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Predictive maintenance is used when maintaining the cookers. On this they just predict the
time when failure of the cookers may occur and constant operation. The cookers are
constantly checked and maintained by experts from companies from Blantyre (not
mentioned) with the help of MUST technical team. The large part of maintenance work is
done by experts from companies from Blantyre and little help from MUST technical teal on a
small scale. All the equipment’s are maintained at MUST cafeteria.
They also use preventive maintenance to always keep them in condition. This is time-Based
Maintenance whereby boilers are replaced or renewed to restore its reliability at a fixed time,
interval or usage regardless of its condition. This done every two months by technical team
from Blantyre (not mentioned) together with MUST technicians. As they are difficult to
carry, all the maintenance is done at MUST cafeteria.

Predictive maintenance is used to monitor the performance and condition of fridges during
normal operation to reduce the likelihood of failures. Every six months maintenance is on
every fridge to keep them in condition all the time of operations. Maintenance mainly is done
by companies from Blantyre and MUST technicians as well on a small scale. Maintenance is
done at MUST cafeteria as well.
Predictive maintenance again is used on this where by each and every two months all cold
storages are maintained by the same team from Blantyre with a little help from MUST
technical team. They also checked weekly to prevent catastrophic failure of materials. All the
cold storages are maintained at MUST cafeteria
They use breakdown type of maintenance when maintaining tables where by maintenance is
done after failure occurs. When a number of tables have been blocken then technical team
from Blantyre with a little help from MUST team. All the work is done at MUST campus.
Chairs are maintained after a number of them have been blocken down. They use breakdown
maintenance method which is done by then technical team from Blantyre with a little help
from MUST team. All the work is done at MUST campus.
Breakdown maintenance is used when maintaining all the taps at MUST cafeteria, where by
each tap is maintenance when failure occur by companies from Blantyre helped by MUST
technicians at MUST campus.
They use breakdown maintenance type when maintaining the doors where by they are
maintained at a time when they have been blocken. Basically, done by MUST technicians at
MUST campus.
Bulbs are replaced at a time when failure occur by MUST technical team at MUST campus.

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