasia and serrated dysplasia should be reported as this uncertainty exists as to the diagnosis. In one study, re-
heralds an advanced stage of the lesion. review of 180 distal villous and tubulovillous adenomas
1400 R. K. Pai et al.

Differential diagnosis and controversial issues

Sessile serrated polyp versus hyperplastic polyp

The major differential diagnosis of sessile serrated polyp is

with a microvesicular hyperplastic polyp and this distinction
continues to be problematic [51–53]. This is true not only in
the community setting but even among subspecialized
pathologists with an interest in serrated polyps. In a recent
population-based study from Denmark, nearly 25% of all
serrated polyps were excluded from the study because they
could not be classified into hyperplastic polyp or sessile
serrated polyp with certainty by four expert gastrointestinal
pathologists [54]. The current recommendations suggest
that a polyp with one classical sessile serrated polyp-type
crypt is sufficient to render the diagnosis of a sessile ser-
rated polyp over a microvesicular hyperplastic polyp
[9, 10]. It should be emphasized that when making the
assessment on a single crypt, the changes should be overt
and the polyp free of prolapse effect which can induce
spurious crypt architectural abnormalities (Fig. 8) [55, 56].
In equivocal cases deeper levels can often be informative as
Fig. 6 Traditional serrated adenoma with superimposed dysplasia. a more classical sessile serrated polyp-type architectural
Large protuberant traditional serrated adenoma with areas of high- changes may become apparent.
grade dysplasia (b) It is important to emphasize that the size, location,
number, and endoscopic appearance are not part of the
pathological diagnosis of a hyperplastic polyp or a sessile
serrated polyp. Using these parameters can hamper future
efforts to refine the risk profile of patients with serrated
polyps, especially in scenarios such as small proximal
hyperplastic polyps or large distal hyperplastic polyps. Only
a proper morphologic classification of serrated polyps that is
reproducible amongst practicing pathologists will allow
further refinement of the risk of metachronous neoplasia in
these patients. Results from such analyses can then be used
to modify the diagnostic criteria if necessary.
From a practical perspective, it is exceedingly rare to
Fig. 7 Serrated adenoma-unclassified. An adenoma with serrated encounter a microvesicular hyperplastic polyp >10 mm and
architecture and ectopic crypt foci that lack characteristic cytologic such polyps should be considered advanced serrated polyps
features of a traditional serrated adenoma for the purposes of deciding subsequent surveillance inter-
vals and ensuring complete resection. The main dilemma
occurs when encountering small or dimunitive proximal
resulted in re-classification of 20 polyps as traditional serrated polyps that morphologically are best classified as
serrated adenoma indicating histologic overlap between microvesicular hyperplastic polyp (Fig. 8). Furthermore,
these polyp types [47, 48]. Finally, sessile serrated polyps goblet cell hyperplastic polyps are frequently seen in the
with small areas of eosinophilic cells can be confusing to proximal colon. There has been a tendency to consider all
classify. These sessile serrated polyps have been regarded proximal serrated polyps as sessile serrated polyp, despite
as having either low-grade serrated dysplasia, features of the lack of diagnostic features, due to the presumption that
traditional serrated adenoma, or “enteric metaplasia” (see hyperplastic polyps do not exist in the proximal colon. Such
discussion below) by various authors. Given the uncer- a strategy will lead to increased frequency of colonoscopy
tainties in the classification of these serrated polyps, the for these patients and an increased burden on already busy
term “serrated adenoma, unclassified” is proposed. In our surveillance programs. In rare cases of polyps with marginal
opinion this term should be used sparingly. histological features, size and location can be used to tip the
An update on the morphology and molecular pathology of serrated colorectal polyps and associated. . . 1401

Fig. 8 Diagnostic issues in the

diagnosis of hyperplastic polyp
and sessile serrated polyp. a A
proximal microvesicular
hyperplastic polyp can be
confidently diagnosed if the
polyp is well-oriented and no
characteristic sessile serrated
polyp-type crypts are present.
b A proximal goblet cell
hyperplastic polyp with subtle
superficial serrations and goblet
cell rich epithelium. c A
diminutive sessile serrated polyp
with a single unequivocal
architecturally abnormal crypt.
d A microvesicular hyperplastic
polyp with prominent mucosal
prolapse resulting in abnormal
crypt architecture that could
mimic a sessile serrated polyp

