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Behavioural Approach to Explaining

Beaviourist Approach to Explaining Phobia's
Suggests all behaviour is Learnt, including the fear of Phobia
Two Process Model

Theory that explains the Two Conditioning processes that lead to the
development of Phobias
Components of Two Process Model
Begin as Classical Conditioning

Maintained via Operant Conditioning

Classical Conditioning
where a NS is constantly paired with a UCS while producing an UCR

the NS eventually takes on the properties of this UCS

it then Becomes the CS capeable of producing a CR

Two Process Model: Classical Conditioning
Begin as Classical

Phobia's are acquired as the NS ie. Spider is paired a UCS which

produces the UCR of fear 

then the NS becomes the CS and produces the CR of Fear

What did Sue et. al find when asking people about their Phobia?
Sue et. al. found some phobics such as Agoraphobics (open space) could
account back to a specific event which led to them associating open
spaces with fear, thus developing phobia
this shows classical conditioning involved in the development of real life
phobia suggesting the theory has reliability
What else did Sue et. al. Find
Arachnophobics (spiders) could not remember a specific incident which
led to the development of their phobia

This suggests the behavioural approach, particulalry conditioning cannot

be seen as an explanation for all Phobia's
Little Albert Study: Method
A Loud Noise created by a hammer was the UCS and Fear was the UCR.

a Rat was a NS producing no response, However it was paired with the

UCS, Hammer's smash producing the UCR, fear
Little Albert Study: Result
The Rat (NS) aquired the Properties of the UCS and created the CR of
Fear as it was the Learnt response. The Rat was now a CS

Little Albert also experienced Stimulus Genrealisation with other White,

Fluffy objects
Problem with Little Albert Case Study
Single Case Studies are used Like Little Albert. These cannot be
genrealised to the wider pop. as one individual's experience doesn't
reflect everyone elses life and he is a baby

Evidence provided cannot support the idea's of aquirig Phobia via

Classical conditioning
Operant Conditioning
associating Consequences with Voluntary behaviours 

Consequences may be Punishment or Reinforcement

Two Process Model: Operant Conditioning
explains why people Continue to Fear and will Avoid their Phobia

Operant Conditioning says the Likelihood of a Behaviour is Increased if

the Behaviour is rewarding,

Avoiding the Phobia reduces Anxiety which acts as Negative

Reinforcement, removing something Unpleasant is rewarding ie. the
Social Learning Theory explaining Phobia
Phobia's may be aquired through Modelling the behaviour of others if the
model is Respected and the behaviour is Reinforced

eg. Seeing a Parent, Model respond with Fear to a spider may lead a
Child to aquire simular behaviour as the Behaviour is Reinforced, Ie.
parent gets Attention and sympathy and a parent is a suitable Model
3 Strength's
Research asking people about their Phobia

Evidence in Support

Application to Therapy
Application to Therapy
Effective treatment therapy such as Systematic Desensitization and
Flooding have been developed. 

Desensitization helps people unlearn phobia using Classical conditioning

principles, ie. replacing learned response (anxiety) with another response

These have been effective methods, MCgarth reported 75% success with
SD providing support for the principles of the behavioral explanation
3 Weaknesses of Two Process Model
Inability to Recall Specific Events - not appropriate for all

Evidence is Weak

Biological Preparedness
Biologial Preparedness
- Two Process Model: Weakness
ignores Adaptive Pressures which may influence Phobia Development

Seligman argued Mammals are genetically programmed to rapidly learn

an association between potentially life-threatening Stimuli and Fear,
things that would have been potentially life threatening in the past ie.

This suggests The Behavioral Approach alone cannot explain all Phobia's
and Biological approach may be more suited

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