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Running Head: BASIC ID

Basic ID

Name of the Student

Student ID

Author Note

Table of Contents

Multimodal treatment/Therapy..................................................................................................3

Some MMT Techniques.........................................................................................................3

Advantages of MMT..............................................................................................................4

Multimodal therapies in brain disorder..................................................................................5

Analysing the Multimodal therapy.........................................................................................5

BASIC ID...................................................................................................................................7

Outline the benefits and disadvantages of this CBT approach in relation to your interactions
with any of your client.............................................................................................................10

Understanding the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and its features:..................................10

Features of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).............................................................11

Types of disorders those are best to treat by CBT:..............................................................12

The advantages of CBT are discussed below.......................................................................12

Disadvantages of CBT are...................................................................................................13




Multimodal Treatment is based on the concept of human, who are consider as a complex
creatures who can think, act, fantasize, feel and they can correlate. Therefore, if a therapist is
addressing a mental patient or he has some addictive disorders, the therapists have to address
every aspect of the personality as because all the reaction may be the cause, which is by the
interaction of these difficulties. In this project, there will be a discussion on the Multimodal
treatment and what are the techniques that therapists have to perform while addressing the
mental problem, and the assessment approach, which will be based on the acronyms of
BASIC ID. Apart from that, there will be a discussion on the CBT and its advantages and the
disadvantage (Tehrani & Heidari, 2015).

Multimodal treatment/Therapy

Multimodal treatment or therapy is a kind of approach, which was founded by Arnold

Lazarus in the 20th century. Arnold Lazarus is from South Africa and a very well known
psychologist who is also known for his Contributions on behavioural therapy. However, the
behavioural therapy was started to develop in late 1950’s were the Albert Eillis and Aron
beck have gave their contributions on this field. The Lazarus developed the Broad-spectrum
of the cognitive behavioural Therapy. Arnold is the first person to provide the professional
literature on the behaviour therapy. Arnold provided us the expended scope of CBT to
include the physical sensation. Arnold develops this therapy decades ago and named it
“multimodal therapy”. It is generally referred as MMT, multimodal therapy is a diverse form
of psychotherapy. It should be noted that MMT is technically diverse but not theoretically
diverse (Jewitt, 2015).

Some MMT Techniques

Psychotherapeutic approaches are being used by the MMT Therapists. These therapist
compliments the following interventions:

 Inspired self talk

 Training to improve social and life skill
 Guided visualization
 Anger control
 Relaxation guidance
 The programmes which modifies the behaviour

According to the multimodal treatment/therapy, each person is affected in different ways and
in different amount of the personality. After understanding, the problem the treatment should
carried out.

Multimodal therapies are proposed to optimize treatment for the brain disorder by delivering
the different types of therapy collectively. There are multiple modes the may include the
pharmacotherapy which is some small molecule drugs and biologics, devices and
psychological involvement. The uses of these different therapies are because it effects
differently on the neurons of the brains.

Figure 1: Optimizing treatment with multimodal therapies

Source: (Hämäläinen & Rosti‐Otajärvi, 2016).

Advantages of MMT

Multimodal treatment is not recommended for the people who are suicidal, manic or any kind
of psychopath. In this type of case, the treatment should be on the emergency basis that kind
of treatment would suit better to them. Apart from that, these patients will be not in a stage to
answer the questionnaire.

There are several advantages of multimodal treatment:

 The patients were asked some detailed questions by the therapist to create a related
treatment strategy. By which the therapist can treat the patient better and effective
 The combination of treatment approach is very different for each of the clients.
However, it can be changed when it is required.

Multimodal therapies in brain disorder

Therapies may combined with the multimodal approaches it will have only the modest
effects. However, it will have the dramatic effect if it will put together. For an example if a
patient is suffering from coronary disease, then the modes will include the drug-eluting stent;
and some multiple pharmacologic therapies apart from that the patient will have to change the
diets and the exercise that have mentioned by the therapist. Some of the patients a have
pointed out that the therapies are very addictive and have some synergistic effects
(Monticone et al., 2017).

Multimodal approach is also necessary for some conditions of traumatic brain injuries, which
have some multiple consequences like cognitive disability, sensory disturbance and sometime

Figure 2: Overlapping symptoms following traumatic brain injury

Source: (Björnholm et al., 2017).


