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Exterior and Generalities of Osteology

Somatic and visceral systems

Danilo Bonilla Trujillo.
MVZ, Esp. Magister (c).
Fuente: El mundo de
los caballos , 2006
Fuente: Goody , s.f.
Fuente: Goody , s.f.
The Exterior anatomy of the Cattle

Fuente: Orellana, 2013

The Exterior anatomy of the Dog

Fuente: Budras et al, 2007

Fuente: Budras et al, 2007
Fuente: Budras et al, 2007
The Exterior anatomy of the Cat

Fuente: Rodriguez, 2010

The Exterior anatomy of the Hen
Osteology Overview

Osteology allows to describe how the skeleton of an animal is
constituted, classify the bones according to their shape, size and
location, classify the skeleton of the animals according to the
characteristics of their bones and understand the irrigation and
innervation systems of the osseous system
Visceral skeleton

Dog Penis Bone

Bovine Heart Bone

Hard organs, whitish, vascularized and resistant but at the same
time elastic, which together form the skeleton.

Bone tissue, together with the bone marrow and other connective
tissues, forms the bones, which have a double function:
mechanical and metabolic. In its mechanical facet, the bones
support the soft parts of the body and protect organs such as the
brain, lungs and heart. They also serve as a lever for muscle grip
and movement generation. As a metabolic center, bone tissue
stores calcium and phosphorus, and regulates its metabolism. In
addition, inside the bones, bone marrow, blood cells
(hematopoiesis) are generated.

Cells: Osteoblasts are the cells specialized in bone matrix

synthesis and are responsible for bone growth and remodeling.
They are in the front of bone growth.

Osteocytes are the most abundant type of bone cell in mature

bone. They are located in cavities of the bone matrix that are
called bone lagoons. The osteocytes maintain the bone matrix,
reabsorb and produce bone matrix. They also intervene in
homeostasis of calcium in the body by releasing it from the bone

Osteoclasts are responsible for removing bone, both mineralized

and organic bone matrix, through a process called reabsorption.
They are very large and multinucleated cells.
Fuente: Dyce, 2010
2. Endostio
Fibrous membrane that
covers the inner surface
of the bone
Bone tissue organization
1. Compact substance
Compact mass on the periphery of each bone and
crossed by vascular ducts.

Example: Diaphysis of the long bones

2. Spongy substance.
Fine lamellae and spicules that intersect in
different directions


Long Bone Ends

Short bones

Flat bones
Diploe bone
Between two layers of compact bone (a) is located a layer
of spongy bone (b)
Pneumatic bones
Air inside the compact substance
Bone reliefs (accidents)
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