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Listening Assignment on Doctrine of Christ Part 2:

The Incarnation

Monophysite Christology believes that the second person of the Trinity which is the

Logos possesses one nature which is the divine nature and in regards to the incarnation they

held that the Logos took on the flesh and human body to be His. Whereas, those who

supports Dyophysite Christology which is two natures believe that the Logos in His

incarnation took not only human body but also a complete human nature. That is to say a

reasonable soul and a human body and they also held that the Logos in the conception was

joined by the man (human) as given birth by Mary. They held that the incarnation happened

because there is a union of complete human being and complete divine being.

Monophysite Christology was influence greatly by a great thinker Appolinaris bishop

of Laodicea who lives in the 4th century. He argued that it is impossible for the Logos to

possess two natures which is both complete human and divine nature for that means God

have to dwell in a human being that will fail to be true in the incarnation aspect. He further

argued that if the Logos who already possess a divine mind was also included by a human

mind of Jesus, attaining a complete incarnation did not happen to the Logos because He just

possess in the human being Jesus. So, to this issue Appolinaris in order to bring an acceptable

concept of incarnation bring about the anthropology. He hold a tripartite apology which

means three elements cause a human being, the uppermost element is the human body

(soma), added by the second element which is the animal soul (psyche) a developing

principle that form a living body not a dead body, also in human being is the human mind

which is the third element (nous). So according to Appolinaris a human being is formed by a

human body, an animal soul and a reasonable soul/mind. His doctrinal position of the

incarnation Appolinaris held that the divine logos occupy the human mind. So Appolinaris

Christology is that Jesus did not possess a human mind but rather the Logos divine mind,
may also be said the Logos is human in the aspect of the body but not with the mind for He

possess divine mind. Christ possesses one nature which included elements of divine, and also

completes human elements which is of importance with God and also of importance with

human. So it is held that the Logos came to experience the world through the flesh, so the

Logos incarnation is using the flesh to experience and also a means for His deeds in the

world. Christ having only one mind so there is no urge for him to sinful deeds and there is no

possibility for the Logos to sin at all. Appolinarius held that in Logos the human feelings for

sin is in the mind and so Jesus did not have a human mind to be captivated into sin.

Appolinarius propose this concept erecting it in Athanasius the great theologian of

Alexandria the champion of Nicene orthodoxy at the council of Nicea. Athanasius in his

response to the Arians said that the Logos divine nature cannot suffer, so all the human

experience are ascribed to the flesh which belongs to Jesus the saviour. So, Appolinarius does

not just provide the concept of divine God dwelling in a human being rather he brings about a

combination of the divine being with human being.

The presentation made by William Lane Craig has brought a clearer understanding of

the Monophysite Christology. Yet I could not much agree to the concept of the nature held by

Appolinarius. He argued that the Logos took human flesh to experience the world, yet Jesus

mind is divine to which there is no urge for him to involve in sinful deeds. From this point I

could not go along with the position held by Appolinarius because if the mind Jesus

Possessed is divine then how then Jesus cannot really be an example for the fallen and

deprived humanity. Philippians 2:5-8 Jesus did not place himself equal to God when He came

to be born as human yet took the form of a servant, in the likeness of men, appearance as a

man. Hebrews 4:15 We have a high priest which can understand or feel our weakness and

was tempted in all ways as human are yet was without sin. If we hold unto Appolinarius

concept that Jesus possess divine mind then i believe He would never really be a fit example
for human he may understand or may not understand fully human experiences because His

mind is divine. And I believe that if Jesus mind is divine then how the claim of the scripture

can be justified to say that Jesus was tempted in all points as humans are. If Jesus incarnation

is divided in His nature then he will never fully go through the experience of humanity. His

flesh may experience what human experience but since His mind is divine so He may not be

able to completely experience what the human mind experience (stress, guilt of sins, etc). So

I feel that Appolinarius position is hard to say is the right position on Christ nature of


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