diagnosis one way or another. In general, we try to avoid and, if present in a sessile serrated polyp, should not be
using diagnoses such as indeterminate serrated polyp, as interpreted as a sessile serrated polyp with (serrated) dys-
they are unhelpful to the clinician. In our experience such a plasia. Further studies are needed to investigate whether
diagnosis is almost always managed as per a sessile sessile serrated polyp with traditional serrated adenoma-like
serrated polyp. cytology (or flat traditional serrated adenoma arising from a
sessile serrated polyp) have molecular features of traditional
Significance of eosinophilic cells in various serrated polyps serrated adenoma supporting the hypothesis that these
lesions are a form of traditional serrated adenoma or whe-
One of the most controversial points in serrated polyp ther they represent a subtype of advanced sessile
diagnosis is the significance of traditional serrated serrated polyp.
adenoma-type cells in various colonic lesions. The appear- Inflammatory pseudopolyps and mucosal prolapse of the
ance is reminiscent of absorptive cells in the normal small large intestine are common non-neoplastic lesions that can
bowel with narrow slits along the epithelium and a brush exhibit the same eosinophilic cell changes as seen in tra-
border on the apical surface [57]. For these reasons, this ditional serrated adenoma (Fig. 9) (and also display some
phenotype has been called by some authors enteric meta- serration mimicking a sessile serrated polyp or a traditional
plasia, which have characteristics of senescent cells rather serrated adenoma). The differential diagnosis between a
than dysplastic cells [34]. However, others consider that the traditional serrated adenoma with prolapse changes and an
presence of this cell type in a serrated polyp represents a inflammatory pseudopolyp with prominent serration and
form of serrated dysplasia and should be reported as sessile traditional serrated adenoma-type cytology can occasionally
serrated polyp with traditional serrated adenoma-like dys- be challenging. In the latter, the inflammation in the lamina
plasia or low-grade serrated dysplasia. The different opi- propria is usually more marked and crypts show more
nions add to the confusion in the differential diagnosis obvious architectural distortion.
between traditional serrated adenoma and sessile serrated As mentioned, in some sessile serrated polyps, patches of
polyp with dysplasia. We recommend that the term ‘serrated eosinophilic cell changes (focal enteric metaplasia) can be
dysplasia’ should only be used for the “high-grade” dys- present involving only parts of the superficial aspect of
plastic changes as described above, which are similar to the crypts that otherwise show a typical sessile serrated polyp
cytological features of serrated adenocarcinomas of the morphology (Fig. 9). This most likely represents a reactive
colon [58]. We believe the traditional serrated adenoma- change in an ordinary sessile serrated polyp. The difficulty
type cytology should not be classified as serrated dysplasia arises with the differential diagnosis of flat traditional
1402 R. K. Pai et al.

sessile serrated polyp is not recommended for multiple

reasons. First, cytoarchitectural features used to grade dys-
plasia may not be applicable to dysplastic sessile serrated
polyps given the wide morphologic heterogeneity. Fur-
thermore, there has not been a study measuring the inter-
observer agreement in the grading of dysplasia in sessile
serrated polyp. More importantly, MLH1 loss is seen in
dysplastic areas that are histologically quite bland. Loss of
MLH1 expression in a dysplastic area indicates a lesion that
has acquired a microsatellite instability phenotype and is at
high-risk of rapid progression to invasive carcinoma. Given
that MLH1 loss does not reliably correlate with traditional
grades of dysplasia, grading does not adequately reflect the
malignant potential of these lesions.

Advances in the molecular pathology of the

serrated neoplasia pathway

The serrated neoplasia pathway, like most neoplastic path-

ways, is complex. The hallmarks are MAP kinase pathway
activation (especially by BRAF mutation) and the CpG
island methylator phenotype. These changes tend to occur
early in polyp development. From a conceptual viewpoint,
serrated lesions can be broadly divided into early, advanced
and malignant. Early polyps include microvesicular hyper-
plastic polyp, goblet cell hyperplastic polyp, sessile serrated
polyp and potentially (depending on individual preference)
traditional serrated adenoma. Advanced polyps then include
Fig. 9 Mimics of traditional serrated adenoma. a An inflammatory sessile serrated polyp with dysplasia and traditional serrated
polyp with focal serrated morphology and enteric metaplasia. b Enteric
adenoma with high grade dysplasia. These culminate in
metaplasia on the surface epithelium of a sessile serrated polyp. This
change should not be regarded as evidence of a traditional serrated serrated pathway carcinomas. The natural history of serrated
adenoma pathway carcinomas is remarkably variable depending on
the molecular events that have resulted in malignant trans-
formation. Figure 10 is a schematic of the major routes to
serrated adenoma. Compared with sessile serrated polyps serrated carcinoma arising from serrated polyps.
showing focal enteric metaplasia, flat traditional serrated
adenomas demonstrate a traditional serrated adenoma-type Early serrated polyps
cytology covering the entire luminal aspect of the lesion and
often extending toward the crypt bases. Another histologic Microvesicular hyperplastic polyp and sessile serrated
feature of traditional serrated adenoma needs to be present. polyp have overlapping molecular alterations. Most micro-
In flat traditional serrated adenoma, slit-like serration is vesicular hyperplastic polyps and sessile serrated polyps
most commonly seen. Ectopic crypt foci are rarely present harbor an activating BRAF mutation [59, 60]. In contrast
in flat traditional serrated adenomas while it is a feature of relatively few microvesicular hyperplastic polyps are CpG
protuberant traditional serrated adenomas. While this island methylator phenotype-high (10%) versus 40–50% of
approach can resolve the diagnostic dilemma for most sessile serrated polyps [59, 60]. Currently there is no reli-
lesions, some still defy proper categorization. As men- able molecular marker that can distinguish these lesions and
tioned, a diagnosis of serrated adenoma-unclassified can be despite the imperfections discussed above, histology is
appropriate in this setting. currently considered the gold standard. Whether sessile
serrated polyps arise de novo or from microvesicular
Grading dysplasia in sessile serrated polyps hyperplastic polyps still remains a matter of debate, but if a
microvesicular hyperplastic polyp does transition to a ses-
Throughout the gastrointestinal tract, dysplasia is graded sile serrated polyp, the driver(s) of this change are not clear.
using a two-tiered system. However, grading dysplasia in The molecular changes that occur in goblet cell hyperplastic
An update on the morphology and molecular pathology of serrated colorectal polyps and associated. . . 1403

