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1. All corporations are juridical entities.

    All representatives of the corporations are representatives of juridical

A, B, C, D, and E are corporation representatives. Are they juridical
entities or representatives of juridical entities?
A, B, C, D, and E are representatives of juridical entities because all
representatives of the corporations are representatives of juridical entities.
2. Every revenue measure must originate exclusively from the lower house.
    The E Vat law was passed on the basis of a bill produced by the
Bicameral conference committee.
    Is the EVAT law valid?
The EVAT law is valid because the original version of the bill was initially
proposed and approved by the House of Representative and approved by the
Bicameral committee.
3. A orally agreed with B, that B should construct A's house for 4.5 million
pesos within 8 months. After the lapse of two years and after A has paid 2
million pesos, B is very far from completing A's house.  A sues for breach
of contract and B pleads unenforceability of the contract on the premise
that it does not comply with the statute of frauds.  Under the law on
obligations and contracts, any contract involving over 5,000 pesos is subject
to the statute of frauds.  Is the contract between A and B subject to the
statute of frauds? Whose contention shall prevail?
Yes, the contract between A and B is subject to the statute of frauds because
under the law on obligations and contracts, any contract involving over 5,000
pesos is subject to the statute of frauds and the contract between A and B is
worth 4.5 million pesos. Therefore, A’s contention should prevail.
4.  In statement 1 of the judicial affidavit, the witness lied.
     In statement 2 of the judicial affidavit, the witness lied.
     In statement 3 of the judicial affidavit, the witness lied.
     Therefore, in statement 4 and subsequent questions, what is your
It is hard to make conclusion of truth for statement number 4 and subsequent
statement. However, one can argue about the reliability of the said witness.
5. Failure to observe extraordinary diligence in any of your undertaking
with your obligation will give rise to damages in case injury is sustained by
a third party as a result of such negligence. 
Yes, A is liable for damages because he failed to observe extraordinary
diligence when he was remiss in his duty to have periodic maintenance of his
public utility vehicle.

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