Analysing the Multimodal therapy

By the following example, it will be easy to understand how the multimodal therapy works.
In MMT it has developed a therapy that includes all the elements of the personality of the
human, it does not restrict the therapy into one or two dimensions. In the multimodal life
history offers the patients to complete the initial consultation in their respective homes, it
helps the therapist to understand the certain points of the patients what the patient is
prioritising and what does the patient is neglecting. This therapy is develops only for the
benefit of the patients and it is appropriate for the patients. Many techniques may help the
patients. After understanding the problem by asking the questions, it will help the therapist to
provide solution to those patients. For example if the patient is, suffering from depression
what will be the treatment plan for the patient is given below:

Figure 3: Multimodal Treatment Plan

Source: (Pittau, 2015)

As shown in the figure MMT is adapted by the patients. If there is three patients who are
suffering from the same problem they might get three different treatment plan. It will be done
after knowing the preferred modality and the identifying and arranging the order of the

modalities. However, the patients have a chance to ask the therapist what they want from the
therapist (Dalle Grave et al., 2018).


According to Lazarus, “BASIC ID refers to the seven dimensions of the human personality”.
In order to make a successful treatment for a patient, the therapist must conclude all the
dimension of the patients. Psychotherapeutic approaches are used is in remodal way in which
the therapist follows the formula of ABC (addressing the affect, cognition and behaviour) by
the several follow-up the outcomes have pointed out some of the important therapeutic. MMT
focuses on the problem by calling the clinician consideration to no less than seven separate
but interactive modalities (Chin & Goh, 2015).

MMT provides the comprehension assessment template to the clinicians. By sorting out
sensations from the emotions, clear the difference between the images and cognitions.
Moreover, by refereeing to those seven modalities as Behaviour, Affect, Sensation,
imaginary, cognition, interpersonal and drugs, these interactive modalities can be easily recall
by just taking their first letter to form Acronym “BASIC ID” all the seven modalities requires
careful attention. However, in the biological and the interpersonal modalities requires the
most significant. While the patient is presenting for the treatment one of the seven modalities
can be applied at his entry point.

It should be noted that, before taking the details, any therapist might start to ask questions by
study the presenting problem. The multimodal therapist will carefully note all the detailed
modalities on the BASIC ID, which have been examined.

While in the treatment of the brain disorder in the context of multimodal treatment BASIC
ID has been followed, where the patient has been introduce the first session of the of the
treatment by following questionnaire which were asked by the therapies. BASIC ID is the
acronyms for the way MMT operates. Every patient has their own BASIC ID, which created
around the seven Modalities (Fan et al., 2017).

 B- B stands for behaviour, actions or habits for the fast recovery efforts- behaviours
are the actions, how someone reacts in various situations in certain conditions. Some
of the examples are sleeping, eating or playing games. The therapist may ask the
patient about his sleeping habits in the following manner:

B stands for Behaviour: Disruption, Fighting, Chatting, and Stealing

A stands for Affect: It is the physiological term for emotions, feeling and moods.
Some are positive (such as happiness), some are negative (such as anger). Some
common examples of affects are jealousy, excitement, anxiety, shame, and guilt. The
therapist may ask the patient about his feelings

S stands for Sensation: It deals with the five basic senses human. These are sound,
touch, taste, sound and sight. Further, sexuality and sensuality are considered in the
sensation dimension. So of the factors that are experienced through senses are
Headaches, stomach pains and backaches, Perceptual problems. . The therapist may
ask the patient about his hearing issues (Castronovo et al., 2018).

I stand for Imagery: It includes the visualization capacity of people. It considers the
mental representations such as Nightmares, fantasizing, and daydreaming. . The
therapist may ask the patient about his imagination problem

C represents Cognition: It is mental process of that is used for reasoning and

understanding situations. Sometimes, people talks to self for understanding various
thoughts. It deals with various kinds of thinking processes such as Ridiculous
thinking, Decision-making problems, Difficulty in setting goals, difficulties in
Problem-solving. . The therapist may ask the patient about his thinking or the
planning is the patient talk to him (Chon et al., 2017).