Fig. 10 Schematic of the serrated neoplasia pathway. Most sessile may develop possibly from sessile serrated polyp or some goblet cell
serrated polyps harbor a BRAF mutation and may develop possibly hyperplastic polyps (dotted lines) and progress to malignancy via the
from a microvesicular hyperplastic polyp or de novo (dotted line). BRAF or the KRAS pathway to high grade dysplasia and mismatch
Sessile serrated polyps progress to malignancy by either acquiring repair proficient-colorectal carcinoma. WNT signaling pathway acti-
mismatch repair deficiency caused by MLH1 promoter methylation or vation occurs in all pathways through different mechanisms, at the
through other molecular events such as TP53 mutation to mismatch transition to dysplasia or earlier in traditional serrated adenoma
repair-proficient colorectal carcinoma. Traditional serrated adenoma

polyps are less well described but KRAS mutations have frequent RSPO fusion transcripts and that BRAF mutated
been observed. Furthermore, a recent study has suggested traditional serrated adenomas have quite frequent RNF43
that goblet cell content in non-dysplastic serrated polyps is mutations. In addition, the authors have demonstrated that
predictive of KRAS alterations [61]. these molecular alterations tend to occur at the transition
Whether the traditional serrated adenoma should be from precursor polyp (e.g., microvesicular hyperplastic
included in the non-dysplastic group is unsettled. Most polyp or sessile serrated polyp) to traditional serrated ade-
authors would consider these lesions to have low grade noma [65].
dysplasia. However, the cytology is bland and proliferation
is limited [37]. Regardless, traditional serrated adenomas Advanced serrated polyps
appear to have more molecular alterations at this initial
stage than either microvesicular hyperplastic polyps or The two categories of advanced serrated polyp are the
sessile serrated polyps. The majority show MAP kinase sessile serrated polyp with dysplasia and traditional serrated
activation with around 50% having a BRAF mutation and adenoma with superimposed dysplasia. Both are recognized
30% a KRAS mutation [37, 38, 43]. CpG island methylator by a transition to overt dysplasia in a discrete area of the
phenotype-high is common in the BRAF mutated polyps but polyp. The sessile serrated polyp with dysplasia is the most
is less frequent in the KRAS mutated cases [37]. intensively studied of the two groups. Methylation induced
While many of the BRAF mutated traditional serrated ade- silencing of the MLH1 gene is the most recognized mole-
nomas arise from sessile serrated polyps and microvesicular cular event occurring in these lesions. The frequency of this
hyperplastic polyps, the origins of the KRAS mutated cases occurrence is quite variable in the literature, ranging from
are more obscure; however, two recent publications suggest 15–73% [30, 66]. In our opinion, the lower values reflect
they may arise de novo or from a similar appearing pre- inclusion of sessile serrated polyps with enteric metaplasia
cursor [50, 62]. Additional mutations in traditional serrated or early and flat traditional serrated adenoma within the
adenomas without overt dysplasia have recently been sessile serrated polyp with the dysplasia group. These early
demonstrated in several excellent publications from Japan and flat traditional serrated adenomas are often recorded as
by Sekine and co-authors [63, 64]. They have shown that so-called low-grade serrated dysplasia. We do not consider
KRAS mutated traditional serrated adenomas have fairly these polyps to represent true sessile serrated polyp with
1404 R. K. Pai et al.

