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History Yr 4 WebQuest Unit Plan - Explorers

Curriculum Task 1: What is an Explorer? Curriculum Task 2: Expedition Curriculum Task 3: Laws & Social Cohesion
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Part 1 – “What is an explorer?” Part 1 – “The Journey” Part 1 – “Laws”
ACHASSK08 Students are introduced to their class text ‘The Explorer’ by ACMNA080 Students plan and budget an expedition to an undiscovered ACHASSK09 In groups, students create a Popplet, brainstorming the following
4 Katherine Rundell. Students will be reading this novel land. They are given $500 to cover the cost of transportation, 2 ideas:
throughout HASS and guided readding sessions. ACHASSK08 food, and passengers. Students choose which land they are - Food begins to run low; some people have to go
WAHASS29 7 going to explore (Australia, South America, and Africa). WAHASS26 without for periods of time.
Students, in groups, use the ‘Explorer’ note-taking template to Students use the ‘Expedition Cost’s Sheet’ as well as the - Workers believe they should be earning more money.
WAHASS27 gather information as they watch the provided sources. WAHASS29 individual map guides, to calculate their spending. All - People from outside your civilisation are attempting
Once their notetaking is complete, students create a word
calculations and notes are to be made on the ‘Expedition to enter.
explosion poster OR a Canva poster about: What an explorer WAHASS27 Notes Sheet’. Students then add to their Popplet, solutions in the forms of
is and what they do.
possible laws that would protect from these stations.
Part 2 - “Famous Explorers?” The notes sheet is then uploaded to google classroom. Students use Canva to formally create their laws in the form of a
Students are tasked with choosing one of the four given poster.
famous explorers (Marco Polo, Hernan Cortes, Ferdinand Part 2 – “What is a Land Survey”
Magellan, and Vasco da Gama) and creating a character Students write a journal entry about what it was like living on
profile on them. Student’s research: Where they were the rough seas for months. When writing entries, have Part 2 – “Role play”
born, what they accomplished during their lives as well as students think about: In groups, students demonstrate the process of ONE law being
what made them famous explorers. After they have done - What might it have been like to constantly be created. This process will include:
their research, use Canva or Google Slides to create the tossed around by waves? - The complication/issue arise
profile. During this process students also create focus - How might you have felt not having enough food - The impacts of this issue on society
questions to guide their research. to eat sometimes? - The solution to the complication and,
- How would it have felt being confined to such a - The law being formed 
Students submit their character profiles to the google small space?
classroom before moving on to the next task. Students submit their journal entries to the google classroom Students draft a script for their role play using the ‘Laws Role
link. Play’ Worksheet. Students submit their scripts to the google
Students use the given sources to learn, “What is a land
survey and how are they important?”. Students write a Part 3 – “Performance”
statement in the comment section about what they learnt. Students perform their roleplays, following their script.
Performances need to engage the audience, using words,
Part 3 – “Land Survey and Report” actions, and camera angles to draw in the audience.
Students use the given sources for their chosen location to fill Using iMovie students edit their roleplays before submitting
in the ‘Land Survey’ worksheet. Students use focus questions them to the google classroom.
to guide their research. Students also complete a reflection
section about what they learnt and how this will impact the
building of their civilisation.
Using sketch pad or a piece of paper student illustrate what
their location would ‘Look like, Feel like, Sound like’.

Part 4 – “2D Grid Maps”

Students use the provided 2D mapping grids to plan their
settlements under the parameters of the ‘Settlement Plan’

Students upload their 2D maps to google classroom for


Part 5 – “Building your Civilisation”

Using their 2D maps as guides, students log into the Minecraft
Education World that hosts their specific location map.
Students have 30 mins to build their settlement following
their maps. Students take a screenshot and write a short
descriptive paragraph about their settlements.

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