I represent Interpersonal relationship: Most of the people live in healthy social

environment. Most of them interact with their friend, family, and neighbours to
express their feelings. However, some interaction are pleasant such as playing,
smiling, loving and some are not that good such as fighting, making Family
problems, shyness, and making arguments (Alaklook & Ahmad, 2018). The therapist
may ask the patient about his loneliness or is he having any extent to people person?

D represents Drugs/Diets: Many biological and biochemical issues that happen in our
body. Some of the common issues are Weight-control problems, Drug Abuse,
Addictions, and Hyperactivity. This occurs due to insufficient sleep, heavy junk food,
excessive use of medicines and irregular exercise. . The therapist may ask the patient
about his daily exercise: how often do the patient exercise?

Outline the benefits and disadvantages of this CBT approach in relation to

your interactions with any of your client.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is the method of talking that can help to solve the issues
related to own surroundings and inside of us. It is the way to change any persons mind and
the concept of thinking by influencing the clients with positive thoughts. Cognitive
Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a psychotherapeutic treatment mainly used to identify the
negative thoughts, behaviour of the clients and to replace them with good and positive
thoughts. The negative impacts bring the destructions over the development of good platform.
The negative thoughts are breaking the cycle of healthy thinking and make clients addicted of
nuisance behaviour. To overcome from these kinds of addictions or disorders, depressed
clients are required to consult with the psychiatrist. Along with the medication, if the CBT
continued it will be very helpful for the clients to solve the issues and to stand in future life
(Trauer et al., 2015).

Understanding the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and its features:

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is a very effective way to tackle the patients suffering
from anxiety and mental disorder. According to researchers, it is found that the mental
problems or depression can be treated by medicines but the therapy could be the better
option. The medicines may harm in many ways and might react on other part of the body but
the therapy processes are very reliable and less harmful. Many successes were seen after this
kind of therapy. This kind of treatment is long kind of process, which may take years even.
Depending upon the condition of the patient, the psychiatrists recommend the patient to go
for the therapy or any other method of counselling. In every method, researches are going on
to make it perfect. Because in every method there might be some lacking and to overcome
those things, researchers are working in every management cell. During the study of CBT, it
is found that those people who were suffering from the anxiety and problems related to
depression, they had a bad feeling always on their mind. Negative thoughts always revolving
around their minds and due to that the outcomes also remain negative. By applying any kind
of medication or any kind of therapy it is not possible to get assured that the patient will
recover totally and the problem will not retain again (Halmos et al., 2014). That’s why
doctors prescribe the patients not to stop the CBT therapy after they feel good then also. It is
very easier to control over the problems if the patient is practicing the CBT (Cognitive

Behavioural Therapy) because the medication process could not control over anyone’s mind
directly. It can be controlled only if the patient tried to recover by own choice. The
controlling factors can be grown inside the patient when the process will go on its exact way
and the methods should be proper too. The therapists did not take long sessions as the session
are done to motivate them and to encourage for new ideas and new innovative creations. If
the session remains long, patient will lose concentration and it will influence over the mind of
the patient. Due to these, psychiatrists do prefer short counselling and keep the outcomes
recorded. The sessions are covered of 20-30 weeks to recover up to a good level. It is very
important to keep the records and to understand that which problems are getting resolved and
which issues are trying to overcome (Angelakis et al., 2015).

Features of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

1. CBT is the therapy provided to the patients suffering to anxiety and goes under
2. The main goal of CBT is to change the thinking style of that particular person and to
make habit of positive thinking.
3. CBT are being taken on an individual basis and the session last maximum of 50
minutes. It is recommended to take in a clinic.
4. CBT therapist does not guide the patients what to do. During the conversation of the
clients and the therapists, therapists learn what kind of changes did the client is
expecting and guide them to reach their goal.
5. CBT has the evidence or the proof that by using only CBT or by using CBT jointly
with any other medical treatment, it got the highest record of clinical data.
6. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can be used on both the type of patients. It
means the patients those who are taking sessions (inpatients) and the patients those
who finished the session (outpatients).
7. CBT can also be helpful to the patients suffering anger management problems, drug
misuse and lot of alcohol consumption.
8. CBT is helpful to the patients those are suffering from insomnia, sleeping problems.
9. CBT cannot recover the physical condition but the patient having arthritis and IBS
(Irritable Bowel Syndrome) can cope up mentally with the help of the therapy.