dysplasia and in a recent publication where these cases were more than twice as likely that a hyperplastic polyp from the
not included, 73% of cases were mismatch repair deficient pre-sessile serrated polyp era will be re-classified as a ses-
[27]. This value is more reflective of the mismatch repair sile serrated polyp upon review [74]. Moreover, multiple
status in BRAF mutated carcinomas, where the majority are polyps occur over time in patients undergoing surveillance
also mismatch repair deficient. Other molecular events are colonoscopy. It is difficult to ascribe the subsequent cancer
also critical to the progression from sessile serrated polyp to risk to a particular histologic type of precursor lesion in
carcinoma. Several studies have demonstrated silencing of such patients unless the study sample size permits an ade-
the critical tumor suppressor genes p16 and TP53 mutation quate regression analysis. Certain polyp characteristics may
in a significant minority of cases [27, 67, 68]. WNT path- alter the subsequent risk of colorectal carcinoma. Patients
way activation is also frequent, however in contrast to the with large polyps are more likely to undergo a careful and
chromosomal instability pathway, WNT pathway activation thorough examination leading to “detection bias” where
tends to occur later in serrated polyps. In addition, APC other concurrent polyps are more likely to be detected and
mutation is less common in the serrated pathway [69]. removed during the procedure. This lowers the risk of
Instead methylation induced silencing of WNT antagonists subsequent colorectal carcinoma in these patients even
such as the SFRP genes, AXIN2 and MCC all play a role though they may harbor precursor lesions at significant risk
[70]. of malignant transformation. Similarly, patients with
By contrast there is effectively never loss of MLH1 advanced and/or multiple conventional adenomas undergo
expression in the transition of traditional serrated adenoma close surveillance and metachronous risk of colorectal car-
to high grade dysplasia [43]. As discussed above, RNF43 cinoma in these patients may appear spuriously lower
mutation and RSPO fusions are common early events in compared to low-risk patient groups that undergo surveil-
traditional serrated adenomas. Similar to the sessile serrated lance at longer intervals. Colorectal carcinoma is not com-
polyp with dysplasia, loss of p16 expression and TP53 monly detected in patients undergoing surveillance
mutation are relatively common at the transition to high- colonoscopy and markers of high risk, such as advanced
grade dysplasia [37]. adenomas or large serrated polyps, are often used as sur-
rogate outcomes of interest in longitudinal outcomes stu-
Risk of metachronous and synchronous neoplasia in dies. While these markers are indirectly helpful in
patients with serrated polyps determining appropriate surveillance intervals they do not
represent the true outcome of interest in patients undergoing
The original description of sessile serrated polyp as a his- surveillance colonoscopy, which is reduction in mortality
tological entity was not based on any longitudinal outcome from colorectal carcinoma.
data. Subsequent studies to determine the surveillance Despite the above limitations several conclusions can be
implications of a diagnosis of sessile serrated polyp have drawn based on published literature summarized in Table 3.
been hampered by diagnostic variability. Consequently, Serrated polyps without dysplasia are indeed a risk factor
current guidelines for surveillance in patients with serrated for colorectal carcinoma in the long term but the short-term
polyps contain recommendations based on limited data risk of malignancy, at least in patients under surveillance,
[10, 71]. The distinction of hyperplastic polyp from sessile appears to be low. In a retrospective study from a period
serrated polyp continues to be problematic and confounds when sessile serrated polyps were all diagnosed as hyper-
longitudinal studies attempting to assess neoplastic risk plastic polyp, 23 large (≥10 mm) “hyperplastic polyp” left
based on histologic subtype of serrated polyp [51–53]. in-situ did not progress to cancer over a median follow up of
Concurrent conventional adenomas in patients with serrated 11 years which argues against a fast progression to cancer
polyps are confounding factors that must be adjusted for in [75]. Similarly, in the study by Lu et al. on patients with
outcome studies but this is often not feasible outside the sessile serrated polyp, the reported risk of incident color-
setting of a large multi-institutional or population-based ectal carcinoma was much higher (12.5%) than other stu-
study. In a study of US male veterans, patients with prox- dies, but even they reported a median interval of 8.3 years
imal serrated polyps (hyperplastic polyp and sessile serrated between the detection of sessile serrated polyp and the
polyp combined) were twice as likely to have concurrent eventual diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma [76]. There have
conventional advanced or multiple (≥3) adenomas and those also been suggestions that serrated polyps may play a larger
with large (≥10 mm) serrated polyps were over three times than expected role in the development of interval colon
as likely to have concurrent advanced adenomas [72]. This cancers [77]. However, interval colorectal carcinomas are
association has been confirmed in several studies and holds more common in the proximal colon where mismatch repair
true even when the serrated polyps are sub-classified into deficient tumors are more prevalent. Once location is mat-
hyperplastic polyp or sessile serrated polyp [73]. In fact, ched between sporadic interval and non-interval colon
presence of a synchronous advanced adenoma makes it cancers, the genetic landscape of both groups of tumors
Table 3 Risk of metachronous and synchronous lesions stratified by serrated polyp subtype
Study Design Patient population (n) n (total/ Outcome of Salient findings Follow up duration Limitations
serrated interest

Bensen Prospective, post-hoc Patients from 2 large polyp 1583/ Hyperplastic Hyperplastic polyp on index predictive 3 years after index Pre-sessile serrated polyp era; no
SP et al., analysis chemoprevention trials 294 polyp or any of metachronous hyperplastic polyp stratification by hyperplastic polyp
[90] adenoma (OR = 3.67; 2.54–5.31) but not location/size
Lazarus R Retrospective Consecutive patients 239/101 Hyperplastic Hyperplastic polyp on index predictive 94 months (mean) Small number of patients; no sessile
et al., [91] longitudinal diagnosed with hyperplastic polyp or any of metachronous hyperplastic polyp but serrated polyp diagnoses; only 49.4%
polyp, serrated or adenoma not adenoma (93% versus 5.3) had complete colonoscopy on index
conventional adenomas examination
Laiyemo Prospective, post-hoc Patients with prior adenoma 1637/ Any Index hyperplastic polyp (proximal or 3 years Only 132 patients with proximal
AO et al., analysis on polyp prevention trial 437 adenoma distal) not associated with hyperplastic polyp; no sessile serrated
[92] metachronous adenoma (OR = 1.19; polyp diagnosis; size not considered as
0.94–1.51) or advanced adenoma (OR exposure variable; majority
= 1.25; 0.78–2.03) hyperplastic polyp diminutive in size
Schreiner Prospective, post-hoc US veterans in a large 3121/ Advanced Proximal and large serrated polyps 2-3 <5.5 years Hyperplastic polyp and sessile serrated
MA et al., analysis multicenter screening trial 801 adenoma times more likely to be associated with polyp considered as one group; size not
[72] concurrent advanced adenoma; patients considered as exposure variable due to
with concurrent proximal serrated small number of large serrated polyps
polyp and advanced adenoma at (n = 31)
baseline twice as likely to develop
advanced adenoma on surveillance
compared to advanced adenoma alone
Lu F-I Retrospective, case Patients diagnosed with 1583/ Adenoma 5.8% of all hyperplastic polyps 4.8–13.2 years Only one patient presented for general
et al., [76] control hyperplastic polyp at 294 with high- reclassified as sessile serrated polyps; 5 screening, the remaining for symptoms
University Hospital between grade (12.5%) developed colorectal cancer; or personal or family history of
1980 and 2001 dysplasia or 11 patients with large (≥1 cm) sessile colorectal cancer; unclear whether full
colorectal serrated polyp but none developed colonoscopy performed at index
cancer cancer or high-grade lesions on follow examination in all patients; no analysis
An update on the morphology and molecular pathology of serrated colorectal polyps and associated. . .

