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1)What is a fallacy?

A fallacy is an error in logic or reasoning that leads to an argument supported by

illogical or misleading premises. It also invalidates an argument that doesn’t prove
anything, even though it may seem to initially make sense on the surface.
2)Differentiate a formal from an informal fallacy.
Fallacy is divided into FORMAL (deductive) and INFORMAL (inductive)
fallacies. FORMAL fallacy refers to an argument whereby premises offer some
truth of inference and they are neither true nor false while INFORMAL fallacy is
whereby the premise is not valid and the conclusions are always false but support
the premise argument.
3)Name 5 informal fallacies and briefly discuss each.

Fallacy Discussion Example

False Dilemma This fallacy is also called Either you full devote
black and white fallacy, yourself to the company
occurs when an arguer or you quit.
presents his/her argument
as one of only two
options despite the
presence of multiple
Slippery Slope Argues that once a person If we ban computer
allows an event to shops, then students will
happen, another event not be able to do
will inevitably follow. It research. An if they do
occurs when a series of not have tools for
increasingly superficial research, these students
and unacceptable will fail their subjects.
consequences is drawn.
Appeal to Pity It is also called Please do not fire me foe
argumentum ad being absent all month; I
misericordiam, happens have a sick mother and a
when some element of special child to support.
pity is used instead of
logical reasoning.
Bandwagon The bandwagon fallacy, Most Filipinas want to
is also called have fair skin because
argumentum and they think they look
numerum, when an beautiful. Therefore,
argument is considered to having fair skin must be
be valid because it is the real standard of
what the majority thinks. beauty.
Hasty Generalization Occurs when a general Martha, the foreigner
statement is asserted from France, is very
which is based on limited impolite. French people
information, inadequate are mean and rude.
evidence or
unrepresented sampling.

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