Types of disorders those are best to treat by CBT:

 Phobia
 Bipolar Disorder.
 OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).
 Eating disorder.
 Self Harm.
 PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

However, CBT is not the ultimate treatment and not even successful over every patient. In
addition to that, CBT works best over the motivated patients or the patients willing to
change themselves. The patients having ambivalence character inside, it is very hard to
recover from their side because such type of personality could not take any positive
decisions. These kinds of few personalities become the drawbacks of the theory.
Sometimes, this form of theory become backfires in few cases. Some clients mistakenly
conclude negative and bad things on their minds as they were having bad feelings and
thoughts. In few cases, anxiety people become more anxious and start to focus on their
wrong thoughts. CBT plays an important role as the treatment of addiction plan. In the
project it is being discussed on what problems CBT can be treated best. Many interactive
software are released that can bring the replication of some functions of CBT (Hoge et al.,

The advantages of CBT are discussed below

 It can be effective on those fields where medicine alone could not perform.
 It needs short period compared to other methods of process.
 CBT recommends to focus on the training on therapies and to change the
behaviours on that way they like.
 The structure of CBT depends on the different formats, depending on the nature of
the patient. It can be group wise, individual or through computer learning.
 The skills that are taught in CBT are so much useful that it will help in future
 CBT skills are mainly provided to make good performance in everyday’s life.

 After the finishing of the project, patients acquire that much of potential that they
can deal with their difficulties by taking positive decisions.
 Two programs approved for the use of CBT as directed by the National Health
Service (NHS).
 (Beating the blues) is the name of the program approved for treating depression of
mind, fear and anxiety.
 (Fear Fighter) is the name of the program approved to deal with sudden panic

As there are so many advantages of the process, there are few limitations too. These
are as follows:

Disadvantages of CBT are

 To get the benefit from CBT, the patient had to dedicate totally, because
therapists can only guide and make understand which things need
improvement but the main choice is of the patients.
 It is a long durational method, if someone do not have patience inside it is very
hard to do such therapies. The main problems for few patients are time
consuming and getting upset shortly.
 As it is told above, CBT is a structured formation and it always maintains its
process over every patients. So, for complex patients it might be little bit of
problem as they need special care and attention.
 CBT is dealing with the mental problems like anxiety and depression of mind,
so it may happen after fist few therapies the condition of the patient may get
back wore than regular.
 According to the researchers, CBT only solves the current problem of the
 The patient suffering on the recent days is being focused by CBT but did not
try to focus on the depth of the mind and the issues related to past incidents.
 CBT does not help issues related to large problems like family related
 CBT could not improve someone’s health and could not address health related

As it is understand from the limitations of the therapy, it is clear that researchers need to
develop more theories, which could overcome these limitations. The limitations like family
issues and the issues related to past incidents are very much effective on the clients. In most
of the cases, it is been observed that the clients got a sudden trauma at the childhood stage
and start some immature behaviour. Family related issues need to be sorted out as because
many clients get in the trauma after the incident of family occurred. If the problems did not
go out from the mind entirely, it has the possibility to return again after certain period of
time. That’s why the depth of the mind needs to be more focused so that the clients should
not face those problems of fear, anger, and depression in life again (Hoskins et al., 2015).


Based on the above study it can be understood that multimodal therapy address on the fact
that different people are more influenced by the personalities of others, some people can deal
the problems by their own and some cannot do the same. Some people who are not mentally
fit or have some kind of problems that they can deal with their own and sometimes they deal
it with some drugs or they seek the help of a therapist. Therapist handles the issue with the
multimodal therapy. The therapist also focuses on the seven points of the BASIC ID so that
the therapist can provide the accurate treatment. Apart from that, it should be noted that that
the treatment of the patient may be different, which will depend on the outcome of the
questionnaire. By the study, it can be understood that every patient has his or her own BASIC
ID. By which there Behaviour, Affect, sensation, Imagery, cognition, interpersonal
relationship and drugs can be find out if which stage is necessary to focus on.


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