up to determine impact of polyp, type,

location, number
Holme O Prospective Patient’s enrolled in the 12,955/ Colorectal Large serrated polyp, large adenoma 10.9 years Only 81 large serrated polyps and only
et al., [75] longitudinal Norwegian colorectal cancer 81 cancer and multiple adenomas were (median) 3 cancers in this group on follow up;
prevention trial independent risk factors on 21% polyps not classified into
multivariable analysis; no cancer hyperplastic polyp or sessile serrated
developed in 23 large serrated polyps polyp; impact of histologic diagnosis
left in-situ at screening for median 11 not assessed
Macaron Prospective cohort Patients with large 255/157 Advanced Metachronous large serrated polyps 46.8 months Small number of cases; only 28%
C et al., hyperplastic polyp, any adenoma or exclusively in patients with index (median) followed up for entire 5 years; included
[88] sessile serrated polyp or advanced serrated polyps; metachronous dysplastic sessile serrated polyp and
traditional serrated adenoma advanced adenomas on follow up more traditional serrated adenoma at baseline
Table 3 (continued)

Study Design Patient population (n) n (total/ Outcome of Salient findings Follow up duration Limitations
serrated interest

at baseline colonoscopy at a serrated likely in patients with advanced

tertiary center polyp adenomas at baseline colonoscopy with
or without concurrent serrated polyps
Yoon JY Retrospective, case Korean patients with 558/186 Advanced Risk of metachronous advanced 41.4–43.4 months 420 patients with traditional serrated
et al., [99] control traditional serrated adenoma adenoma, adenoma, serrated adenoma and (mean) adenoma were originally included but
or conventional adenoma serrated hyperplastic polyp in baseline follow-up was only available in 186.
adenoma, traditional serrated adenoma patients Korean population only; may not be
and was higher than those with baseline applicable to other groups
hyperplastic conventional adenomas (OR 2.37 for
polyp advanced adenoma)
Erichsen Nested case control Danish population database 10,150/ Colorectal Sessile serrated polyp a risk factor for Mean 5.9 years Screening colonoscopy was not being
R et al., with and without colorectal 931 cancer colorectal cancer (OR = 3.07; routinely performed in Denmark during
[54] cancer 2.20–4.10); sessile serrated polyp the study period which limits
proximal to splenic flexure (OR = applicability; polypoid dysplasia in
12.42; 4.88–31.58) and traditional incident inflammatory bowel disease
serrated adenoma (OR = 4.84; also included; size of serrated polyps
2.36–9.93) highest risk factors for and high-risk adenomas not accounted
colorectal cancer for in the study; 24.9% serrated lesions
could not be classified into hyperplastic
polyp or sessile serrated polyp
Melson J Retrospective Patients over a 6-year period 788/166 Advanced Metachronous advanced adenoma 40–54 months Small number of cases; no category of
et al., [97] longitudinal at academic medical center adenoma or more frequent in patients with low-risk sessile serrated polyp alone;
large (>1 cm) adenoma and sessile serrated polyp hyperplastic polyp included; location
sessile (18.2%) compared to patients with and size of serrated polyps not
serrated low-risk adenoma alone (7.8%); and in analyzed; traditional serrated adenoma
polyp high-risk adenoma with sessile serrated considered a high-risk lesion
polyp (31.9%) than with high-risk
adenoma alone (15.9%); metachronous
sessile serrated polyp more common in
patients with sessile serrated polyp at
baseline (33.1%) compared to those
with no sessile serrated polyp (5.0%)
Pereyra L Retrospective Screening colonoscopy 639/75 Advanced Sessile serrated polyp patients with 54.5 months Small numbers, 47 patients in sessile
et al., [93] longitudinal patients at teaching hospital adenoma or synchronous high-risk adenoma on (mean) serrated polyp only group
multiple index had higher incidence of
adenomas metachronous advanced adenoma
(12.96 per 1000 person-months)
compared to high risk adenoma alone
(5.07 per 1000 person–months);
Egoavil C Retrospective sub- Nationwide study involving 567/198 Colorectal Incidence of colorectal cancer in 4.2 years (mean) Serrated polyp histology and size and
et al., [87] analysis of patients with 24 different hospitals cancer in confirmed serrated polyposis patients presence of concurrent conventional
R. K. Pai et al.
Table 3 (continued)
Study Design Patient population (n) n (total/ Outcome of Salient findings Follow up duration Limitations
serrated interest

multiple serrated polyps patients and similar to those in patients with adenomas not incorporated in analysis
that did not fulfill their first- multiple serrated (>50% of total) even though the multiple serrated
criteria for serrated degree polyps and their first-degree relatives polyp group had higher median number
polyposis relatives of adenomas than the serrated
polyposis group; arbitrary criterion for
defining “multiple” serrated polyps
Anderson Retrospective Statewide population-based 5433/ Advanced or Metachronous large (>1 cm) serrated 4.9 years (median) Small number of patients in the high-
JC et al., longitudinal registry data analysis 1016 multiple polyp best predicted by index large risk group of concurrent high-risk
[89] adenomas or serrated polyp (hyperplastic polyp or adenoma and sessile serrated polyp or
cancer sessile serrated polyp; OR 14.34) and traditional serrated adenoma;
sessile serrated polyp histology (OR traditional serrated adenoma not
9.70); metachronous high-risk separated out as a distinct group for
conventional adenoma best predicted analysis
by baseline high-risk adenoma (OR
3.86); highest risk of metachronous
high-risk adenoma in patients with
concurrent high-risk adenoma and
sessile serrated polyp at baseline
colonoscopy (OR 16.04)
An update on the morphology and molecular pathology of serrated colorectal polyps and associated. . .
1408 R. K. Pai et al.

appears to be quite similar [78]. This suggests that interval prior literature where index hyperplastic polyps were
colon cancers are more likely to arise from missed lesions or reported to be predictive of subsequent hyperplastic polyps
incompletely excised precursors rather than a distinct but not conventional adenomas [90–92]. Interestingly, the
pathogenetic pathway. This conclusion is also supported by highest risk for metachronous high-risk conventional ade-
the prospective CARE (completeness of adenoma resection) nomas seems to be in patients who harbor both high-risk
study that showed an overall incomplete polyp excision rate conventional adenomas and large serrated polyps at baseline
of 10%. The incomplete resection rate increased to 17% for colonoscopy [72, 89, 93]. This last group of patients seem to
large (10–20 mm) polyps, 31% overall for sessile serrated possess a background colonic mucosa prone to development
polyp and nearly 50% for sessile serrated polyp larger than of neoplastic polyps along multiple pathways and are likely
10 mm [79]. The prevalence of missed lesions on colono- to benefit the most from close surveillance. This finding in
scopy has been estimated to range from 2–13% [80, 81] but the sporadic setting is analogous to patients with serrated
a recent meta-analysis of over 15,000 tandem colonoscopies polyposis in whom the risk of colorectal carcinoma is not
estimated the average miss rates to be 26% for adenomas, only associated with the type or number of serrated polyp
9% for advanced adenomas and 27% for serrated polyps but also the presence of concurrent conventional adenomas
[82]. [94–96]. Similarly, there is some data to suggest that
There is little evidence at this time to suggest that his- the metachronous risk of advanced neoplasia in patients with
tologic subtype of serrated polyp carries a predictive value low-risk adenomas and sessile serrated polyp is similar to
for metachronous advanced outcomes independent of polyp high-risk adenoma patients without any sessile serrated
size, location and number although multiple studies using polyp [97]. Patients with a diagnosis of sessile serrated polyp
centralized pathologic review with updated diagnostic cri- may have a higher risk for metachronous large serrated
teria have yet to be performed. Polyp size and location do polyps compared to patients with large or proximal hyper-
appear to be important predictors of risk for both concurrent plastic polyps (unpublished data). While this may reflect a
and subsequent advanced neoplasia and cancer. As men- true biological difference between hyperplastic polyp and
tioned above, cross-sectional studies have shown that ses- sessile serrated polyp, this may also be due to sessile serrated
sile serrated polyp and large hyperplastic polyp are polyp being more likely to be missed or incompletely
associated with synchronous multiple adenomas and excised on index examination and thus more likely to
advanced adenomas and with additional synchronous large develop large metachronous lesions.
sessile serrated polyp [72, 83–85]. A higher prevalence of Finally, the surveillance implications of a diagnosis of
synchronous advanced adenomas occurs in patients with traditional serrated adenoma also remain unclear given its
large and proximal serrated polyps [83, 86] and large distal infrequent occurrence independent of other concurrent
serrated polyps are reported to be four times more likely to polyps. An additional complication in recent years has been
be associated with proximal adenocarcinoma [86] empha- an increasing trend to diagnose traditional serrated adenoma
sizing the importance of polyp size in serrated polyp risk as sessile serrated polyp with dysplasia when they occur in a
stratification. A recent nationwide multi-institutional study background of sessile serrated polyp or hyperplastic polyp,
evaluated outcomes in patients with multiple (>50% of a practice we discourage. Prior studies suggesting a high
total) serrated polyps who did not meet the criteria for risk of concurrent colorectal carcinoma and metachronous
serrated polyposis. The incident risk of colorectal carcinoma adenomas in patients with baseline traditional serrated
in these patients, and their first-degree relatives, was similar adenoma were limited by small number of patients [91, 98].
to confirmed serrated polyposis patients, suggesting an More recently, in a relatively large study of Korean patients
increased cancer risk with increasing cumulative number of with traditional serrated adenomas, the risk of metachronous
serrated polyps [87]. serrated polyps, conventional adenomas, as well as high-
There also seems to be emerging consensus that patients risk adenomas was higher than a control population with
with high risk conventional adenomas (≥3 in number, ≥10 only baseline conventional adenomas [99]. A recent
mm in size, or those with a villous component or high-grade population-based study from Denmark also showed patients
dysplasia) and/or large serrated polyps can be binned into with traditional serrated adenoma to be nearly five times
three distinct risk groups. Patients with only high-risk con- more likely to develop colorectal carcinoma on follow up
ventional adenomas at baseline are more likely to develop [54]. However, this study included incident inflammatory
subsequent high-risk adenomas on surveillance but not large bowel disease-dysplasia patients, was from a time when
serrated polyps [54, 88, 89]. Conversely, patients with large routine screening colonoscopy was not being performed in
(≥10 mm) serrated polyps or those with sessile serrated Denmark, and despite the large sample size only 31 cases
polyp histology, are more likely to develop large serrated and controls had a prior traditional serrated adenoma.
polyps on surveillance but not high-risk conventional ade- In summary, current evidence suggests that managing
nomas [88, 89]. This finding is similar to that reported in large serrated polyps similar to low-risk adenomas is
An update on the morphology and molecular pathology of serrated colorectal polyps and associated. . . 1409

adequate since the risk of cancer in the short term is low. phenotype) and the remaining 30% have both phenotypes
Close surveillance should be restricted to patients with [95, 96].
concurrent advanced adenomas and large serrated polyps. Patients with serrated polyposis have an increased risk of
Awareness of flat serrated precursor lesions in the right colorectal carcinoma compared to the general population.
colon will hopefully lead to greater emphasis on detection Results from two large retrospective studies showed that
and complete excision of these lesions and reduce the colorectal carcinoma was diagnosed in 16% and 29% of
metachronous risk of colorectal carcinoma in these patients patients [95, 96]. In most cases, the diagnosis of cancer was
in the future. made before or at the time of serrated polyposis diagnosis.
Risk factors associated with colorectal carcinoma were (1)
Serrated polyposis the fulfillment of both clinical criteria; (2) more than 2 ses-
sile serrated polyps proximal to the splenic flexure; (3)
Serrated polyposis is a rare condition of largely unknown presence of at least one serrated polyp with dysplasia; (4)
etiology characterized by the development of multiple ser- presence of and at least one advanced conventional ade-
rated polyps in the large bowel. The upper gastrointestinal noma. Interestingly, nearly half of cancers were located in
tract and the small bowel are not affected [100]. Patients do the rectosigmoid, indicating that distal polyps are at risk of
not have any extracolonic manifestation. progression and should be included in the diagnostic
A familial component is well documented. About a third criteria.
of serrated polyposis patients have at least one first-degree The molecular characterization of 45 serrated polyposis-
relative with colorectal carcinoma and 5% have a first- associated colorectal carcinomas showed that 46% harbored
degree relative with serrated polyposis [95, 96]. However, a BRAF mutation, while KRAS mutation was rare (<5%).
no high-penetrance causative gene has been identified. MLH1 loss of expression was identified in 38% of cases
Approximately 2% of affected patients have a pathogenic [107]. This suggests that not all cancers develop from ser-
germline variant in RNF43, a gene involved in the WNT rated polyps and that at least half may follow the conven-
signaling pathway [101–104]. tional adenoma-carcinoma pathway.
Both genders are equally affected with most patients The diagnosis of serrated polyposis is frequently missed
diagnosed in their 5th or 6th decade [95, 96, 100, 105]. [108, 109]. It is important for pathologists to know the
However, serrated polyposis may be identified in younger clinical criteria and make the diagnosis when all informa-
adults. Because serrated polyps are less likely to bleed than tion on polyp number and polyp size is available but may be
conventional adenomas, screening fecal blood tests do not challenging when cumulative counts meet the criteria but
often lead to the diagnosis unless conventional adenomas or data from prior colonoscopies is not available. When a
advanced neoplasia are present. patient has multiple serrated polyps but the exact location,
The diagnostic criteria have been recently revised to size and number are not clear, the pathologist should still
include patients who present with a predominantly distal raise the possibility of serrated polyposis to prompt the
polyposis phenotype (including the sigmoid colon and the clinician to consider the diagnosis. Current surveillance
rectum) [106]. In addition, the previous criterion 2 (any guidelines recommend referral to genetic counseling and
number of serrated polyp proximal to the sigmoid colon in monitoring in tertiary centers [6, 10]. The aims are to
an individual who had a first degree relative with serrated exclude rare known genetic syndromes that may present
polyposis) has been discarded. with a serrated polyposis phenotype (MUTYH-associated
The updated criteria for the diagnosis are: polyposis, hereditary mixed polyposis syndrome and
Criterion 1: At least 5 serrated polyps proximal to the PTEN-hamartoma tumor syndrome), clear the entire large
rectum all ≥5 mm, with at least two ≥10 mm. bowel from polyps >3–5 mm in size, and undergo yearly
Criterion 2: More than 20 serrated polyps of any size but colonoscopy surveillance to prevent colorectal carcinoma. If
distributed throughout the large bowel, with at least 5 the polyp burden cannot be controlled by serial colo-
proximal to the rectum. noscopies or if an advanced lesion is diagnosed, the patient
Any histologic subtype of serrated polyp is included in should be considered for surgery [6, 110]. Screening colo-
the final count. The diagnosis may require more than one noscopy is recommended for first-degree relatives who have
colonoscopy and the polyp count is cumulative over time. 5 times the incidence of colorectal carcinoma compared
Importantly, the phenotype is highly heterogeneous from with the general population [105, 111].
patients with low polyp burden to patients with large
numbers of polyps fulfilling both criteria and difficult to Serrated pathway associated carcinomas
manage by colonoscopy. Data from two large European
studies showed that 25% of patients meet only criterion 1 The end point of these pathways is the development of
(type 1 phenotype), 45% meet only criterion 2 (type 2 invasive malignancy (Fig. 11). Broadly, three major
1410 R. K. Pai et al.

Fig. 11 Invasive carcinoma

arising from serrated precursors.
a, b An invasive carcinoma
arising from a sessile serrated
polyp with pushing margin, poor
differentiation and conspicuous
tumor infiltrating lymphocytes.
c, d An invasive carcinoma
arising from a traditional
serrated adenoma showing
infiltrative margin, serration in
glands, focal mucin and
eosinophilic tumor cells

Table 4 Colorectal carcinomas associated with serrated precursors

Type CpG methylation Prognosis Precursor Prevalence

BRAF mutated, mismatch repair deficient +++ Good Sessile serrated polyp 10–15%
KRAS mutated, mismatch repair proficient + Intermediate Traditional serrated adenoma Unknown
BRAF mutated, mismatch repair proficient +++ Poor Sessile serrated polyp or traditional 5%
serrated adenoma
BRAF/KRAS wild-type, mismatch repair +++ Good Sessile serrated polyp 5–0%

molecular subtypes of colorectal carcinoma can arise from growth pattern, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, mucinous
the serrated pathway including (1) BRAF mutated, mis- differentiation, and/or Crohn’s like peritumoral reaction. The
match repair deficient; (2) BRAF mutated, mismatch repair presence of a BRAF mutation and hypermethylation distin-
proficient; and (3) KRAS mutated, mismatch repair profi- guishes these tumors from Lynch syndrome associated can-
cient (Table 4) [112]. Serrated adenocarcinoma is a mor- cers. Mismatch repair deficient colon cancers demonstrate a
phologic variant recognized by the World Health high tumor mutational burden and are amenable to treatment
Organization characterized by epithelial serrations, eosino- with immune checkpoint inhibitors.
philic cytoplasm, vesicular nuclei, absence of necrosis, and BRAF mutated mismatch repair proficient cancers have a
a mucinous or trabecular growth pattern. While this variant dismal prognosis and likely arise from the ~25% of sessile
can be reliably recognized histologically and likely arise serrated polyp with dysplasia that demonstrate retained
from malignant transformation of some sessile serrated MLH1 expression and/or BRAF mutated traditional serrated
polyps and traditional serrated adenomas, most carcinomas adenomas [115–119]. These tumors often present at an
arising from serrated precursors do not have a serrated advanced stage and may demonstrate an aberrant immu-
adenocarcinoma morphology [58, 113]. nophenotype with reduced CDX2 and cytokeratin 20
BRAF mutated, mismatch repair deficient cancers have a expression and increased cytokeratin 7 expression [118].
favorable prognosis and arise from sessile serrated polyp with Histologically they may demonstrate partial mucinous dif-
dysplasia that demonstrate loss of MLH1 (and PMS2) ferentiation or neuroendocrine differentiation and often
expression [2, 114]. These tumors display classic features of have high-grade tumor budding, perineural invasion, and
mismatch repair deficient colon cancers including medullary extensive lymphovascular invasion [117].
An update on the morphology and molecular pathology of serrated colorectal polyps and associated. . . 1411

KRAS mutated mismatch repair proficient tumors are adenomas are the most molecularly heterogenous but
common and the vast majority likely arise through con- molecular heterogeneity also exists in sessile serrated polyps
ventional adenomas without evidence of CpG hyper- with dysplasia. Finally, our knowledge of the risk of meta-
methylation [2, 114]. A small subset of these tumors, chronous and synchronous lesions in patients with serrated
however, likely arise through KRAS mutated traditional polyps has expanded. Additional studies using strict diag-
serrated adenomas and demonstrate low levels of CpG nostic criteria will help us answer whether hyperplastic
island methylation [120]. Separating the subset of mismatch polyp and sessile serrated polyp are two stages of the same
repair proficient KRAS mutated tumors that arise from tra- lesion or distinct entities and aid in further refining risk
ditional serrated adenomas and from conventional adeno- stratification of subsequent neoplasia and development of
mas is difficult and studies comparing the two have yet to be improved post-polypectomy surveillance guidelines.
performed. It is interesting to note that methylation array
studies on colorectal carcinoma have shown not just two but Compliance with ethical standards
four distinct clusters [121]. It is remains to be seen whether
KRAS mutated mismatch repair proficient tumors arising Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
from traditional serrated adenomas and conventional ade-
nomas can be separated by virtue of their methylation Publisher’s note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
signatures. jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
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